Brandon Pringle relates the struggles his family endured as a result of the pandemic. He is a grocery store worker who was refused a mask exemption in spite of his years long suffering with migraines. Brandon and his wife missed seeing their first grandson for the first six months of his life, his church became divided and he experienced public shaming for his “Unvaxxed” choice.
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[00:00:00] [Video is missing audio from 03:32:55–03:33:02]
Brandon Pringle
My last name is Pringle, P-R-I-N-G-L-E.
Kyle Morgan
And do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Brandon Pringle
So help me God.
Kyle Morgan
Very good, sir. I understand you’re appearing from Alberta today. Is that right?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
That’s where you reside.
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
Is that in the Penhold area?
Brandon Pringle
Yes, it is.
Kyle Morgan
For about 25 years, you’ve been in that area?
Brandon Pringle
Yeah. In Alberta, we’ve been here for about 25 years, yeah.
Kyle Morgan
Okay. I understand you’ve got two children. Is that right?
Brandon Pringle
Yes. Yes.
Kyle Morgan
You’ve got some grandchildren?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
How many?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
One grandchild.
Brandon Pringle
We should have three.
Kyle Morgan
Now, before we go down that line of questioning, I just want to ask you where you’ve been working throughout the time of the COVID period.
Brandon Pringle
I’d been working at a large grocery chain, which I won’t say. We had to wear masks. It was very scary all the time when you have doctors going on social media saying people that don’t get a vax should be punched in the face. Two doctors in Alberta both publicly stated that you should lose your job if you won’t get vaxxed. It was really fun going to work wondering if you were going to be forced to lose your job.
Kyle Morgan
So I’m right in saying you were, what we referred to as, on the front line. You were an essential worker, right, working at a grocery store.
Brandon Pringle
Yes, sir, and I had to wear a mask every day. I’ve dealt with migraines for years. Of course, when your oxygen is low, you end up having way more migraines than usual because you’re oxygen deprived.
When I asked for an exemption from my doctor, he said, “Well, we in the clinic have decided, as a clinic, that we’re not going to be giving out any exemptions.” So you know, it wasn’t like the science says this or this or that; it was just we, as a clinic, because of basically publicity, we’re not giving out any exemptions.
Kyle Morgan
Now, can you just describe what your family relationships were like prior to the onset of COVID there in 2020? Just tell us a little bit about your family.
Brandon Pringle
Very close. We talked to them on a regular basis. We would have family events on a regular basis. We’re very connected to our church, as well. We all went to the same church, so we got to see each other every Sunday, as well as opportunities during the week. And Karrina’s mom is very infirm. She has very tough arthritis, so she’s basically homebound. So she depends on us to be her connection to people.
Kyle Morgan
And who’s Karrina?
Brandon Pringle
Yeah, that´s my wife.
Kyle Morgan
Okay. Now, you have a daughter, is that right?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
Do you have a son and a daughter?
Brandon Pringle
Yes, our daughter’s 29 and our son is 27.
Kyle Morgan
Can you just describe what happened when the pandemic started, the restrictions were implemented. Do you recall having a conversation with your family around that time? With your daughter, in particular?
Brandon Pringle
Yes, we did. Yes, we did. Right at the beginning. We gave them our faith reasons why we would not be going along with this tyrannical mandates that violate a number of our personal beliefs and freedoms. And we just agreed to disagree. We didn’t realize how bad it was going to get. I should have had a warning when they left and said, “Well, the reason why that this is going on so long is because of these un-vaxxed people that won’t follow the mandates.”
Kyle Morgan
And who said that, just to be clear for the record?
Brandon Pringle
That was my son-in-law.
Kyle Morgan
Okay. Now, I understand you do have one grandchild.
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
And what’s his name?
Brandon Pringle
His name is Lewis.
Kyle Morgan
And when was he born?
Brandon Pringle
He was born in October of 2020. Sorry, I apologize, September of 2020. Good thing my wife is here to help remember things right.
Kyle Morgan
Okay. Now, if I’m not mistaken, there was a period of time when you weren’t able to see your grandson. Is that right?
Brandon Pringle
That’s right. We didn’t see him for about six months, including his first Christmas.
Kyle Morgan
Do you have any idea why that was the case?
Brandon Pringle
Oh, yeah, it was the mandates and they were absolutely following the mandates. Well, they said they were, of course, they weren’t. But it was always a control thing, so you’re breaking the law. I mean, never mind the government was violating the Charter and breaking the law themselves. But, you know, it’s just what they want.
Kyle Morgan
So that would have been from September/October 2020, until March or April 2021?
Brandon Pringle
That’s correct.
Kyle Morgan
Okay. Now, am I right in stating that your children would have been vaccinated? I guess, your daughter—
Brandon Pringle
Our daughter did and our son-in-law did, right off the bat. Our son, on the other hand, almost, actually, got into a fight with security at the mall because they were trying to force him to wear a mask and he refused. And he went on like that for two years. But finally, the bullying and the propaganda and the social outcast wore him down, and so, he finally got vaxxed.
Kyle Morgan
I understand your daughter was pregnant. Do you know the timeline, there, that your daughter was pregnant? Can you tell us about that?
Brandon Pringle
She got pregnant, roughly, about nine months after her first pregnancy. We got a call about two months after— Roughly a year later, we got the call. So perfectly healthy delivery. Everything was perfect.
Kyle Morgan
To be clear, that’s your first grandson. Healthy delivery?
Brandon Pringle
Okay, so, I apologize; I’m being corrected here. Everything was not just perfect for her first pregnancy. But Lewis, her son, our grandson, is in perfect health.
But a year later, after a perfect, for all intents and purposes a textbook outcome, we get a call at two in the morning and rush to the hospital and find out that our daughter had lost our grand baby.
Kyle Morgan
Do you know how far along your daughter had been in her pregnancy at that time?
Brandon Pringle
Roughly two months.
Kyle Morgan
I’m just curious about the relationship with your daughter. You spoke about the conversation you had in your family at the start of the pandemic or when the restrictions were starting to be implemented. Just describe the relationship with your daughter and how that progressed.
Brandon Pringle
I had about 30 pages of emails back and forth with her because I wanted her to be able to see facts. So I just simply asked her questions: Why are you trusting what the government is telling you? What is the science that they have to back up what they’re saying? Why do you think Bill Gates—who has been very well documented not caring that much about humanity—why is he someone that you trust over me, who would take a bullet for you? Because I just wanted them to answer the questions and have an opportunity to think.
They wouldn’t answer any of the questions, and at the end of the day, it was left at,
“Well, we’re not going to have a relationship with you if this is a topic of conversation.” So I basically was like, well, if I want to ever see my kids, then I have to pretend that the emperor has clothes and remark about how amazing and beautiful the clothes are.
Kyle Morgan
Now, did you have a lot of contact with your daughter while she was pregnant?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
Leading up to the unfortunate loss of the baby.
Brandon Pringle
No, we didn’t even know she was pregnant; they didn’t tell us.
Kyle Morgan
So you get this call— Go ahead.
Brandon Pringle
Yeah, we just get woke up at two in the morning, rushed to the hospital. And oh, that was a treat, let me tell you. We get to the hospital. They’re all acting like it’s Ebola.
So it turns out that our son-in-law, who’s vaxxed, has COVID. Gee, that’s never happened before. And he is eight days into the quarantine, so he’s not allowed in the hospital—our grandson and him are not allowed in the hospital. So I tried to go into the hospital. The hospital will not allow my wife and I to come in. So I went in, and my daughter came out of the washroom, and we hugged and we cried. A girl needs her mom, and so, because only one of us was allowed, I went out in the parking lot and sat in the car while my wife went in to comfort her alone.
Kyle Morgan
I know that neither you or myself are medical experts, but do you have any belief of what resulted in the loss of your grandchild?
Brandon Pringle
No question. After the first two months of lockdown, we knew this was absolute garbage, and so, my wife and I drove across Canada. And you should have seen the fear in people. It was just terror. But we were just asking people questions, you know: Do you know anybody that has this? You know, plant a seed of doubt and plant a seed of truth. People would open up when you told them where you stood, but they wouldn’t even talk to you.
And so, I had gone on to the Stats Canada website and it showed how many miscarriages, it showed. We know that what was on the Stats Canada website was a fraction of, actually, what was happening. Many doctors have come out since and said, “We’re pressured not to input.” I mean, the news reported there were 13 stillbirths in a weekend in Vancouver.
Kyle Morgan
Do you know which vaccine your daughter received?
Brandon Pringle
No, we don’t because that’s verboten. We weren’t allowed to talk about any of it. We told them about infertility. We told them it was not safe. We knew it wasn’t safe. They didn’t listen to us.
Kyle Morgan
Now, since this incident, how’s the relationship been with your daughter?
Brandon Pringle
It’s fake. I mean, we still love each other and we hug each other and we smile and just ignore the ginormous elephant. I mean, I attempted at one time to engage my son-in-law in a conversation regarding the Freedom Convoy. He thought that Trudeau was totally justified in implementing the War Measures Act—which was not even implemented during 9/11—to deal with the few people playing hockey, drinking coffee, and eating Timbits. He absolutely could not be reasoned with.
Kyle Morgan
So would I be right in saying you’ve never been able to suggest to your daughter what seems to have happened with her child.
Brandon Pringle
Yeah, no, I wouldn’t dare. I wouldn’t dare. I would probably be risking ever talking to them again if I did that.
Kyle Morgan
I understand there might have been some other effects you experienced in your community, maybe with the restrictions and gathering. Do you want to tell us about that?
Brandon Pringle
Yeah, just so I don’t forget: our daughter-in-law lost her baby a week ago.
Kyle Morgan
Would that be your son’s partner?
Brandon Pringle
Kyle Morgan
Do you know if she had been vaccinated?
Brandon Pringle
Oh, yeah, they got the Novavax. We warned them as well. So did her parents.
Kyle Morgan
I don’t know if there’s more you want to tell us about that. How’s the relationship with that side of the family?
Brandon Pringle
That side is very good. They’re willing to talk about it. We try to keep it to a minimum because I don’t want them to feel bullied. They’re not fully awake yet. They’re seeing some things, but I probably won’t ever try to help them make the connection about the loss. I think that, hopefully, what will happen is in five years from now, or something, that God will speak to them, and it won’t be a soul-crushing thing that they can’t get over. They’ll realize that they were lied to and manipulated and a lot of it wasn’t their fault.
Kyle Morgan
Were there any other effects you experienced in your community related to the restrictions?
Brandon Pringle
I’ll just make a quick list here. So Karrina´s mom can’t go anywhere. She was in an elderly facility and they were treating it like Ebola, so we couldn’t visit and couldn’t visit and couldn’t visit and couldn’t visit. And then they changed the rules, so they allowed four people. The four main people, I couldn’t be on that list, even though I’m somebody that is kind of the more available person that would actually do small things for her around the place. And so we had to be very creative about how we, once or twice, would get in to visit, to get around the COVID police, I guess you’d call them.
My wife went to the grocery store one day and she wasn’t wearing a mask because she’s done the research. If you go on the NIH website, you can see 37 studies of how masks don’t work and 23 on how they’re harmful. That’s right on the government website, so we’ve been sharing this information. And so, this woman in the store was so angry that my wife wasn’t wearing a mask that she rammed her with her cart.
I almost never go and get gas from Petro-Canada now because driving all the way across Canada, Petro-Canada—you got gas, but they wouldn’t allow you to use their washroom.
I don’t know if anybody’s driven across Canada and had to go to the washroom. I mean, it’s just—
What else can I add here? Our church has had a huge split. You know, I find it amazing that people would talk about how loving and kind it is to go get vaccinated and wear your mask—because you’re being so loving and kind, you’re sharing the love of Jesus when you do that. And then have no problems with hollering stuff that’s going on in your personal life across a crowded coffee shop because you’re one of these un-vaxxed lepers that should be publicly humiliated.
Our daughter was very dizzy, couldn’t walk. She had to take, I think it was a total of three weeks off work in the following two months after getting vaxxed. She couldn’t drive, even, couldn’t focus. She goes to the hospital and goes to the doctor. Do you think anybody asks the question, “Hey, have you been vaxxed?” I mean, normally, when you go to the doctor, they ask you, “Has anything unusual been going on?” That’s the first question.
No, nobody’s ever going to ask the question, “Have you been vaxxed?” because that might mean we have to admit that it’s traumatizing people. So we’re supposed to treat you for a poison that you know we’re just supposed to believe, magically, wave our magic wand and figure out what poison you have in your body. It’s unbelievable.
You know, the difference between God and the doctor is God doesn’t think He’s a doctor.
Kyle Morgan
I don’t think I have any other questions for you, sir. I want to thank you for being patient because I know you’ve been waiting to testify. So I just thank you for that and I’ll ask the commissioners if they have any questions for you.
Commissioner Massie
I’m curious about the vax injury that your daughter suffered. Was that reported to the authority?
Brandon Pringle
Commissioner Massie
Did your daughter acknowledge that she was probably vax injured?
Brandon Pringle
No, not at all. We gave them some natural products that are known by a number of doctors to help mitigate the damage and they refuse to take it. They’re in absolute, 100 per cent total denial.
Before I leave—I know you might have more questions—I just want to say thank you so much for taking this time to fight for us.
Commissioner Massie
Thank you.
Kyle Morgan
No other questions? Okay.
I want to thank you, sir, for testifying on behalf of the National Citizens Inquiry. Thank you, sir.
Brandon Pringle
Thank you very much. Have a great day. Thank you.
Final Review and Approval: Margaret Phillips, August 10, 2023.
The evidence offered in this transcript is a true and faithful record of witness testimony given during the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) hearings. The transcript was prepared by members of a team of volunteers using an “intelligent verbatim” transcription method.
For further information on the transcription process, method, and team, see the NCI website:
Brandon Pringle relates the struggles his family endured as a result of the pandemic. He is a grocery store worker who was refused a mask exemption in spite of his years long suffering with migraines. Brandon declined to get vaccinated and tried to encourage his son and daughter and their families to do the same, yet was unsuccessful.
Brandon and his wife missed seeing their first grandson for the first six months of his life, as their daughter were following COVID rules. The daughter had a second pregnancy but lost the baby. Recently, Brandon’s daughter-in-law, also vaccinated, miscarried.
Mr. Pringle’s elderly mother-in-law was in a facility and the facility made it difficult for him to help her out like he was used to doing. His church also became divided and he experienced public shaming for his “Unvaxxed” choice.