Ottawa, Ontario – Day 1 – 17/5/2023

Shawn Buckley – Opening 13:40 – 40:20
Denis Rancourt 0:40:18 – 2:17:39
Natasha Gonek 2:17:50 – 2:59:45
Cathy Jones 3:10:07 – 3:33:33
Catherine Austin Fitts 4:06:28 – 5:24:50
Dr. Stephen Malthouse 5:25:38 – 6:08:20
Sheila Lewis 6:08:43 – 6:54:50
Kristen Nagle 6:55:30 – 7:17:37
Madison Peake 7:17:52 – 7:46:09
Mallory Flank 7:49:07 – 8:38:00
Adam Zimpel 8:39:00 – 9:03:50
M Tisir Otahbachi Tisir 9:04:13 – 9:25:27
Louise MacDonald 9:25:48 – 10:17:15
Ches Crosbie – Closing 10:17:23 – 10:21:12

You can watch it on Rumble here.
Here is a time stamp of the day’s testimony.

Ottawa, Ontario – Day 2 – 18/5/2023

Shawn Buckley – Opening 33:43 – 1:09:55
James Corbett 1:09:56 – 2:25:20
Rodney Palmer 2:25:35 – 3:14:10
Marianne Klowak 3:27:54 – 4:56:32
Samantha Monaghan 4:57:12 – 5:07:58
Dr. David Speicher 6:00:17 – 6:44:31
Jean-Phillippe Chabot 6:44:50 – 7:28:10
Dr. Edward Leyton 7:29:40 – 8:27:55
Dr. Keren Epstein-Gilboa 8:38:27 – 9:28:55
David Freiheit (Viva Frei) 9:29:17 – 10:18:10
Anita Krishna 10:18:40 – 10:47:30
William Bigger 10:47:55 – 10:56:12
Capt. Scott Routly 10:56:35 – 11:21:55
Laurier Mantil 11:22:53 – 11:31:50
Maurice Gatien 11:33:08 – 12:39:00
Ches Crosbie – Closing 12:39:20 – 12:39:38

You can watch it on Rumble here.
Here is a time stamp of the day’s testimony.

Ottawa, Ontario – Day 3 – 19/5/2023

Shawn Buckley – Opening 40:35 – 1:08:55
Dr. Christopher Shoemaker 1:09:05 – 1:56:06
Melanie Alexander 1:57:12 – 2:12:48
Dr. Kyle Grice 2:14:14 – 2:37:17
Jeff Wilson 3:04:40 – 3:36:45
Dr. Daniel Nagase 4:29:20 – 5:02:20
Pascal Najadi 5:02:59 – 5:35:41
Aidan Coulter 5:36:21 – 5:44:10
Navid Sadikali 5:45:08 – 6:20:59
Kimberly Warren 6:21:29 – 6:35:24
James Lunney 6:35:37 – 7:04:42
Lyne Vandenplas 7:24:54 – 7:33:45
Jerry Manegre 7:33:51 – 7:50:55
Ches Crosbie – Closing 7:50:58 – 7:58:34
Shawn Buckley – Closing 7:59:18 – 8:40:53

You can watch it on Rumble here.
Here is a time stamp of the day’s testimony.

Petition Signatures:

Signatures de pétition


Être témoin

Experts Testified:

Témoignages d’experts

Hearing Days:

Journèes Audiences
