Yvonne Nickel – Jun 01, 2024 – Regina, Saskatchewan

Yvonne Nickel is a highly experienced healthcare professional with a diverse and impressive background. She worked as a public health nurse for 33 years at the Medicine Hat Health Unit. Nickel holds a Registered Nurse (RN) qualification, a Bachelor of Nursing degree, and a post-diploma in Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. In 2008, she obtained certification as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, further specializing her expertise. With 45 years of nursing practice, Nickel has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in various aspects of healthcare, particularly in maternal and infant health. She testifies about her observations of increased tongue tie in babies of vaccinated mothers, particularly following COVID-19 vaccinations. She also shares her personal experiences with what she believes to be vaccine shedding symptoms, describing various health issues and treatments she has undergone.

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Kassy Baker
And I believe we have our next witness ready to go. Yvonne, can you hear and see me okay?

Yvonne Nickel
Yes, I can.

Kassy Baker
Very good. Yvonne, can you please state and spell your full name for the record?

Yvonne Nickel
Yvonne Nickel. Y-V-O-N-N-E N-I-C-K-E-L.

Kassy Baker
And do you promise to tell the truth at these proceedings herein?

Yvonne Nickel
I do.

Kassy Baker
Very good. Now, I understand you’re here to testify today on two related but separate matters. The first item that you’re going to testify to is to your observations that you’ve made while practicing as a lactation consultant and working with largely vaccinated mothers. And secondly, you’re going to tell us about your experience with what you understand and believe to be symptoms of shedding from vaccinated persons. Is that correct?

Yvonne Nickel
That’s correct.

Kassy Baker
Before we jump into that, can you please just give us a little bit of your background and explain your education and your previous work experience?

Yvonne Nickel
Yeah. I’m a retired public health nurse. I was employed through the health unit in Medicine Hat for 33 years. I also have, well, I have my RN and I also have my bachelor of nursing. And I have a post-diploma in neurological and neurosurgical nursing. And I’m also an international board-certified lactation consultant, which I obtained in 2008.

Kassy Baker
So just with all of your education together, how long have you actually been practicing as a nurse?

Yvonne Nickel
45 years.

Kassy Baker
Now I think we’ll start with the observations that you’ve made while working in private practice as a lactation consultant. Can you explain to us, first of all, when you opened the practice, and then explain the observations that you’ve made since beginning the practice?

Yvonne Nickel
Okay. I did start my business in April of 2020. I was kind of gas lit through the health unit just for my beliefs that we weren’t giving informed consent for regular routine childhood vaccination, as I had come across a couple of instances of SIDS deaths that happened within a couple of days, two, three days following vaccination. And so when I started getting a little bit vocal about that, I was sort of hushed or escorted out of my job. So I decided to start a private practice, because I feel the need for lactation support for breastfeeding moms. There’s such a need for it because a lot of people do struggle with that. And just to qualify in terms of because I was working for about a year before the rollout for pregnant women and childbearing women of that age.

So within the first year or so of my private practice, I would say that I was seeing some tongue tie in babies. And I had previously seen tongue tie in babies when they started rolling out vaccine for pregnant women. So they started in 2012 with the DTaP, which is tetanus diphtheria pertussis, for pregnant women. And also in around 2009, they started rolling out the flu vaccine for pregnant women. And in the early teens or about 2015 or so, I started noticing that of these women, the pregnant women now delivered, that their babies were exhibiting tongue tie—so much so increased from the previous what we had been seeing for years or decades.

And so I started to see that there was some kind of correlation to having a toxin while you were pregnant. And that being—I don’t know, there’s many toxins in these vaccines—but primarily one of the neurotoxins in DTaP is aluminum, and in the multi dose flu vaccine, there is mercury. And so both of those do cross the placental barrier and as well the blood brain barrier for the baby. So I was noticing. And they also coined a new term during that time where babies were born and their brains were inflamed, and so they would fly them to Calgary and put them under hypothermia to cool their brains down. And in these instances—and I’ve even seen a baby that did have a seizure disorder directly after birth—and in these cases, the mothers were vaccinated with DTaP and flu.

So fast forward to 2021 after they had rolled this out, and I don’t see a huge number of women breastfeeding, because that service is still provided at the health unit by someone else. And so I’m the only one in private practice. And so generally, when people can receive a free service, they’re not going to pay for the service out of their pocket, kind of thing. But I did start to observe that these babies were tongue tied if the mother had had COVID vaccination or if she had had COVID vaccination even prior to her pregnancy. So these observations have been over the last, well, since 2021—so for three years.

Kassy Baker
If I can stop you there, sorry, just to get a little bit more information. Roughly how many—I know you’ve said that you didn’t see that many mothers during this time—but how many cases of this tongue tie have you seen in your limited practice since 2021, when the vaccinations were first rolled out?

Yvonne Nickel
Okay, I would say anywhere around 35 to 40.

Kassy Baker
And how often? I know it’s hard to compare because you also made a transition from being a public health nurse and working in a public institution to private practice. So I know it’s hard to compare, but can you provide us with some sort of estimate of the possible increase you believe that there was.

Yvonne Nickel
Yeah, it’s hard because at the health unit, if there was, let’s say, 100 mothers, we were only seeing the ones with problems. And so we would maybe see 20 out of 100. But out of those 20, I would say 19 of them would have had tongue tie. And like I said, for various reasons, but the percentage of mothers taking shots during pregnancy is very, very high. The doctors are recommending it. The obstetricians, they present for their prenatal appointments and they are pretty much— It’s actually just about brought into the room during their prenatal appointment. So it’s deemed as safe and effective like COVID, like everything is deemed safe and effective. So, I’m sorry. You were saying about—

Kassy Baker
That’s okay. I was trying to confirm that you’ve seen what you believe is an increase in this phenomenon.

Yvonne Nickel
Oh, yes, definitely. But I was seeing an increase out of the mothers that I would see even at the health unit because of DTaP and flu vaccination. But it seemed to be even more than that. Because of course there are times where maybe that’s not going to happen. But there is absolutely hands down I can tell you, that if the mother was vaccinated with COVID, the child had a tongue tie. That I was seeing, and that was virtually all of them.

Kassy Baker
This has been your experience since starting your private practice?

Yvonne Nickel
Yes. Yes, definitely.

Kassy Baker
And just briefly, why is it a problem if the baby is tongue tied?

Yvonne Nickel
Well, because they cannot generally nurse effectively. So there is treatment, of course. There’s generally laser resection of tongue tie, which can kind of rectify the problem, but oftentimes it’s a delay in treatment. And so if babies are not breastfeeding effectively, the mother’s milk supply is compromised and will be less, and so the baby won’t be getting enough to eat, and so then they generally supplement with formula. And when all of that comes on, it changes the baby’s gut microbiome so that they are basically forever more susceptible to chronic disease.

It’s very far reaching. And it’s also like if mothers can’t breastfeed effectively or exclusively, which is where you get all the protection for babies and their health, they are also more susceptible—mothers that are not breastfeeding—to disease, and cancer being one of them, uterine or breast cancer, and also depression. So exclusive breastfeeding is very protective for mothers against depression.

Kassy Baker
So you’ve noted concerns with several vaccines at this point, flu vaccines, the DTaP and COVID. And you’ve explained the concerns I think you had with each of these. Were you always from the start of your career concerned about vaccines? Have you received vaccines? What was your relationship with vaccines generally until you started making these observations?

Yvonne Nickel
Well, I started work in 1986. I was young, healthy, had no health problems. And when I left 33 years later, I had five autoimmune conditions. I was in chronic pain. And so during my time at the health unit, I received 35 shots that encompassed 65 antigens. So at the beginning of my career, I was a gung-ho public health nurse. I thought vaccines were wonderful, and there was no problem. Safe and effective, like always. But even in the inserts of the vaccines, it basically hardly alludes to the fact that it can cause autoimmune or immune system problems. And you don’t even notice that things are happening for probably at least ten years. And I would say, for me it was a good 15 years before I started really in the throngs of autoimmunity. Both my children are vaccine injured as well. But I would have never guessed, at least for one of them, that the vaccine was the culprit until I came to learn far more through my vaccine injury.

Kassy Baker
So I think at that point, we will jump ahead a little bit to your own experience and your experiences with shedding. Can you bring us up to March of 2020? I believe you noted that you contracted COVID in these early days of the pandemic. Is that correct?

Yvonne Nickel
Yes, early March 2020 I did contract COVID, and it did resolve after about five weeks, which was, I think, a little bit longer. But there again, I have autoimmunity, so maybe that explains why I might have had a little bit longer session of COVID. And also something that I came to be diagnosed with—and I’m not exactly sure in what relation that was, whether it was after COVID or after the rollout of the vaccines—but I have been diagnosed with MCAS. So that’s mast cell activation syndrome.

Basically I have an excess number of mast cells, which kind of make me histamine intolerant. So basically it’s just that I’m super sensitive. I’m super sensitive to everything: food, lots of allergies, chemicals, scents, EMF—electromagnetic frequencies, as well, are very troubling for me. And I don’t know if that was the reason, but I assume that was the reason because in some of the literature I’ve read, people with allergies or that are more sensitive seem to be the people that are more affected through shedding. And so that happened in May of 2021, is when I had my first experience of shedding.

Kassy Baker
So just to clarify, you got COVID in March of 2020. It lasted about five weeks. And I think from what you’ve testified, it’s fair to say that you had some continuing, more chronic conditions, but you didn’t have any particularly unusual or serious conditions from when you recovered from COVID until May of 2021, when the next part of your story will be told.

Yvonne Nickel
Correct. I was fine. I made a good recovery from COVID, yes.

Kassy Baker
So in May of 2021, you had an experience. Can you please describe that for us?

Yvonne Nickel
Yeah, it was after church. I was speaking to a lady outside that had been vaccinated for COVID on Friday, and this was the Sunday, so two days later. And within about a couple of minutes, three minutes, maybe, of speaking with her, I had severe abdominal pain where I actually was doubled over and could hardly stand up. I had to get into the vehicle. My husband and I started heading home. And it was during that drive, another couple of minutes later, that I experienced what was brain fog, or what would I come to know as brain fog. I had never been brain fogged in my life, so I didn’t really know what was happening to me. But it was very, very frightening.

And this experience happened over and over again, particularly the brain fog, which was a very predominant symptom. And it didn’t go away easily. Sometimes in fresh air, it might subside within an hour, an hour and a half. But if I wasn’t able to be outside, it sometimes would last three and four hours that I was unable to function. And, I mean, I wasn’t able to put a tea kettle on. I wasn’t able to do anything. I would just sit at the kitchen table because I was seriously unable to do anything.

I did experience heart palpitations sometimes. I do have a blood pressure cuff. Sometimes my blood pressure was a little bit wonky, too, during these times. Because I was trying to figure out what was going on with me, which is why I would be taking my pulse and my blood pressure, just to see if there was something going on because I didn’t know how to help myself. And it just didn’t subside easily. And that was very, very frightening.

Kassy Baker
You’ve noted that you believe it was with regard to shedding. And that first incidence, you’ve noted it occurred after you met with a very recently-vaccinated person. Can you advise why you continue to believe that this is a shedding issue? Like what correlations between the onset of your symptoms have you noticed?

Yvonne Nickel
Well, it occurs every time I’m in more of a confined space with people that are vaccinated. And in my private practice, I of course ask people, the mothers, dads, if they are vaccinated. And I notice also that there were times—because my assessments take two hours about in a home, and so that is a very extended period of time—and I would lose my train of thought. I would lose words, unable to talk sometimes, and really just lose focus. There were times, a couple of times, where I had difficulty finding my way home, navigating my driving home, just because I was so brain fogged. And it would happen fairly soon into the visit. So that’s why sometimes I wonder whether it wasn’t taking me that long because I was just not as focused, I think, as I would normally be or where I always had been. Yeah.

Kassy Baker
Have you been able to get any treatment for these symptoms?

Yvonne Nickel
Yes, and that’s been ongoing. I follow protocols through the FLCCC and the Wellness Company. I’m on various supplements, enzymes, and I also am on prescription compounded ivermectin. And I do that prophylactically, as well as antiviral prophylactic prescription. And there’s also another prescription medication called LD naltrexone that I take to sort of calm the immune system.

Kassy Baker
And have these measures been able to eliminate the symptoms?

Yvonne Nickel
No, not eliminate, but certainly mitigate in some respect. I am not as severely brain fogged. I’m so grateful for that, actually, because that was very concerning. The worst-case scenario that I had, or the worst symptom or disease that I experienced, which I know too was a result of shedding, was at Christmas in 2021. I did have someone in my home that had been recently vaccinated for three weeks and I developed cold sores and that went up inside my left nostril. I did have years and years ago a herpetic eye ulcer, and it reactivated the eye ulcer and then went into my brain. I had severe headache, head pain, stabbing head pain.

I was put on a course of antiviral and ivermectin, and I made a recovery after about three weeks and with much prayer. And like I said, not just on that instance, but ongoing I do massage, chiropractic, laser therapy, acupuncture. There’s so many things that I have to do ongoing. And I have exposures, probably four or five times a week at least, if not daily. And so on a daily basis, I take MMS, which is like a chlorine dioxide. I do nasal rinses, nasal sprays, a nebulizer, and again, take things to mitigate in terms of supplements and vitamins and minerals and stuff.

Kassy Baker
Very good. Is there anything else that you would like to mention at this point?

Yvonne Nickel
Well it’s definitely been a big financial burden as well, because in being retired, the insurance plan that I have is very minimal. Most of the time when I’m going two to three times a week for therapies, that anything through insurance is out within a month or two. So for basically ten months of the year, it is totally out of pocket everything. And I know we’ve spent in excess since 2020 of $40,000 trying to mitigate my symptoms. So that definitely has been a toll on our life because of financial impact.

The other thing that I wanted to mention, I feel that there is no informed consent. And it’s just even through this shedding, people weren’t given informed consent that actually took the shots. And now people like myself that are vaccine-injured through shedding, there’s no informed consent for that either. I didn’t consent to that and just feel that I want to just tell that story that shedding has certainly impacted my life. It’s tough when your children or your family—because there’s not a lot of information. I’ve heard more information in the testimonies today and yesterday than I’ve heard before of shedding. And just to know that, you know, when your family doesn’t believe you, it’s very devastating because this has been so impactful for my health, and particularly my brain health. And so I was glad to tell my story.

Kassy Baker
And we thank you for it. Those are all of my questions. Do we have any questions from the commissioners?

Commissioner Robertson
Hi, Yvonne. I’m not sure when they introduced the DTaP to the pregnant women, but—

Yvonne Nickel
I believe it was 2012.

Commissioner Robertson
It was 2012. Now, did you see a huge increase in seizures in infants?

Yvonne Nickel
No. No, no. I only knew of one baby that seizured shortly after birth whose mother had had the DTaP and the flu vaccination. Yes.

Commissioner Robertson
The reason why I’m asking, I’ve seen or I’ve had moms telling me this, their babies are having seizures after having their two-month shots, their four-month shots, and everyone’s telling them this is normal.

Yvonne Nickel
Oh, it’s not normal at all. It is very tragic. Very, very tragic what they mislead and they convince pregnant mothers of. I feel very proud to say that I have never vaccinated a pregnant woman. I did my best to change my clinic days, do whatever I had to do, so that I would never have to vaccinate a pregnant woman. Because in my nursing education, pregnancy is an absolute sacred time. I mean, she’s not even supposed to eat fish for the mercury contact. She’s not supposed to clean a litter box or eat old cheese or whatever. But they can go ahead and actually give them toxic vaccines that contain mercury and aluminum that are neurotoxic and crossed into the brain.

And I’ve seen in my practice—and, I mean, I’ve immunized literally thousands of babies—but in my practice, I’ve only come across two SIDS deaths that were directly within, like, days. The one was three days. The other one was about two days or four days or something like that: one after the two-month shot, so the very first shot; and one was after the six month shot.

And I can tell you at that, I was doing a home visit. They had had a second baby, but they told me that when their baby died—and at a crib death, or any death at home, a coroner is called—and they said that the first question the coroner asked when they came in the house was, “How long ago was your baby vaccinated?” So to me, the coroners know. There are many people that probably know. And also, I can tell you that in the insert— Now this is the older vaccine that was being used in 2018, 2019. They’ve since changed. It’s now a hexavalent, it’s a six-component. When I was giving it, it was a Penta, so it was five—five different antigens in one shot. But right in the insert, on the very first column, it says very plainly, “Cases of SIDS have occurred following immunization.”

Commissioner Robertson
Thank you.

Yvonne Nickel
But we never say that, so we do not give informed consent. I believe that there is not one public health nurse that would be actually saying to a parent that’s sitting there with her baby, “I want to let you know that your baby can die of SIDS getting this.” And I’m sure that I never did it. So I feel that there’s definitely not informed consent.

Commissioner Robertson
So you’ve seen tongue tie.

Yvonne Nickel

Commissioner Robertson
A huge impact?

Yvonne Nickel
The reason that tongue tie, I believe, is more of a factor is it seems to be a switch, an epigenetic switch that’s turned on in the presence of toxins. So that could mean infection. That could mean something else. But particularly, there are toxins in these vaccines. And there has been some research into tongue tie. It turns on a switch, an epigenetic condition called MTHFR, which is a methylation cycle, and it’s responsible for detoxification of the body. So when the body can’t detoxify properly, then sort of, if you’ve been exposed to these toxins, they can kind of accumulate in your body. Tongue tie is considered a midline defect, so it could be like a cleft lip and palate. It also can be heart issues or even genital issues, anything that follow along the midline.

Commissioner Robertson
Thank you.

Kassy Baker
Yvonne, I would like to thank you very sincerely for your testimony here today on behalf of National Citizens Inquiry. Thank you.

Yvonne Nickel
Thank you very much.


Yvonne Nickel is a highly experienced healthcare professional with a diverse and impressive background. She worked as a public health nurse for 33 years at the Medicine Hat Health Unit. Nickel holds a Registered Nurse (RN) qualification, a Bachelor of Nursing degree, and a post-diploma in Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. In 2008, she obtained certification as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, further specializing her expertise. With 45 years of nursing practice, Nickel has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in various aspects of healthcare, particularly in maternal and infant health. Her dedication to supporting breastfeeding mothers led her to open a private lactation consultant practice in April 2020, where she continues to provide valuable assistance to new mothers.


Yvonne Nickel testifies about her observations as a lactation consultant and her personal experiences with what she believes to be vaccine shedding. She reports noticing an increase in tongue tie among babies of vaccinated mothers, particularly following COVID-19 vaccinations. Nickel explains that tongue tie can interfere with effective breastfeeding, potentially leading to various health issues for both mother and child.

Nickel shares her own health journey, including contracting COVID-19 in March 2020 and subsequently developing what she believes are symptoms related to vaccine shedding. These symptoms include severe abdominal pain, brain fog, heart palpitations, and blood pressure fluctuations. She describes her first experience with these symptoms in May 2021 after interacting with a recently vaccinated individual.

To manage her symptoms, Nickel follows protocols from the FLCCC and the Wellness Company, taking various supplements, enzymes, and medications such as ivermectin and low-dose naltrexone. She also undergoes regular therapies like massage, chiropractic care, laser therapy, and acupuncture. Nickel emphasizes the financial burden of these treatments, estimating an out-of-pocket expense of over $40,000 since 2020.

Throughout her testimony, Nickel expresses concerns about the lack of informed consent regarding vaccines and potential shedding effects. She shares her observations from her nursing career, including rare cases of SIDS following vaccinations, and discusses the potential link between vaccines and various health issues in infants and mothers.

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