Major (Ret.) Tom Havilland has an impressive background in mathematics, engineering, and data analysis. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Ohio State University, a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from Louisiana Tech University, and a master’s in computer resources and information management from Webster University. Havilland’s analytical skills and dedication to uncovering the truth led him to conduct extensive surveys of embalmers worldwide, bringing important data to light. He presents the findings from his worldwide surveys of embalmers, revealing a significant increase in unusual blood clots observed in corpses since 2021. He discusses the potential link to COVID-19 vaccines and the reluctance of some officials to investigate further.
* The above video is being streamed via Rumble. Check back often as we continue to update the complete list of links to all witness testimonies in both video and audio/podcast formats.
Wayne Lenhardt
Good afternoon, all. Thank you everyone for being here. I think I’ve got Major Tom on my screen here to my right. So my name is Wayne Lenhardt, by the way. I’m one of the volunteer counsel for the NCI. Good afternoon, Major Tom. First of all, if you could give us your full name and spell it for us, and then I’ll do an oath with you to tell the truth.
Major Tom Haviland
Yes, it’s Thomas Fred Haviland, spelled T-H-O-M-A-S. Middle name Fred, F-R-E-D, and last name Haviland, spelled H-A-V-I-L-A-N-D.
Wayne Lenhardt
And do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in your testimony today?
Major Tom Haviland
I do.
Wayne Lenhardt
Thank you. Okay. You’ve got a fascinating record, Mr. Haviland. Perhaps you could just give us a quick snapshot of what you’ve done in your life and how you came to be looking at statistics relating to a matter like this.
Major Tom Haviland
Sure. I’m a graduate of the Ohio State University. I have a bachelor’s in mathematics from the Ohio State University, a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from Louisiana Tech University, and a master’s in computer resources and information management from Webster University in St. Louis. I’ve spent 36 years working in and with the United States Air Force, 20 years in the Air Force, retired as a major in the US Air Force, then went to work as a defence contractor working with the Air Force for a total of 16 years. I’ve worked with terrific aircraft such as the F-16, the F-22 Raptor, the F-117 Stealth Fighter. Really enjoyed my career, but now I’m retired.
Wayne Lenhardt
And how did you end up doing this type of thing with that resume?
Major Tom Haviland
Well, I watched that movie Died Suddenly when it came out the week of Thanksgiving of 2022 here in the United States, November of that year. And it premiered on Monday of that week. And at the 13 minute and 15 second mark of that movie, an amazing statement was made. An embalmer from the state of Indiana, Mr. Wallace Hooker, was lecturing at an Ohio Embalmers Association conference in Columbus, Ohio, on the 26 October in 2022. And he was lecturing to a room full of 100 embalmers.
And he says this in the film: He showed them photographs of these strange, white, fibrous clots that he had been pulling out of his corpses for the last year and a half at that time. And he said, “By a show of hands, how many of you are seeing these same strange, white, fibrous clots?” Well, he said almost the entire room raised their hands, yes. He then asked them, “When did you start seeing these clots?” And they all agreed it was in the middle of 2021, about six months after the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines.
So I thought that was an amazing statement. I know there were some problems with the film, but whatever else was said, that was an amazing statement. Either those embalmers raised their hands or they didn’t. So I got up the very next morning, the Tuesday of that week of Thanksgiving of 2022, and I decided, you know, I don’t think any reporter is going to chase after this story.
So I myself called the Ohio Embalmers Association. They’re located in Cincinnati, Ohio. I talked to their president, a Mr. Dan Becker, their vice president, a Mr. Woody Wilson, and their secretary, Mr. David Hicks. And I asked all three gentlemen, I said, “Hey, did you happen to be in the room at the time that those 100 embalmers supposedly raised their hands saying they’re seeing these clots, too?” Well, none of the three of the gentlemen happened to be in the room at the time.
However, the vice president, Mr. Woody Wilson, who runs his own funeral home in Marysville, Ohio, about an hour north of where I live in Dayton, Ohio, and he does his own embalming—a lot of funeral directors do their own embalming—Woody said to me, “Tom, I’m seeing the white fibrous clots, too.” So I said, “Wow, this is huge, right? Now I have an official officer, the vice president of the Ohio Embalmers Association.”
By the way, Woody is now the president of the Ohio Embalmers Association, so he’s a well-respected funeral director embalmer in our state of Ohio, obviously, because he’s the president corroborating these six or seven embalmers in this Died Suddenly movie, saying they’re seeing these strange white fibrous clots. So right then and there I decided, hey, I need to do a survey because I have the math skills, the data skills to do it—a nationwide survey. Which I then later on turned into a worldwide survey by including Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand to see just how big and how prominent this phenomenon was.
So that led me to the creation of not one, but actually two worldwide embalmer blood clot surveys: one which I ran at the end of 2022, and then one which I just ran at the end of 2023 going into January of this year.
Wayne Lenhardt
Well, just for anyone who’s watched NCI for a while, we actually did have two embalmers on: one funeral home from Toronto, and the other one, two fellas from Winnipeg, actually. And they showed very similar clots to the ones that you show in your slides. And by the way, if you haven’t sent us those slides yet for exhibits, could you please do that? But the interesting thing is we didn’t have any overall statistics or broader numbers. So could you give us a snapshot of what you found both in the US and around the world?
Major Tom Haviland
Sure. First of all, when I ran both my surveys, I used a two-prong approach for distributing the survey. I sent it to over 1700 funeral homes around the world. I actually looked up the email addresses for 1700 funeral homes. I sent them an email with a SurveyMonkey link. We use SurveyMonkey as the tool to conduct the survey—very easy to take, only three minutes to take. The questions, very easy, unbiased by the way. Nowhere in the questions do I ever mention the words COVID or COVID vaccine. I only asked the embalmers, “What did you see? When did you see it, and how much did you see?” You know, “What percentage of your corpses contain these strange clots?”
Wayne Lenhardt
Was there a time frame that you used here?
Major Tom Haviland
Yeah, I ran both of my surveys for about a month. This latest one, for example, I ran from the 8 December of 2023 through the 8 January of 2024. And I sent out actually three emails along the way as reminders to please participate in the survey. The other way that I distributed the survey was a top-down approach. I sent it to 50 national, regional, and state funeral director associations all around the world, asking them—you know, they have hundreds of members, funeral directors, and embalmers under them—asking them to forward the survey down to members of their association.
So for example in Canada, I sent it to all the provinces. Each province has its own funeral service association. And then I also sent it to about 300 funeral homes directly in Canada, in major cities all across Canada. So in the two surveys, the main results from my two surveys are that 70% of the embalmers responding. For example, in this latest survey—if you want me to, I can go into the slide, but I can just talk to it actually—in the latest survey, we had 269 embalmers responded to that survey. Of those, 197 [or] 73% said they were still seeing the white fibrous clots in the year 2023.
In my first survey, I asked the embalmers, “When did you start seeing the clots?” And the main consensus of the embalmers in that first survey was that the clots started for them in 2021. There were about a third of the embalmers who said the clots started in 2020, which is interesting. That was a year that we had COVID but no vaccines yet. But that makes sense, because there’s a spike protein on the surface of the virus itself. And we believe that spike protein can lead to the formation of what’s called these amyloid proteins, A-M-Y-L-O-I-D proteins, which is a fancy term for misshaped or misfolded protein.
But then the number of embalmers in my surveys that said they saw the clots [that had] started in 2021 exploded, so it became much greater. And that we believe is because the shot was supposed to stay in your upper arm, in your deltoid muscle, produce just enough of the spike protein to elicit an immune response for just a couple days to a week, and then leave your body. But we know that’s not what happened at all. That shot goes all over your body, the lipid nanoparticles carried everywhere, and it turns your whole body into a spike protein factory. And it can do that for months at a time, as opposed to a few days to a week. So some of the scientists that I’ve talked to believe that it has supercharged the formation of these white fibrous clots. And the data seems to point that out.
In my second survey, for example—well, actually, in the first one—the embalmers said they were seeing a clot. Here’s, I guess, one of the most shocking things: is that the embalmers said they were seeing these white fibrous clots in 30% of their corpses on average in 2022 when I ran my first survey—thirty per cent of their corpses. So this is a prevalent thing. This is not a rare phenomenon. And actually that 30% includes all the embalmers that said they saw none. So even when I average in all the zeros, the average was 30%.
Now, what’s interesting is in the latest survey I ran, the average went down from 30% in 2022 to 20% in 2023. So that’s good news. There’s reduction in the percentage of corpses with the white fibrous clots. But that may not necessarily be a vindication of the vaccines, if you think about it, because here in the United States, 80% of the American adults over the age of 18 had at least their first two vaccines—the Pfizer and Moderna jabs. But then only about 20% of American adults took the bivalent Omicron booster in the fall of 2022, and only about 10% to 15% took the XBB 1.5 booster that came out this last fall of 2023.
So if the vaccines are indeed causing the white fibrous clots, then you might expect the percentage of them in corpses to go down as you get further and further away from most of the people taking their jabs way back in 2021. So I think, you know, there’s a temporal amount of correlation here, and I think there’s also a quantitative temporal correlation here as well.
One of the other things that we asked in this year’s survey was about micro clotting. A lot of the embalmers, they don’t call it that. They actually call it what looks like: coffee grounds. As they’re trying to get the blood out of the corpse and put their formaldehyde in, they’ll see what looks like coffee grounds in the blood. And the response to that was kind of really shocking to me. Out of the 269 embalmers that responded to this year’s survey, 212 of them, 79%, saw the micro clotting phenomenon in their corpses. And they saw it in an average of 25% of their corpses—one out of every four corpse. This is a phenomena they had seen prior to COVID and the vaccines, but much less than 5% of people, typically in people that had had heavy chemotherapy.
By the way, the white fibrous clots, the embalmers say that they’ve never seen before. If you go look at old pathology books, you can’t find them. You’ll just see traditional grape jelly clots and chicken fat clots, which are yellowish, smaller, and tear very easily. Much different than these white fibrous clots that are large, long, tough and rubbery, kind of, you know, feel like a rubber band and look like calamari. So the evidence to me is clear that “Hey Houston, we have a problem.”
One of the other things I like to mention here is that there seemed to be a tremendous fear by the embalmers to want to answer the survey. We allowed them to answer the survey anonymously. We in fact told them we turned off the tracking feature in SurveyMonkey so we did not track their IP addresses. So we tried to make them as comfortable as possible. But still, I would have loved to have gotten more like a thousand or over a thousand responses, because it was sent out to probably about 10,000 people total, had it been distributed to everybody.
But I got an indication of maybe a suppression that’s going on, a little bit of a scandal here. In the latest survey, when I sent it out on the 8th of December of this last year, 2023, about five days into the survey, I only had about 14 responses in my SurveyMonkey Collectors. I said, “This is terrible. I need more responses than this.” So I had a list of the 30 US state funeral director associations I sent the survey to. I picked the top 30 U.S. states by population, and I called each of them that day. I talked to either their president or secretary or somebody else in their office. I said, “Hey, could you please forward that survey that I sent to you last week down to your embalmers so they can take the survey?”
Well, God bless the Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association. Their Executive Director, Kathy Ryan, and her assistant, Allison Hinkle, did exactly as I asked. I know that because I got up the very next day and I had 93 responses of my SurveyMonkey Collectors, and they were all from embalmers in the state of Pennsylvania. I then got up the next day and I had another 32 responses from embalmers, all from Pennsylvania. So it told me two things: It told me, first of all, the embalmers actually want to tell you what they’re seeing in the embalming room if they feel like they have the permission of their funeral director boss or their state funeral director association president.
But remember, I also sent that to 29 other U.S. state funeral director associations. What do you think they did with my email? They must have deleted it, suppressed it, never sent it down to their embalmers to take in the first place. So it’s telling me there’s a terrific suppression going on. I’ve got a couple of reasons why I think it might be happening. First of all, if you’re a funeral director, most of these funeral director association presidents, they’re funeral directors themselves—you know, they elect one of their own as the president of their association. Well would you want to participate in a survey that may link the COVID-19 vaccine to these white fibrous clots and this micro clotting and these other blood phenomenon if you had mandated that all your employees, including your embalmer, take the COVID-19 vaccine? If you get an injured employee, you might be setting yourself up for a lawsuit.
Also, as I mentioned earlier, 80% of adults over the age of 18 here in America took at least the first two jabs. So there might be a little cognitive dissonance going on at the personal level amongst these association presidents and funeral directors not to want to know the answer to the survey. So that’s a couple reasons why I think that there might be reluctance to engage and take the survey in the first place. But regardless of what happened, when I got the results of both of my surveys, I sent them in immediately to the FDA, CDC, and NIH.
For example, last year when I had the results of my first survey done—I did the U.S.A. portion first then I later on did the rest of the world—when I had the U.S.A. portion of the survey done, I immediately sent that in to the FDA in time for their Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting on the 26th of January of 2023. And I actually asked to speak at that meeting.
They had an hour set aside for oral presentations and they gave 20 speakers three minutes a piece to speak. Well, I did not get selected. They had a lottery. There were too many speakers, they had a lottery ensued. But I did submit my information in a written format to the FDA on the 19th of January of 2023—a full week before that meeting. And I did get a tracking number from the U.S. FDA. However, throughout the entire year, they did not contact me once.
When I had the results of this latest survey done on the 9th of January, the very next day after I finished the survey, I packed up all the results, sent all my results in my PowerPoint slides and all the material that I used to gather the information, again to not just the FDA, but the CDC, and the NIH as well. Yet I have not heard a peep out of them. So it seems like they’re not curious whatsoever to do any kind of research on their own. It’s just a shame that a retired U.S. Air Force Major has to do their job for them, because I think this is something that they should be looking at. They should be surveying embalmers and funeral homes and finding out what’s going on in these corpses.
And oh, by the way, they should also be surveying vascular surgeons and people that work in Cath labs as well. Because just recently I have had a Cath lab worker come forward to say that he’s been seeing the clot, these same clots, these same white fibrous clots in the living as well and has been pulling out of them for three years. I’m not the only one that’s found this kind of a person. Dr. Philip McMillan, who runs a YouTube channel called Vejon Health, V-E-J-O-N, a couple months ago had a Cath lab whistleblower on his program.
He came forward via voice. You couldn’t see who he was. He didn’t show his name. He’s afraid of losing his job. But he did say in that interview with Dr. McMillan that he’s been working in this Cath lab for 20 years, he’s what’s called an endovascular specialist. For your folks that aren’t familiar with the Cath lab, they’re staffed with endovascular specialists, vascular surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and nurses. Their job is to pull clots out of living people, which up until 2019 have been grape jelly clots and chicken fat clots—not these white fibrous clots that only started, like I said, in 2020 and then exploded in 2021.
So this gentleman that’s with Dr. Philip McMillan says that he’s been pulling anywhere from three to ten of these clots out of patients each week in his one Cath lab alone. And he says that he does have access to the vaccination records of all of his patients, and he knows what brand they took, how many shots they took, when they took their shots. And he said 99% of the patients that have the white fibrous clots have had anywhere between one to eight COVID vaccinations. With the more vaccinations they get, the worse the problem seems to be. I have found my own Cath lab— And by the way, in that video, he shows about half a dozen photos of clots that have been removed as well as the angiograms and other CT scans that show them in the body of the person before they’re removed.
I have found my own Cath lab whistleblower in the state of Florida here, who also does not want to come forward. He’s a cardiologist and he’s in the middle of his career, so he’s afraid to come forward. He doesn’t want to get canned, he doesn’t want to get sacked. But he also sent me photographs of clots that he’s removed from patients, as well as an angiogram of the clot before it was removed. So there’s two individuals right there, and I have another gentleman who’s working on trying to get a third for me. But again, these people are afraid to come forward. And it’s just a shame, isn’t it, because they need to warn humanity that this is happening.
Wayne Lenhardt
Let me ask a couple of other questions, then. Have you done any kind of analysis on Canadian data with respect to these clots or anything else relating to COVID?
Major Tom Haviland
Yeah, when I did the survey, I did each country separately. So when I collected the data for the first survey, for example, in Canada 38 Canadian embalmers responded to my first survey. Twenty-three of them saw the white fibrous clots, so that’s roughly 60%. Eight of the embalmers saw them in the year 2020. Sixteen saw them in the year 2021. Twenty-two embalmers saw them in the year 2022. And then it went down a little bit to 17 embalmers seeing them in 2023. And they saw them in an average of 30% of their corpses. In my second survey, 29 Canadian embalmers responded. Twenty-one of them saw the white fibrous clots in an average of about 20% of their corpses. And 23 of the 29 embalmers from Canada saw the micro clotting in the year 2023. So that pretty much dovetails very closely with the worldwide results.
Also, what’s interesting is I’ve had email communications with a couple of your funeral service association presidents. One of them is Kevin Sweryd. Kevin is the President of the Manitoba Funeral Service Association. I’ll read to you an email that I received from Kevin on the 23rd of June of 2023:
“Yes, I would say that I am seeing lots less of them”—he’s talking about the white fibrous clots—“but I’m still seeing them. And it would stand to reason that now that fewer people are getting boosters, we are seeing fewer of the clots. Plus remember that we are only seeing the clots for those who get embalmed. If cremated, we would not have the opportunity to see them. In Manitoba, it is an 80% cremation rate.”
So probably a lot of the people that have white fibrous clots, the evidence is getting destroyed because 80% of the population of Manitoba is getting cremated. But if the 20% that are actually getting embalmed, my guess is you’re seeing only in the order of 20% of those containing the white fibrous clots—you know, going by what the data I got here from Canada. Another piece of correspondence I got was from Mr. Bradd Tuck, who is the Executive Director for the British Columbia Funeral Association. Bradd had a little bit of an opposite opinion.
When I sent out the survey to him, he said, “I’d like to kindly request—” This was from December 18th of 2023 on my latest survey:
“I’d like to kindly request that you remove the British Columbia Funeral Association contact information from your email mailing distribution. Your emails and survey are not presented with any reference to the scientific community you’re supporting, and the terminology used throughout your survey is frankly unprofessional and offensive”—remember, all I said was asking what did you see, when did you see it, and how much are you seeing—“Should an institution wish to access our membership, we would ask that the names of the institution, researcher, and study purposes be forwarded from an email address associated with the research institution.”
So this gentleman, Mr. Bradd Tuck, Executive Director of your British Columbia Funeral Association, made the decision all by himself that his entire province of embalmers were not going to participate in the survey. So this is what we’re up against, gentlemen. We’re up against people reluctant to want to distribute the survey to find out what’s happening.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Did you do any other correlations with any other databases or other researchers? For example—?
Major Tom Haviland
No. I did notice though in my latest survey the last question we asked, in fact, was we wanted to see if it was hitting any particular age groups. So we asked the embalmers: “Did you see any unusual increase in clotting, whether it’s grape jelly-type clotting, white fibrous clots, and the micro clotting, in any particular age groups?” And the older age groups did have the largest bars associated with them, like the 66 to 80 year-old. But there was a pretty long bar for the age group of 36 to 50 year-olds. And this is an age group you usually do not associate with having a lot of strokes and heart attacks.
You know, usually that doesn’t happen until you get in your late fifties, early sixties at the earliest. But that information that the embalmer supplied an answer to that question seems to dovetail very closely with the death and disability data that Edward Dowd has been collecting from a completely different angle, right? From insurance industries. So he noticed in the insurance data there was a tremendous spike in death and disability that started in the third quarter of 2021 after, for example here in the United States, a lot of companies mandated the vaccine on their employees.
It wasn’t just the military here in the United States. If you recall, Joe Biden tried to mandate that any company with more than 100 employees have to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Now our Supreme Court eventually shot that down, but a lot of companies acted preemptively and made their employees get the shots in the third quarter of 2021. And that just happens to be the time that Edward Dowd saw a tremendous spike in death and disability data in that particular age group of 36 to 50 year-olds. And that information is being corroborated in the responses we got from the embalmers, that was a large number of embalmers saw increased clotting in that age group as well.
Wayne Lenhardt
Yeah, I think Ed Dowd has said a couple of times that he hasn’t crunched anything specific and definitive from Canada because the data hasn’t been released yet going back to 2021 by Trudeau and his crew.
Major Tom Haviland
It’s shocking, isn’t it? It’s shocking.
Wayne Lenhardt
That’s why I thought it would be interesting to see what other connections you may have found maybe that didn’t need accurate data. I think Dowd is quite—
Major Tom Haviland
Here’s something to think about too by the way. I also split out the data recently. I took it by each country. So I have the United States data by itself, that data set. And what’s interesting is it follows the worldwide trend as well: embalmers seeing white fibrous clots in 20% of their corpses, micro clotting in 25% of their corpses. What’s interesting about that is I went and just looked the other day to see what types of vaccines the Americans took. And of the about 700 million doses of vaccines that Americans have taken over the last three, three-and-a-half years, 97% of those doses were either Pfizer or Moderna. Only about 19 million Americans took the J&J [Johnson & Johnson] shot. Almost nobody took the AstraZeneca shot here.
So what’s interesting is if J&J which was taken off the market because of blood clotting issues, and AstraZeneca we know was just recently taken off the market with admitted blood clotting issues, then why, with the supposedly safer Pfizer and Moderna shots here in the United States—and I suspect in Canada too—if they are the bulk of the shots, why are we still seeing such horrific amounts of clotting—20%, 25% in corpses? Doesn’t make any sense, does it, when 97% of the population has been jabbed with either Pfizer or Moderna? Again, I think it’s a signal that the FDA, CDC need to research, need to look into. I have very low hopes that they will pursue that.
Wayne Lenhardt
Before I turn you over to the commissioners, is there anything else that you see interesting on the international sphere that perhaps this panel of commissioners should be aware of at this point?
Major Tom Haviland
Well, what I’m worried about, obviously, is that Big Pharma’s not stopping, right? They’re planning on coming out with mRNA shots using the lipid nanoparticle delivery system for the RSV shot, the shingles shot, the flu shot next year. Moderna’s got about 40 of these things in the pipeline to put out on us over the next decade or so, and I just don’t think they’re safe. I don’t think they’ve proven that they’re safe. I think we’ve got indications coming in from various different angles—whether it’s insurance data, the embalmer data, vascular surgeon data coming out of the living, excess mortality in countries that were highly jabbed compared to countries like in Africa that have almost no problem with excess mortality the last three years. And they had very little uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine. That should tell you something. So there’s so much data out there, to me it’s overwhelming that these shots need to be stopped immediately and looked at for safety reasons.
Wayne Lenhardt
Right. I see in my notes here that you have sent a couple of slide presentations in to the commission.
Major Tom Haviland
Correct. Results of my first two surveys.
Wayne Lenhardt
Right. Would you like to go through those quickly for us?
Major Tom Haviland
I can if you want me to.
Wayne Lenhardt
Yeah. And then maybe we can make those an exhibit so that if the commissioners want to look at that again, they can.
Major Tom Haviland
Is it working?
Wayne Lenhardt
I just see you and myself here on the screen right now.
Major Tom Haviland
One second.
Wayne Lenhardt
Now you’re back.
Major Tom Haviland
All right, let me—hold on a second. I’ll try sharing one more time. Now let’s try this. Can you see a green slide?
Wayne Lenhardt
Yes. It says Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey on it.
Major Tom Haviland
Correct. So as I said, I ran it from the 8 December of 2023 through the 8 January of 2024. We asked the embalmers: “How many years of experience do you have?”
Wayne Lenhardt
Yeah, I think you gave us those numbers a few minutes ago. But yes, if we don’t have that in a format for an exhibit, I wonder if you could get it to us very soon.
Major Tom Haviland
Yeah, I’ve already emailed it to you. I’ll email them again.
Wayne Lenhardt
Was there another slide that you had as well?
Major Tom Haviland
No, I pretty much talked through the results of this survey. There were a few slides that we did not talk about. The embalmers also saw, some of them saw an increase in infant deaths. So I can go through that slide. Let’s see.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Oh, there we go.
Major Tom Haviland
Yeah, these slides we’ve pretty much gone through. This was a decrease from 30% in 2022 to 20% in 2023.
Wayne Lenhardt
I believe you sent a couple of pictures of the actual clots themselves.
Major Tom Haviland
Wayne Lenhardt
I have to say they look to me to be identical to the kinds of clots that were being found in Toronto and in Winnipeg. But again, did you take those slides yourself or were they given to you by others?
Major Tom Haviland
No, they were provided to me by several embalmers. One, Mr. Richard Hirschman, who was featured in the film, Died Suddenly, who also is the one that provided me with the vial of clots I’m holding here. That’s this from Mr. Richard Hirschman. And then also another embalmer, Wallace Hooker, also I mentioned earlier, was also featured in the Died Suddenly movie as well.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay, I think we have those pictures anyway. They’re probably bordering on hearsay, but I think the bottom line is that they are very, very similar to the ones that we had from the embalmers personally in Toronto and in Winnipeg.
Major Tom Haviland
I also remember I have a picture of a white fibrous clot removed from a living person from an anonymous whistleblower in Florida. I have the name of the individual, obviously I have the email from that person.
Wayne Lenhardt
Do we have that photo as an exhibit as well?
Major Tom Haviland
I don’t know if I sent you that photo or not, but I can do that. If also I’m required by law to identify the person by name, I will do that. I’m not allowed to identify him by name.
Wayne Lenhardt
Unfortunately, we’re not a court of law and we don’t have those powers, so.
Major Tom Haviland
Wayne Lenhardt
I’m going to stop there and ask the commissioners if they have any questions for you.
Janice Kaikkonen
Hi, Thomas. Thank you for your presentation.
Wayne Lenhardt
I guess you covered it really well. There’s no questions from the commissioners? Oh, there is one. Sorry, Janice.
Janice Kaikkonen
Thank you, Thomas, for your presentation. I just wanted to check and confirm again. So you sent out these surveys to the U.S., to Canada, to the UK, and to Australia, and the only embalmer that you had been informed that was not to pursue was in BC?
Major Tom Haviland
That was the only one that sent me back a— Others just probably deleted my email and sent me no response whatsoever. Like I said, I received responses from two of your province association presidents. One was Kevin Sweryd from Manitoba, and Kevin says he is seeing the clots. I’m not sure whether his association distributed the survey or not because I didn’t see a lot of responses from Manitoba. So you would have to ask Kevin whether or not he distributed my survey.
But I know that the British Columbia Executive Director, Bradd Tuck, did not forward the survey down to any embalmers in BC to take, which is a shame, right? I would have loved to have gotten information from embalmers, for example, in Vancouver to see are you seeing the clots or not? And other responses I got out of Canada, like I said, 70% of the embalmers on average said they saw the clots. About 30% said they did not. I took every answer I got. I didn’t discriminate that way. So I just want to know what they’re seeing.
Janice Kaikkonen
Thank you. That’s an interesting answer. Thank you.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay, last chance for questions, Commissioners. I don’t see any. So I think in the future, I think it would be appreciated if you come up with anything new, Mr. Haviland, if you could keep us on your mailing list, that would be very appreciated.
Major Tom Haviland
One last interesting point, by the way. Even though I never mentioned the words COVID or COVID vaccine in either of the surveys that I did, we did have a comments box, an optional comments box at the end of each of the surveys, where embalmers could expound more for what they were seeing in the embalming room if they wanted to. It wasn’t mandatory, it was optional. What was interesting was many of the embalmers either implicated the vaccines as the cause of these white fibrous clots and the micro clotting, or they staunchly defended the vaccines as not causing these white fibrous clots. And what’s interesting about that, as I said, is I never mentioned the words COVID or COVID vaccine anywhere in the survey. So any comments they made about or vaccine-related came out of their own heads, not out of mine.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. On that note, on behalf of the National Citizens Inquiry, I want to thank you very, very much, Tom, for being with us today and sharing your data. Best in the future.
Major Tom Haviland
Thank you, sir.
Wayne Lenhardt
Thank you.
Major Tom Haviland
My pleasure.
Major (Ret.) Tom Havilland has an impressive background in mathematics, engineering, and data analysis. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Ohio State University, a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from Louisiana Tech University, and a master’s in computer resources and information management from Webster University. Havilland served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a major, and then worked as a defense contractor for 16 years. His career involved work on advanced aircraft like the F-16, F-22 Raptor, and F-117 stealth fighter. Havilland’s analytical skills and dedication to uncovering the truth led him to conduct extensive surveys of embalmers worldwide, bringing important data to light.
Major (Ret.) Tom Havilland presents findings from his worldwide surveys of embalmers conducted in 2022 and 2023. He explains that he was inspired to conduct these surveys after watching the documentary “Died Suddenly” and hearing claims about unusual blood clots observed by embalmers. Havilland’s surveys reveal that a significant percentage of embalmers have been observing white, fibrous blood clots in corpses since 2021, with the phenomenon peaking in 2022 and slightly decreasing in 2023.
Havilland reports that in his latest survey, 73% of responding embalmers said they were still seeing these unusual clots in 2023, with an average occurrence in 20% of corpses. He also notes a high prevalence of micro-clotting, described as “coffee grounds” in the blood, observed by 79% of respondents in an average of 25% of corpses.
The witness expresses concern about the potential link between these clot observations and COVID-19 vaccines, noting the temporal correlation with vaccine rollouts. He also shares information from cath lab workers who report seeing similar clots in living patients.
Havilland discusses the challenges he faced in conducting the surveys, including reluctance from some funeral director associations to distribute the survey to their members. He emphasizes the need for further investigation by health authorities and expresses disappointment that his findings have not been acknowledged or pursued by agencies like the FDA, CDC, and NIH.
The testimony also touches on correlations with other data sources, such as insurance industry statistics on excess mortality, and raises concerns about the safety of mRNA vaccines and their potential expansion to other diseases.