Dr. James Thorp – May 31, 2024 – Regina, Saskatchewan

Dr. James Thorp is a highly accomplished obstetrician-gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine physician with 45 years of clinical experience. He graduated from Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1979 and completed his residency and fellowship training at prestigious institutions. Dr. Thorp has held various teaching positions, including clinical professor roles, at multiple universities. He is board-certified in both obstetrics-gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine. Throughout his career, Dr. Thorp has been actively involved in clinical research, authoring over 250 publications. Dr. Thorp testifies about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy, presenting data showing increased rates of miscarriage, stillbirth, and other complications. He argues that pharmaceutical companies and medical organizations have suppressed this information.

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Shawn Buckley
Welcome back to the National Citizens Inquiry as we continue day two of our hearings in Regina, Saskatchewan. Commissioners, I am pleased to announce our next witness who is attending virtually, Dr. James Thorp. James, can you hear us?

Dr. James Thorp
Counsel Shawn, I can hear you.

Shawn Buckley
Thank you.

Dr. James Thorp
Can you hear me?

Shawn Buckley
Yes, we can hear you fine. So we always start by swearing our witnesses in. So, Dr. Thorp, I’m going to ask you if you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Dr. James Thorp
So help me God. I promise.

Shawn Buckley
And can you please state your full name for the record? Spelling your first name and spelling your last name.

Dr. James Thorp
James. J-A-M-E-S, middle initial A, period. Last name Thorp. T-H-O-R-P

Shawn Buckley
And Dr. Thorp, I want to introduce you to the commissioners by just highlighting some of the parts that I pulled out of your CV. But Commissioners, I advise you that the full CV is marked as Exhibit R-197. It’s quite a lengthy CV, but Dr. Thorp, just some of the highlights. In 1979, you graduated with your medical degree from the Wayne State University School of Medicine. You then did an internship from 1979 to 1980 at the University of Colorado Health Science Center in obstetrics and gynecology. You then in 1980 to 1983, did a residency at the University of Colorado St. Luke’s in obstetrics and gynecology.

From 1986 to 1988, you did a fellowship at the University of Texas Medical School in maternal-fetal medicine. I note from your CV that from 1986 to 2015 you held various teaching positions, including clinical professor, teaching obstetrics and gynecology in various universities. You are a board-certified obstetrician, gynecologist, and maternal-fetal medicine physician and you have 45 years of obstetrical experience. You have served as a busy clinician your entire career, but you’ve also been active in clinical research with over 250 publications. And in your 45 years of practice, you have seen about 27,500 high-risk pregnancies. More recently, you have focused—

Dr. James Thorp
Actually, counsellor, I’ll just mention, no, I saw that many patients in just the last four and a half years.

Shawn Buckley
Oh, actually, you know, it’s funny because that’s what my notes showed and I thought that is such a high number, it has to be that decimal is in the wrong place—so literally 27,500 in the last four and a half years, which includes the COVID period. So we couldn’t even say a total number for your 45 years of practice.

Dr. James Thorp

Shawn Buckley
Okay. And then finally I was going to say you focused your research more recently on COVID-19 pandemic. You’ve published over 70 publications and two books documenting the dangers of the vaccine in women of reproductive age and pregnancy. And Dr. Thorp, I’ll advise the commissioners that it’s your expertise concerning pregnancies and gynecology that we have asked you to come and do a presentation on that subject. And my understanding is you’ve prepared a presentation. So I’m going to invite you actually to launch into that, and I’ll just interject to clarify some points and perhaps ask some questions.

Dr. James Thorp
Thank you Counsel Buckley, Commissioners, citizens of Canada. Thank you for this opportunity. I very much appreciated the testimonials so far. You know, Dr. Bob Chandler, like myself, is extensively experienced. I appreciate his testimony and was very saddened by the victim’s testimony. Not only the hockey player’s father, Sean [Dan] Hartman, but also Colleen. Tragic. I too, I’m a disabled veteran. Like, I served the United States America Air Force. I too served in the Cold War, like Dr. Chandler did, and I witnessed what went on. So I want to say from the start that I’m not an anti-vaxxer and I really have never been up until about 10 years ago. I push vaccines, I receive vaccines, all my children are vaccinated. But up until around the turn of the century, I became very skeptical of what the pharmaceutical companies were doing and what the medical journals were reporting, even though I have been a reviewer for most of the major medical journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine. So with that, my eyes were open to the truth. And this is what I’ll testify to today.

It was actually said during the Cold War—1986 and April and thereafter— with the horrible disaster in Chernobyl, and it was stated because of the lies of the Leninist regime that perpetrated a massive number of nuclear reactors with a fatal flaw in them. And they were hidden from the Russian people, the Soviet citizens, and the rest of the world. And that exploded in mid-April of 1986 with the worst atomic disaster in the history of world, including much more radiation release than that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it was said after the truth came out, when the Soviet Union was forced to disclose the truth, it was very difficult for them to do. And it was said, every lie incurs a debt. Eventually all of that debt will repaid.

And what has transpired here? With a combination of five events: The atomic weapon dropped on Hiroshima; number two, the atomic weapon dropped on Nagasaki; number three, the disaster of the diethylstilbestrol [DES] event. Horrible disaster. DES caused untold problems and massive death and injury in obstetrical patients for a drug that was marketed to prevent pregnancy complications that caused them not only in the first generation of sons and daughters of DES-exposed, but also the second and third generations. Then came the thalidomide disaster number four. And then came the Chernobyl disaster. Put all five of those disasters together and the COVID-19 vaccine has killed and injured 585,000,000 global citizens as of last year. And I can prove that. It makes all of those five disasters combined look like child’s play. I’m going to share my screen and let me know if you can see that, please.

Shawn Buckley
We can see that it shows National Citizens Inquiry Testimony at the top.

Dr. James Thorp

Shawn Buckley
So if you want to carry on with your presentation.

Dr. James Thorp
Trying to transition that slide. Let’s see. Looks like there. There we go. No, it’s not transitioning. There we go. Just start out with what I know to be true. I’ve been a student of the Bible most of my life and a student of the prophetic, and I do believe the Bible. I think it’s the only book ever published in the world that proves itself, and I won’t get into that. But our Creator told us through prophet David that he created us uniquely. He knit us together in our mother’s womb from a single fertilized cell. We were human and endowed with his spirit made in God’s image. And we were perfectly and wonderfully made. I believe that.

Then the question is, if we were perfectly and wonderfully made in a womb, why have we subjected pregnant women to six vaccines now in a total of four shots? Is the pharmaceutical company’s cartel trying to suggest that they’re improving on God’s work? Well, I would guess so. If that’s not an abomination from the fetus until the infant of 12 months of life, there were 11 vaccines in 1986.

Interestingly, the same year as Chernobyl. That’s when the Vaccine Injury Act came into place and President Ronald Reagan gave the pharmaceutical cartel a free pass of legal immunity. Now we have 42 vaccines given to a fetus and an infant of 12 months of life. Look at the soaring rates of autism. You know, back in my day, the risk of the incidence of autism was maybe 1 in 20,000. I’m an old guy. Maybe 1 in 10,000. Now it’s 1 in 32—it’s one in thirty two. And the latest projections are by 2040, it’ll be 1 in 2 Canadian citizens.

I testified for Ottawa Police Officer Helen Grus, who’s being persecuted in Ottawa by your prime minister and by the Ottawa Police for investigating sudden infant death syndrome. She did her job. She’s a hero. And now she’s being persecuted. My testimonies and that of many other experts were thrown out of the court. And as we speak, she is being persecuted by your prime minister, by your government, for speaking up for the truth. She’s a Canadian treasure. She’s a hero. She’s a truth teller. Detective Helen Grus. God be with you. Every lie incurs a debt. Eventually, all of that debt will be repaid.

For those of you, I want to strongly recommend a book if you doubt anything that I said or am saying. Listen, this book was published five years ago. It’s 500 pages by two brilliant Israeli geniuses. They opted to remain anonymous. Why? Because anybody that has attempted to do that over the last century has been destroyed. Literally destroyed. So they chose to remain anonymous. But this 500-page book is written for the non-medical person. This is an easy-to-understand book. It has over 1300 references. And in this book, 1300 references, it’s never been disputed. Not one fact of this book has ever been disputed.

Do you know that the United States Food and Drug Administration and Department of Health and Human Services, HHS, there are anywhere, depending on how you count them, around 90 vaccines on schedule. There’s never been one vaccine of any on schedule that has ever, ever been proven to be safe and effective by the gold standard—that is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. You saw Dr. Bob Chandler talking about the manipulation, the manipulation of the trial during Pfizer.

That’s nothing new. That’s been going on for a century. There’s not a true placebo, never been a true placebo. And you know, there was a lawsuit against the Federal Government and Pfizer for one of the researchers who worked for Ventavia, who was the outlet. And this was published in the British Medical Journal; she was interviewed. And she disclosed that there were horrible abrogations and violations of good clinical practices. Go look that up.

I find it interesting as a student of the Bible who had read Revelation 18. It says the whole world will be deceived in the end times by sorcery or magic. But the Greek root of that word is pharmakeia. Pharmakeia. P-H-A-R-M-A-K-E-I-A. In many places in the Bible it talks about in the end times there will be great delusion. Is it just coincidence that the root word of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies, is pharmakeia? Perhaps.

Now, we’ve always lived by the golden rule of pregnancy. It’s very important. This is not anything unique to a physician or a nurse or, really, anybody with any education. Our Creator gave us this innate knowledge. We all know that regardless of where we live, you do not use novel substances in pregnancy. In fact, even many foods that are considered safe and beverages are not to be used in pregnancy because they have the potential to harm a baby. You know, simple foods: unpasteurized milk, unpasteurized cheeses, kombucha, certain fish, and certain fish preparations—these are not to be used in pregnancy because of potential harm.

DES we talked about. 1938 it was ruled out from a pharmaceutical. They made unknown, vast amounts of money and it was marketed to prevent pregnancy loss. And of all things, that’s exactly what it did. Most people don’t understand. Diethylstilbestrol was a much greater disaster, really, than any of those five events I talked about up until the COVID-19 vaccine. Everybody remembers thalidomide, right? Because of the horrible pictures of the severe birth defects called phocomelia. So that’s emblazoned in people’s minds. But DES was far worse. It affected not only the sons and the daughters of those exposed in their mother’s womb, but also the grandsons and granddaughters and the great-grandsons and great-granddaughters.

DES was horrible. Thalidomide was terrible. And thank God for one Canadian citizen who emigrated to the United States of America as a young investigator. And she was employed by the FDA. Her name was Francis Oldham Kelsey. She was decorated by John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1962 because she was the sole person that refused to buckle to the pressure of the FDA and the pressure of the pharmaceutical industry. And she said, “No, it will not be approved by the FDA.” She’s rolling over her in her grave as we speak. Frances Oldham Kelsey.

So again, I go back to 2800 years ago what God spoke through his prophet Hosea: “My people die for lack of knowledge.” Has this prophecy of this end time ever been so completely fulfilled in the last 2800 years? Again, the golden rule of pregnancy. What on earth transpired? What were these people thinking? How did 60,000 OB-GYN doctors in the United States of America and the six provinces of Canada, all of a sudden, simultaneously with a corrupt and criminal American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the corrupt and criminal American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the corrupt and criminal Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine? How is it that all three of these organizations that have honoured me my entire career—?

I was a board examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. I’ve been honoured by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists with teaching awards, research awards. Same with the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. I served a term on the board of directors, three-year term. And now I’m attacking them voraciously. They tried to come after me on September 27, 2021. They threatened 60,000 OB-GYN doctors and said, “If you don’t follow our narrative, we will destroy your career and take away your state license and take away your accreditation from the American Board of OBGYN that you’ve worked for your whole life.” And to that I said, “No, you won’t.” And I wrote them a 98-page letter—a ninety-eight page letter—in early January 2022.

Counsel Buckley has a copy of that letter. Anybody can go, it’s been an open-source letter. It was published. It’s on the Internet perpetuity. Just google on a search engine: James A. Thorp, open letter to the American Board of OBGYN. Ninety-eight pages of data, including experts in my own experience and my own analytics from the government databases. And if that were not enough, 1019 peer-reviewed publications in medical journals that I reviewed that were published in just 12 months up until that time, January 2022, documenting death and destruction and severe injuries after the COVID-19 vaccine, in just 12 months.

Since then, I’ve heard nothing from these three organizations. They’ve heard a lot from me. I’ve called them criminals, and I’ve called them up in front of Nuremberg Two because they are criminals. And they are still to this day, pushing the most lethal, injurious drug ever rolled out in the history of medicine.

I’ll show you what has caused this. This is a disaster beyond proportion. I’m going to refer to four irrefutable sources of data that nobody in the world can refute. And by the way, since I came out, since 2020, I’ve challenged anybody in the world to debate me. Isn’t it interesting? After I again reiterated that challenge to the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, nobody in the world will debate me. Why is that? Because they know they’re dead wrong and they know I’m right. They took large amounts of bribe money to toe the narrative of the HHS and the CDC.

These four studies that are irrefutable, why are they irrefutable? Well, very easily, because two of them come from Pfizer and two of them come from the government. And I’ll go through these. The Pfizer 5.3.6., mandated legally, this was available to everybody in the world in early 2021. Now, Dr. Bob Chandler reviewed this cursorily, and I tremendously respect his work. I tremendously respect Dr. Naomi Wolf and her cloud strike team. And she asked— You know, I’m very, very supportive of her work, but I wanted to remain independent. So everything that I’ve ever spoke on is not from the cloud strike, because I want them to be independent and I want to be independent. And so you have two independent sources. I have no formal relationship with Dr. Chandler or Dr. Naomi Wolf although I respect them tremendously and they’re spot on.

So this is all my own analytics, and what I will show you in subsequent slides is that, first of all, there were not any pregnant women that were supposed to be in that study. Okay? This was a legally mandated 12-week follow-up that every drug or device that enters the market, the company that markets them and rolls them out is legally obliged to report the first 12 weeks of adverse events. Okay? So this is Pfizer’s own data. There was an 81% miscarriage rate. I will show you that. If the vaccine is given in the first trimester, according to their data, there’s an 81% miscarriage. There is a five-fold increase in stillbirth rates from their data—not Jim Thorp—from their data over expected rates. There’s an eight-fold increase, an eight-fold increase in neonatal death rate expected from their data. And there’s a 14% incidence of breastfeeding complications in babies whose mothers received the vaccine in pregnancy.

Here’s the data. This is page seven of this document. It was available to the world in early 2021. A whistleblower released this, probably from Pfizer, or maybe from the FDA. Somebody with a conscience released it to the world. You probably had it. I certainly did. I did my due diligence. Everybody I know that was doing their due diligence had this. Look it up at the top, in the red circle, what do you see? I see 42,086 casualties. And by the way, this wasn’t 12 weeks. It was only 10 weeks. From mid-December 2020 to February 28, 2021—42,086 casualties. Look at exactly how many deaths: 1223 deaths.

To Dr. Bob Chandler’s point, were women targeted? Look at the ratio of women casualties to men. Look at that tight confidence interval. That’s a 3.2-fold increase in women compared to men. Women were purposefully targeted. And I will prove that to you. This is the same page. This is the same document, a different page. This is—no, this is the same page, seven. This outlines—this is not Jim Thorp’s—this is an injury-to-kill ratio from Pfizer, the injured-to-kill ratio. Do the math, it’s very simple. The math is right there. The injury-to-kill ratio is 33.4.

What does that mean, Canadians? That means for every person killed, multiply that times 33.4. So you take Dr. Denis Rancourt’s data from last year where there’s 17 million people killed. You know how many were injured? 565 million global citizens were injured. And add 17 million to that and then you’ve got 585 million global citizens killed or injured—again, making those five events I spoke about earlier look like child’s play. Child’s play. There’s no war in the last 70 years that’s come close to this. The typical injury-to-kill ratio, you know, might be 0.9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all right? In Vietnam, after the wars, World War II or so, maybe two, three. As we approached past Vietnam, that injured-to-kill ratio got a little higher because we got a little bit better in battlefield medicine and saving lives.

This is page 12 of the same document. This is their obstetrical data. There were 270 pregnant women. They weren’t supposed to be enrolled in the study. They were not supposed to be given the vaccine. Look at this: 238 out of the 270 had no follow-up. This is a typical pharmaceutical trash. This is very difficult to interpret. The pharmaceutical industry has been corrupt for a century. They are masters at manipulating and switching data. That’s why it’s not inherently obvious. But the miscarriage rate, the neonatal death rate, everything that I told you on the prior slide is documented. This quote from Isaiah chapter five verse 20, couldn’t be more true today: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitterness for sweet, and sweet for bitterness” [Isaiah 5:20].

Here’s the second Pfizer study. This is an abomination. This is typical pharmaceutical chicanery. And by the way, remember, don’t forget Pfizer had the largest fraud award given in the history of medicine in just 2008. You’re not dealing with trustworthy people. You’re dealing with an industry that places profit far greater than human life and human tragedy. Bourla and Bancel.

So this phase two, three trial, okay, allegedly a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, but it was not. It was unblinded. The data was manipulated. But here’s the horrible thing. You know, when I plan a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial—and I know I’m using big words, but for the audience, that’s the gold standard of trial—I needed 70,000 patients in the placebo group and in the vaccine group. Look at the pathetic number that they had. They had only 163—a hundred and sixty three—patients, half in the placebo, half in the vaccine. And there’s Brooke Jackson, the whistleblower. British Medical Journal was honest enough to publish her work. Lookit, she’s an American hero, by the way.

So they ended up publishing this, or finishing it in July of 2022. They sat on it. Everybody’s used to this safe and effective narrative that has been propagated by a bunch of lies. It wasn’t safe and effective. They finally released it less than a year ago, July of 2023. And this is what they found. This is what they found in those newborns that had the vaccine compared to the newborns that had the placebo. Look at these horrible eight newborn complications. I won’t go through them all, but they’re horrible.

There is no woman or no person in this world that if their OB-GYN counselled them as a couple and said, “Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is Pfizer’s phase two, three clinical trial. You can take the vaccine in pregnancy, but if you do, the risk of your baby being depressed and having low Apgar scores is 100% greater. The risk of a serious, life-threatening complication, meconium aspiration, is significantly increased. Newborn jaundice, 80% increased. Congenital malformations, birth defects, increased by 70%. A specific defect of the heart, a hole in the heart, atrial septal defect, increased 220%. Fetal growth restriction from starving fetuses because of placentas not working, substantially increased. Birth defects of the skin, congenital nevus. And the last one is probably the most upsetting: Babies with birth defects that have developmental delays for six months of life, that’s all they followed them up, was increased 4.1-fold.” No woman in their right mind would have ever taken that drug. No woman.

But unfortunately, as I’ll show you later, these 60,000 OB-GYNS that didn’t stand up like I did to collect their bribe monies and their paychecks and disregarded their Hippocratic oaths, they were nothing more than mouthpieces for their institutions, for their medical organizations—the three that I mentioned: the criminal cartel of ACOG [The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists], ABOG [The American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists], and SMFM [Society For Maternal-Fetal Medicine]—and they were mouthpieces for the Federal Government. Nobody would have taken this drug, not a soul.

Have you heard about this study on the media? Where is this on CNN? Where is Prime Minister Trudeau talking about this? Where’s the Ottawa Police Department who’s persecuted my client, my colleague, Detective Helen Grus. Why aren’t they talking about this? Why isn’t the Canadian press talking about this?

Here’s a third piece of evidence. Okay, yes, it has my name on it, but it’s not my data. This is all open-source data. This was published, by the way, in the most rigorously peer-reviewed journal I’ve ever published in—over 250—the Journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. And I had a brilliant cadre of co-authors, including Claire Rogers, my second author, Stuart Tankersley, Michael Deskevich, Counsel Redshaw, and last but not least is Peter McCullough. But we did exactly the prescription of the HHS and the FDA. We analyzed it exactly as per their protocol, as outlined by their standard operating procedures, which is biased in their favour. They demand a comparison of a novel vaccine with a traditional vaccine that’s safe and effective.

There’s no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine. They all cause harm and death. It’s a matter of how much. So this always biases. If you do the risk ratio of the adverse event, whichever one you choose to that of—we chose influenza vaccine in this study—if the risk ratio exceeds two, that’s considered a breach of the safety signal. Well listen, this is their data and these are the 18 adverse events that we looked at. Ladies and gentlemen, these risk ratios weren’t two or 2.5 or 3. These were close to 100—in some instances, well over 1000. These are chances of probability that are essentially zero or one in a million for most of these adverse events. This is striking. Now, this only took from 1998 until then at that time when this study was completed, roundabouts late 2022.

Here’s a fourth piece of evidence that is currently— It’s a similar study, but it’s much more extensive. This goes all the way back to 1990. And it compares the COVID-19 vaccine, not only with the influenza vaccine, but then COVID-19 versus all of the other vaccines—all of the other vaccines in the VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, the governmental registry. And by the way, again, this is all open source. Anybody in the world can do the analysis that we did and published last year, or this analysis and refute it. Nobody in the world has refuted it. Nobody, nobody.

So there weren’t 21 adverse events, actually. This is not yet in press, but it’s about to be in press. There’s about 30 adverse events that are striking. Again, these PR interval, the risk ratios far exceed the breach of safety. And these are just a few of the adverse events. But look at that, look at the complications there. I don’t have time to dwell on all these, but what you don’t see on here is about 10 more: neo-newborn infection, newborn death, multiple newborn complications. And this will be published also again in a peer-reviewed medical journal article. Again, nobody’s criticized the data. Nobody. Anybody in the world can repeat this data and can refute it. Nobody has.

How do you reconcile this data that they’re throwing around that’s published in the peer-reviewed medical journals as suggesting that the vaccine is safe and effective in pregnancy? Well, very easy. You know, just today it broke that, well guess what, we knew this two or three years ago that now the ONS [Office for National Statistics] in the UK and United States sources are admitting that they manipulated the vaccine status. We knew they did that. In other words, those that died from the vaccine short order afterwards they received the vaccine, and they were switched from vaccinated to unvaccinated. That’s a matter of fact now. But there’s many, many other sources of bias.

You know, again, he who pays the piper calls the tomb. The Washington Post last year and the New York Times last year reported not exactly conservative bastions of truth, by no stretch of the imagination. These two newspapers reported that over $5.2 trillion was spent during the pandemic, and they have no idea where it went. Well I’ll tell you where it went. I’ll tell you where it went shortly. It went, a large proportion of it, to bribe nearly every thread in the tapestry of Canada and the United States of America. That’s where it went.

You know, you look at the Forbes Magazine that looks at just one type of bias. You know, all of these articles, the medical journals, PubMed, National Library of Medicine—these are all owned and captured journals. You look at the flagship article, New England Journal of Medicine, by Shimabukuro in June of 2021. This is an abomination. Here’s another criminal. The editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, he’s a criminal. And so is the lead author, Shimabukuro. Twenty-one authors projected this out. I believe it was a ghost-written article by Pfizer suggesting that the vaccine was safe and effective and necessary in pregnancy. That went out to the whole world, and all those people that bow and worship to the New England Journal of Medicine and the other fraudulent medical journals, they followed suit.

But when you look at this article, Eric Rubin went in front of the FDA and testified for pushing the vaccine in children. In children. And this is what he said, and I quote, he says, “Well, we’re never going to know how safe it is until we roll it out and see.” Well, you did that, Eric, and you increased the risk and you killed and injured literally millions of children, and you must be held accountable. And Shimabukuro and all 21 authors, these were all federal employees. Federal employees. And Shimabukuro himself had an appointment at the FDA and the HHS as the head of the vaccine safety committee. That should never have been allowed. That is a major conflict of interest.

And then, if that weren’t bad enough, they took 700 patients in the third trimester that received the vaccine, and they unethically, immorally—I believe illegally—underhandedly, deceptively shifted those to the first trimester to dilute the miscarriage rate from 82% down to 12.6%. And that’s published in my peer-reviewed publication from two years ago, if you have any question about that. Again, very deceptive.

And every article in support of the vaccine and pregnancy has similar problems. The massive amount— Look at the NIH funding for just the top 20 universities. Just the top 20, just for one year. Johns Hopkins University: 789 billion dollars? Are you kidding me? Down to number 20, Northwestern: 413 billion dollars? And these authors that conduct these research and publish this, of course their departments have a protocol of pushing the vaccine. They wouldn’t be allowed to publish anything else. It’s all trash. It’s rubbish. And that’s why all you need to see is the four studies that I’ve showed you. Again, here’s the list. And you can add another one to that since the purposeful miscategorization of vaccine status. Add that to this, because it just broke.

So we already alluded to the data of Dr. Denis Rancourt. And he’s not alone. I stand by his data. I’ve looked at it. In fact, if you look at his data and you extrapolate it to Canada, which I will, I believe, on the next slide, or to the United States of America. To the United States of America that would extrapolate to 700,000 to 800,000 Americans killed and about 23 million killed and injured. Well, there’s many experts that say, “No way. The vaccine has killed a lot more than 800,000 Americans.” Peter Breggin, who studied it carefully, and I just interviewed him on our weekly show, he says, “No, 2 million Americans have been killed.”

Again, putting these catastrophes from Bourla and Bancel by Denis Rancourt, a Canadian patriot, many around the world agree with him, many experts. I stand by his data. And by the way, the New Zealand data is totally consistent, which is the only data in the world second to his data now that is a time-cohort individual series that shows a massive increase in death, the New Zealand. So that would be Mr. Young’s data. But listen, again, Bourla and Bancel make the five. Not just Hiroshima and Nagasaki, add thalidomide, add the DES, add Chernobyl to that. You add them all together; they make them look like child’s play.

Here’s a Canadian deaths. Here’s how many. If you extrapolate Denis Rancourt’s data to Canada, this is 82,082 Canadian citizens killed. It’s more than this. The reason why it’s more than this is because Canada and the United States pushed this harder. We’re not representative of the rest of the world. A much greater proportion of our population was inoculated with this lethal, deadly, alleged vaccine.

Again, using Pfizer’s own data themselves the injury-to-kill ratio, 33.4, so 2.742 million Americans. That includes Miss Colleen [Brandse], who you watched. Trudeau injured her. That’s Trudeau who’s responsible for her injury, and the other 82,082 Canadians killed and the 2.742 million Canadians injured. Sean Hartman, that hockey player that I followed—he’s dead. He is no more. That’s your government. That’s Biden. The Biden and Trudeau fascist regime are responsible for these deaths and injuries.

I want to move on to some— You know, I owe a lot of credit to my beautiful wife, Maggie Thorp. And we published a cadre, now 16 or 17 articles, and she’s a brilliant counsel, an attorney, and so like attorney Shawn. And she is extensively practiced in the area of investigative fraud in the insurance industry, and she’s done very well. So she got on our page. She is now my co-author and my co-researcher, and we published about 16 or 18 articles just in the last 18 months. These are medical legal briefs, highly cited, okay. On the America Out Loud platform. Very easy to get to. Just google America Out Loud forwards. Go to the search bar here. Click the Menu. Takes you down. Click Authors and Hosts, you’ll see Maggie Thorp, JD, and myself, Jim Thorp, MD.

This is our latest article. This went viral. Do you realize, Walgreens, one of the main pharmacies in the United States of America, and CVS [Pharmacy], they took billions of dollars to push the vaccine and to censor and intimidate and gaslight physicians like me, Pierre Kory, and many others. You know, Mary Talley Bowden, all of us that were prescribing these life-saving drugs in 2021, they suppressed us, they gaslit us, they mocked us out illegally, and they pushed the vaccine, and they pushed through the TTAC [National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center]. And you’ll see, they pushed the fraudulent COVID testing—billions of dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Canada, this is how the game was played.

You know, we’re looking at the lies that we’re told. I’ll go through this real quickly and try to wrap this up. We started out in 2023, “Oh, the vaccine stays in the arm.” We were mocked and ridiculed and fact-checked, okay, telling us, “No, you’re wrong.” Well, lookit, I expressed concern in 2021 that there could be some permanent potential devastating genetic problems with integration of that vaccine into the DNA.

One year later, Alden and colleagues proved in a human liver cell in Sweden—Alden and colleagues, 2022, two years ago, in a human cell—mRNA, the deadly mRNA from the vaccine was reverse transcribed into the DNA of a human cell that was in vitro in the lab. That same year, Hanna and colleagues showed that that vaccine injected in your arm, it didn’t stay in your arm. The lipid nanoparticle went to every cell in the body, including the breast tissue, including being excreted by lysosomes and exosomes in breast milk and inoculating breastfed babies. It’s catastrophic.

Hanna and colleagues repeated the same study a year later. Same thing. Now, earlier this year, now we have, finally, the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology admitting after denying it in multiple publications—investigators pro-vaccine: “Oh, it doesn’t cross the placenta.” Of course it crossed the placenta. Nanotechnology was designed to cross every God-made barrier—every God-made barrier. So they proved that it goes into the fetal blood, the lethal vaccine. It concentrates in the placenta, consistent with all the 27,500 patients that I saw—not in my career. That’s just since 2018 when I was employed by SSM Health Hospital Systems, one of the largest Catholic health care systems in the country, before they had to fire me because I testified in the United States Senate and was on Tucker Carlson. So despite the fact that I was the most profitable, the most efficient, and saw the more patients than anybody else in the division, they had to fire me while regaling me as a model physician for their system. Why? Because they took 307 million dollars.

Also, for the first time now, there appears to be preliminary—not smoking gun—from another Canadian I believe, and this is Mikolaj Raszek, who has the first—not smoking gun—preliminary data that says the sum of all fears may be true: the DNA is maybe reverse transcribed, maybe permanently into your DNA. And God forbid if the same thing happens in the gametes, in the sperm and ova, which my experts that I’m researching with tell me that it does. You’re looking at a potential permanent alteration of humanity. Did you see the movie Utopia? Go back and watch it. This is exactly what they said before the pandemic ever even started in that TV series. Go watch it.

This is my wife Maggie Thorp JD, Counsel Maggie Thorp JD, and myself. Freedom of Information Act: I told you I’d show you the goods. Well, she sucked up to the Department of Health and Human Services and to the FDA, and she made some friends there and we crafted a Freedom of Information Act request. We got 1400 pages, friends, that were directed from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They signed a cooperative care agreement. They took millions which captured all the obstetricians up in Canada, all the obstetricians in the United States of America, and some of the obstetricians in some of the countries in South America.

Colluding with the American Board of OBGYN and the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine: If you become a misinformer and you deviate from our narrative, we will remove your state licence and we will remove your accreditation. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the courage to do it to me. Because of my stellar career and because of the 98-page letter, they knew who was right. And by the way, they’ve recertified me: my voluntary recertification in both 2022 after they threatened me, and in 2023.

This was just published December, another one of Maggie Thorp and my article—186 billion dollars to more than 420,000 hospital systems in the United States of America. He who pays the piper calls the tunes. Okay? They signed a cooperative care agreement. Their employees, they pushed the vaccine and all their mandates on their employees and on their patients. They are demonic. They are criminal organizations. Pay for play, quid pro quo, cooperative care agreements. That’s why I was fired from SSM Health last summer. And if that weren’t bad enough, not only did they grab the pharmacies, pay them off, not only did they grab all the hospitals and paid them off, not only did they grab all of the drugstores and paid them off, they did the same thing to faith leaders. It’s an abomination.

Every lie against the truth. The debt is incurred and that debt will ultimately be fully repaid. This was from a conference. We published this earlier this year. This went viral too. All the faith leaders. Francis Collins, then director of the NIH, regaled himself as a follower of Jesus. He’s not, he’s a follower of Satan. He lied to a massive national summit of faith leaders of all religions: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, American Indian. He lied through his teeth calling it safe, effective, 98% effective. Regaled it as the miracle from God.

Jeffrey Zients, the Chief of Staff of the White House did the same thing. This came directly from our equivalent of your Prime Minister Trudeau—corrupt globalists to the core that want to take down the global population. And this also came from Vivek Murthy, then Surgeon General, still Surgeon General. This is an abomination. They paid them off to push the vaccine and eliminate vaccine hesitancy to their congregations.

There’s our article that I talked about before with CVS. Look at the cute little ads, you know, to give you the clot death kill shots to your children, innocent children. They’re coming after our children and it starts in the womb. Fauci, Rochelle Walenski, God will not be mocked. There’s a reap and sow judgment. The truth will come out. It’s a matter of when. Thank you, Canada. Thank you Counsel Shawn, and thank you, Theresa Buckley. And thank you members and Canadian citizens. I’m happy to entertain any questions.

Shawn Buckley
So doctor, your screen share, so we can see you. You can’t see the faces in the room and the faces on the commissioners. I think many of us want to go back and have a shower. I know I I feel like weeping over what you’ve said. I had not seen dollar figures like you provided to help explain basically why our institutions failed us.

I know one of the things that’s puzzled me: This National Citizens Inquiry, Dr. Thorp, this is our 9th city. We’re now in our 26th day of hearing. Prior to this week, we had called 305 witnesses under oath—many experts that you’ve cited, including Denis Rancourt, who testified both in French and English because our Quebec City hearings were in French. And we basically learned that every College of Physicians and Surgeons, every College of Pharmacy, every College of Nurses—there wasn’t one in any single province that stood out as demanding informed consent, of actually adhering to their own ethics code that pre-COVID they would discipline members for.

And we’ve had no explanation as to how this occurred. And you’re basically sharing an explanation with us about funding. And we had the same issue with churches, and you’re providing an explanation for us. And I actually feel ill. I do want to follow up with some questions, though, before I have the commissioners ask you questions.

Have we seen some significant changes to the fertility rates since the vaccine rollouts? So you’ve showed us the Pfizer data and some VAERS data on miscarriages and stillbirths. Do we have any data yet on the fertility rates? I understand that research into that is not being sponsored by government, but I’m just wondering if you can comment on that.

Dr. James Thorp
I can comment on that. You know, when you look at the second study that we published—well I published many studies—but the first study that we published a year ago in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, you can look at menstrual irregularity as a proxy, a very good proxy for infertility, for obvious reasons. And I think that what we have from the Lin article that was published earlier in the year from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which we all knew, but they emphasized that this COVID-19 vaccine mRNA goes into the fetal blood, all the organs of the fetus, but it concentrates in the placenta.

It also concentrates in the decidua. The decidua is a name for kind of like a deciduous tree, that’s a part of the lining of the uterus that sheds with each menstrual cycle. That’s the innermost lining that is closest during pregnancy to the membranes and to the baby inside the womb, what we call the fetus. So it concentrates the mRNA in the decidua. And not only is it concentrated, it’s bioactive with high, what the authors call “notably high,” signals for spike protein which is the bioweapon. And I think that that clearly, at least in part, explains the devastating complications with fertility. The devastating complications in pregnancy in part are related to that, I believe. That’s my conjecture.

Now, fertility, birth rates all over the world have dropped. Just look at the most vaccinated countries. They’ve dropped the most. The least vaccinated countries have not experienced much of a fall. And I’m talking about birth rates that have dropped. Of course, birth rates are seasonal, so you have to do an age adjusted. But you’re looking—and I’m going to use a technical term of statistics—you’re looking at a standard deviation where, like two standard deviations would be all the way to the 95th percentile above the mean. Two standard deviations below that mean, the 5th percentile thereabout. We’re looking at multiple standard deviations, what we call sigma of reduction in birth weights in many countries globally, including Canada and the United States.

Shawn Buckley
Right. So basically, we’re seeing a drop that cannot be explained just as an abnormality, but the deviation is too high. It’s a strong signal that something’s happened. And I’m sorry that when I was introducing you and I used the term that you’ve basically seen 27,500 high-risk pregnancies, and I just assumed that had to be in 45 years, not four and a half years. Have you seen a change then since the vaccines in basically how these high-risk pregnancies are presenting?

Dr. James Thorp
Absolutely. In 2020, at the height of COVID infection, right, I really didn’t see any problems. In fact, if you just take— I think the best proxy for that is not only did I see it with my own eyes, but the best proxy for that was fetal death or stillbirth rate. If you take the aggregate stillbirth rate, right, from the three years preceding 2020—in other words, you look at 2018, 2019, 2018, and 2017—the aggregate stillbirth, according to the national statistics by Statista, was about 5.84 stillbirths per thousand births. In 2020 did it go up, did it stay the same, or did it go down? COVID-19 didn’t cause any stillbirths. The stillbirth rate in 2020 was 5.73. It went down, 5.73 per thousand.

All the stillbirths, okay, and there are massive whistleblower sites: Lionsgate Hospital in British Columbia, they have, like, 13 stillbirths in one day. And Daniel Nagase, Mel Bruchet—incredible physicians, Canadian physicians that I know—and three doulas have testified witness to that. The same thing in two cities in Waterloo. The same thing in Michelle Spencer, my postpartum nurse whistleblower from central California. There was a massive increase in stillbirths. So the data is in. What I saw with my own eyes in my patients was a catastrophic increase in every pregnancy complication you could imagine—not only miscarriage, not only bleeding during pregnancy, but chromosomal abnormalities, malformations that were off the charts.

And there’s a rational explanation for this. Every pregnancy complication you could imagine: severe hypertension, what we call cervical insufficiency, where the cervix opens. Any woman that has had a vaccine, even probably a couple years or three years now, the spike protein, if that’s present, it’s the inflammation surrounding that decidua and next to the cervix that causes rupture of membranes and a weakening of the cervix where the membrane comes out and deliver. That’s called cervical insufficiency and that’s made worse in multiple gestations.

So increase in preterm labour, cardiac arrhythmias of the fetus, blood clots of the placenta, infarcts of the placenta, a severe reduction in amniotic fluid volume because the placenta is not working, fetal death in the womb, blood clots, maternal complications, and then preterm delivery, and an increase in preterm death, an increase in newborn asphyxia, an increase in newborn infections, and many more. It’s devastating.

Shawn Buckley
You’re likely one of the most experienced doctors in this area in the world. And what you’ve just described for us, I think I can accurately describe as a catastrophic change since the vaccines have been introduced. Would you agree with that characterization?

Dr. James Thorp
That’s putting it mildly. This is the greatest disaster in the history of medicine. This is the greatest breach of the golden rule of pregnancy in the history of medicine, maybe the history of humanity.

Shawn Buckley
This is anecdotal and so it has no value, but I’m going to ask if you’ve heard something similar. I was advised by somebody—I live in the province of Alberta—and I was advised by somebody with connections to the Alberta government that there is a fear of this type of information becoming public because mothers will go ballistic. Have you heard anything to indicate that there’s a concern by the authorities of women and childbearing years coming to understand what’s happened?

Dr. James Thorp
Yeah. Listen, the truth needs to be told. And the truth will set you free. Right? Every lie incurs a debt against truth, and it needs to be repaid. The problem is I know I’ve seen so much death and destruction. I have friends, patients, that have had normal pregnancy before the vaccine, and rollout have had loss—catastrophic loss, after catastrophic loss, after catastrophic loss. It’s horrible and it’s very, very difficult for a pregnant woman who has voluntarily taken the injection and believed her obstetrician, trusted her obstetrician: “Mrs. Smith, this is safe; you need to take it to protect yourself and the baby.” She was nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Canadian and American government and a mouthpiece for Pfizer and a mouthpiece for the medical organizations. She betrayed her Hippocratic oath. She lied to the patient. She didn’t do her own due diligence.

So when you have that problem and you have that immense bond with the baby, you can’t—it’s very difficult to come to grips with the reality that your obstetrician lied to you. Your government lied to you, the medical organizations lied to you, and I caused this because I took the vaccine. That’s a very devastating thing to come to grips with.

Shawn Buckley
Another thing I wanted to ask you is whether you’ve heard of this change. And it seems to be a change that likely will hide statistics about stillbirth. But in the province that I live in, the province of Alberta, I have been advised—and again, it may not be true—but I’ve been advised that pre-COVID if you had a fetus die, that the mother could go to the hospital and the hospital would basically have the stillbirth there, but that mothers are now being told by the hospitals, “No, you go to a private abortion clinic,” and that way it would not show up as a hospital statistic. Have you heard of anything like that happening?

Dr. James Thorp
You know, I haven’t heard that, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Listen, the Ministers and the provincial government there and the state government, your national government, our national government, are corrupted. They’ve changed vaccine status. They’ve pushed a false narrative. You know, 70% of our legislators in Congress, the United States of America Congress, took bribes from Pfizer in 2020. They’re captured. They really don’t care about anything except lining their own pockets, the majority of them.

Shawn Buckley
And then finally, this is tied to the fertility question that I asked earlier, but you had mentioned briefly that there could be changes, or that the spike protein, it would congregate in testes and ovaries. And speaking about potential changes to the human genome, do we know yet whether spermatozoa has been influenced with perhaps genetic changes that could be passed on to the next generation?

Dr. James Thorp
It’s strongly suspected. Dr.—a very close colleague of mine—that’s her area of expertise and she’s from Houston. And she has preliminary evidence that, yes, the spermatozoa are changed. There’s no smoking gun evidence, but what we do know, and we knew this years ago, we knew that the lipid nanoparticles concentrate in the testes and in the ovaries. And in fact, the Japanese Pfizer data—you know, your Canadian hero from Toronto, Dr. Byram Bridle—he did that FOIA request. He knows full well all Canadians should know that Pfizer had that data from the time of injection into laboratory animals. Forty-eight hours later, there’s 118-fold concentration of the lipid nanoparticle in the ovaries, and it causes—

You know, the rate-limiting step to fertility is not men’s sperm. Men create millions and millions and hundreds of millions of sperm daily, hundreds of millions daily. But a woman fetus, a girl inside the womb, a preborn baby girl, only has a million ova, right? And those ova start a natural, what we call apoptosis, which is a die-off after birth. So she goes down for the rest of her life from a million. And what we’ve seen is that there’s many reports of premature menopause and in young patients, so they lose their ovarian reserve. And the ova that do survive have been in very close contact with some severe toxic substances at a high concentration.

So yeah, I think that this is going to be a potentially devastating hit. And again, women were purposefully targeted for several reasons. Number one, regardless of what country, what nation of origin, what colour your skin, women make all the health care decisions. So kudos to the HHS and the CDC and Deputy Secretary of the HHS then, who was named Mark Weber. You know, he knew that and that what he did was marketing strategy, and that’s why they targeted women, because he called them low hanging fruit. You target women, capture the women, they make all the decisions.

There’s a second reason women were targeted. Contrary to, I think, many of your liberal progressives on both sides of the border, Newsflash: Men can’t get pregnant, right? So they know, everybody knows, that the most vulnerable patient is a pregnant woman. So if they could convince pregnant women and the people, we the people, that it’s safe, effective, and necessary in pregnant women, they’ve won the whole enchilada. Everybody in the world should be vaccinated. That’s why they targeted women.

Shawn Buckley
Thank you, Dr. Thorp. I’ll ask the commissioners if they have any questions.

Commissioner Kaikkonen
Good afternoon, Dr. Thorp. Thank you for your testimony. I’d like to thank you also for embedding the scriptures into your testimony. I think it’s very important that the citizens of Canada understand the times and seasons in which we live and the great deception that we have been under since this started in 2020. So thank you, because not a lot of witnesses have been able to tie the two together, so you did a very good job there.

Dr. James Thorp
Thank you.

Commissioner Kaikkonen
But I’d like to go back earlier to your testimony, or your earlier references to the Ottawa Police Services Detective Helen Grus. And given that we’ve listened to your testimony, and we understand that your expertise in all of the things that she is dealing with, do you have any understanding as to why the tribunal—I believe it’s a tribunal, judicial that’s running that investigation—do you have any understanding as to why they would say that you weren’t a credible enough witness or an expert witness, that they would reject your testimony even before you came to Ottawa?

Dr. James Thorp
That’s a great question. And it wasn’t just my testimony. You can go look at the records. They rejected six of us. And, you know, I would advise you to talk to the Counsel of Record, the defence attorney, who is a brilliant—I believe her name is Bath-Sheba van den Linde [Berg]—and she had all of her experts rejected. So I believe the reason why they did it is because what this hero, this Canadian superstar hero, stood up, she stood up to men. You know, by and large, women are more forthright and braver and more courageous than us male counterparts. This is a Canadian hero. She stood up. She investigated nine sudden infant death syndrome, right? And she did her job. And she’s being punished because it’s contrary to the narrative.

Listen, there’s nothing new under the sun. This has been going on. Look at Galileo, that same thing went on. He upset the narrative. Look at my hero, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis in the mid-1800s, who discovered why 50% in some months of pregnant women were dying of infection, puerperal fever after birth. He discovered bacteria. He discovered that the physicians were going from the autopsy room up to labour and delivery, and infecting and killing their own patients. But when he published that, he was thrown in an insane asylum and probably killed.

You know, they did the same thing to Dr. Mel Bruchet up there in Canada. They tried to do the same thing to him that they did to Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis. There’s nothing new under the sun. The power structure cannot assimilate that they were wrong and they’re being favoured by their politicians. So they’re always going to suppress the truth, if it’s counter to the narrative. That’s why the Ottawa Police are doing what they’ve done. But in the end, Helen Grus will win. The truth will win, because we who know the end of the story, know that God wins, and God favours, as we are on the right side of history. Helen Grus is on the right side of history. And Helen Grus will be vindicated. And the perpetrators of these crimes will be severely punished, either in this world or when they bow to our Messiah.

Commissioner Kaikkonen
Thank you very much. And keep candid in your prayers, because we need it. Thank you.

Dr. James Thorp
God bless Canada.

Commissioner Fontaine
Hi, good evening, Dr. Thorp. Thank you very much for your excellent testimony. Just a question. You’ve touched the subject of the very numerous vaccines which are given to our babies. You’ve also mentioned the book Turtles All The Way Down [Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth]. I’d like to know what you would tell a mother of a young baby who has maybe already taken some vaccines and who is wondering if she should continue with the schedule or not. I’d like to know what you would tell a mother of a young baby.

Dr. James Thorp
Well, I would tell that mother that the indiscriminate use of vaccines is extremely dangerous. I have whistleblower data. It’s not just Helen Grus. I have whistleblower data from the United States of America. Policewomen—like, again, it’s interesting that it’s women, isn’t it?—that can’t stand that they are legally obliged to do formal investigations when there’s a death outside of the hospital. So these sudden infant death syndrome cases have to be investigated, like Detective Helen Grus was doing—her job.

I know and have a relationship with a policewoman in a large metropolitan city, and she has a large number—over the decade; this is even before COVID-19—that 50% of sudden infant death syndrome occur within 48 hours of a vaccine. And this is what is coming all over the country now if you follow and know who to follow in the vaccine groups. This is being stated by multiple different sources. There’s all types of anecdotal evidence now in which the perpetrators, the mothers, can’t be denied of the obvious.

You know, there are certain criteria for causation and association. There’s an important set of criteria called Bradford Hill criteria that are associated with causation, right? So otherwise, causation cannot be proved without that sophisticated gold standard study that I referred to: randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled trial. But when you give a perfectly normal, healthy human being a shot like COVID-19, or a baby any standard vaccine, and a death occurs in an otherwise healthy, that meets part of the criteria for causation.

So, you know, again, 50% of babies that die of SIDS [Sudden Infant Death Syndrome]—and these are babies where child abuse, where battered baby syndrome, where drug use—all of these have been eliminated. These babies also require an autopsy. And my whistleblower tells me that the vast majority of those autopsies, that those babies that died of SIDS are abnormal with a large proportion of them having brain bleeds. This is exactly what the vaccine is causing. So 50% of babies with SIDS have had a vaccine within 48 hours and 80% within a week. That’s pretty condemning data. And my whistleblower will not come out. She says, “The guys in the unit are kind of suppressing. They don’t care.” It’s the same old story. They’re afraid of being murdered, suicided by the pharmaceutical industry.

Commissioner Fontaine
Thank you, Dr. Thorp.

Commissioner Drysdale
Thank you, Dr. Thorp. One of the things that have occurred to me in listening to your testimony and listening to the testimony of many of the others, including Denis Rancourt, you may or may not be aware, Denis Rancourt did testify here and he had to come back and testify in virtual in September of 2023 because the Canadian statistics on deaths were not available. In other words, it was taking two to three years for Statistics Canada to get the statistics out. And what has occurred to me in listening to your testimony and numerous others is you speak about the corruption of the institutions and the criminality of those people in it. How confident are you in the numbers that you’re receiving, the statistics that you’re getting, from these very same people and organizations?

Dr. James Thorp
It’s a great question. I’m very leery of any numbers that come from the Federal Government in the United States of America or from your Federal Government for lack—I’m sorry, I’m not using the correct terminology—

Commissioner Drysdale
Statistics Canada

Dr. James Thorp
Provincial Government, anybody that’s under the control of Trudeau. That’s not going to come out. They’re going to be manipulated just like the pharmaceutical companies are manipulating these studies. So I’m very leery. I’m shocked that the Office of National Statistics in the UK actually came out and actually admitted that the data was being manipulated. They admitted it. They said the vaccine status of those who were killed after the vaccine were switched from vaccinated to non-vaccinated. It’s a matter of fact, right now. That’s what’s been going on in the United States of America for a long time.

Commissioner Drysdale
So having said that, and having said that the primary source of these statistics that we’re quoting both in Canada and the UK and United States and other places are from those same organizations, do you think that they’ve increased the number of deaths or do you think they’ve been decreasing them? What is the likelihood that they’re making it, that they’re decreasing the numbers or trying to hide the numbers?

Dr. James Thorp
They’re clearly trying to hide the numbers, but it’s just like the VAERS database. The death and injury signal is so high that even their manipulation can’t normalize it. You know, I have experts, Julie Threet, T-H-R-E-E-T, Albert Benavides, who I know very well. These are VAERS data experts. They’ve clearly shown that the Federal Government has lied and manipulated the VAERS data. They have proof. And this is exactly why they villainized the VAERS database and why they’re trying to change it: they don’t like open-source data because they can’t cheat. They’ve cheated and manipulated full extent on the VAERS data. But the data signal is so dangerous, so high, that it’s impossible for them to hide. And the more they hide it, the more people like Albert Benavides, myself, Julie Threet, many others expose it, because there’s a trail. That’s why they villainize these open-source databases.

Commissioner Drysdale
One last question. We heard numerous testimonies in Canada from doctors who were punished for reporting to our equivalent of the VAERS system which is called the CAEFISS system [Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System]. To your knowledge, were doctors punished or had their licences removed for reporting adverse reactions?

Dr. James Thorp
Yes, absolutely. In fact, in my division there was a young brave woman that—imagine this—had the audacity to follow the law. Because if a physician suspects a vaccine-related injury, there’s mandatory reporting to VAERS under the threat of a serious fine, okay? So she had simply did nothing more to say, “Hey, you all have to report to the VAERS system.” She was fired.

Commissioner Drysdale
Thank you.

Shawn Buckley
Dr. Thorp, those being the questions from the commissioners, on behalf of the National Citizens Inquiry I sincerely thank you for coming to testify. And your evidence has been extremely valuable.

Dr. James Thorp
Counsellor Buckley, I’m so grateful that the commissioners and that you would allow me to present and speak from my experience. And I’m very grateful for the Canadian citizens and the heroes, all of you. I love the Canadians and I’m very proud of those of you who are standing up for truth. Thank you for having me.


Dr. James Thorp is a highly accomplished obstetrician-gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine physician with 45 years of clinical experience. He graduated from Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1979 and completed his residency and fellowship training at prestigious institutions. Dr. Thorp has held various teaching positions, including clinical professor roles, at multiple universities. He is board-certified in both obstetrics-gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine. Throughout his career, Dr. Thorp has been actively involved in clinical research, authoring over 250 publications. In the last 4.5 years alone, he has seen approximately 27,500 high-risk pregnancies. Recently, Dr. Thorp has focused his research on the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing over 70 papers and two books on the potential dangers of vaccines for women of reproductive age and during pregnancy.


Dr. James Thorp testifies before the National Citizens Inquiry, presenting evidence on the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy. He begins by discussing his extensive background in obstetrics and gynecology, emphasizing his 45 years of experience and over 250 publications. Dr. Thorp then presents data from various sources, including Pfizer’s own studies and government databases, showing increased rates of miscarriage, stillbirth, and other pregnancy complications following COVID-19 vaccination.

He argues that the pharmaceutical industry, medical organizations, and government agencies have suppressed this information and promoted a false narrative of vaccine safety and efficacy. Dr. Thorp discusses the financial incentives behind this suppression, citing billions of dollars in funding to hospitals, pharmacies, and even faith leaders to promote vaccination.

Dr. Thorp expresses concern about potential long-term effects on fertility and genetic changes that could be passed on to future generations. He criticizes the breach of the “golden rule of pregnancy,” which advises against using novel substances during pregnancy.

Throughout his testimony, Dr. Thorp emphasizes the importance of truth-telling and accountability. He calls for a reevaluation of vaccine policies, particularly for pregnant women and children. Dr. Thorp also discusses the persecution of whistleblowers and medical professionals who have spoken out against the official narrative.

The testimony concludes with Dr. Thorp answering questions from commissioners about fertility rates, changes in high-risk pregnancies, and the reliability of official statistics. He reiterates his concerns about the long-term consequences of the vaccination campaign and calls for further investigation and transparency.

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