Due to longtime, documented sinus issues, Mr. Schiller requested a mask exemption. He was refused by two doctors: one because he was told that masks benefit the public good , the second because the doctor felt he could lose his license. When the vaccination passports were implemented in late fall 2021, Mr. Schiller wanted to block his e-health records. He found out about Panorama Records, an entity controlled by Public Health that holds your vaccination status and other records. He asked for details on his file and found some questionable entries regarding COVID.
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Wayne Lenhardt
Could you give us your full name sir, and spell it for us. And then I’ll do the oath with you.
Randolph Schiller
I go by the name of Randy Schiller, but my legal name is Randolph Schiller. R-A-N-D-O-L-P-H S-C-H-I-L-L-E-R.
Wayne Lenhardt
Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth during your testimony?
Randolph Schiller
So help me God, I do.
Wayne Lenhardt
You live in the Weyburn area, is that correct?
Randolph Schiller
That is correct.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Your saga began in what year?
Randolph Schiller
In 2020.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. At that point, COVID had come along. The vaccine was being used. You got suspicious. Could you tell us about that?
Randolph Schiller
Yeah. Right from day one in January 2020, when I was watching the news videos from China. When you’re seeing some of the people fall dead over in the street, disinfecting the streets, building a hospital in seven days—which to me looked more like prison cells—I questioned the narrative coming out of China. To me, the validity of the virus was not there.
Wayne Lenhardt
So did you get the vaccination?
Randolph Schiller
Wayne Lenhardt
Have you ever gotten it?
Randolph Schiller
Wayne Lenhardt
So what happened next? Did you suffer any financial consequences relating to COVID?
Randolph Schiller
Yes. My employer, Canada Post, had masking mandates. I sought a mask exemption. I eventually got one. Immediately, I was put on short-term disability, which went to long-term disability. And then when Mr. Trudeau removed the masking mandates I could not work, because I was not vaccinated, for about three to four weeks.
Wayne Lenhardt
So at some point, you thought about doing freedom of information requests.
Randolph Schiller
Wayne Lenhardt
And when did you do that and to whom?
Randolph Schiller
I first started off with the Holy Family School Board in Weyburn. That would have been in December 2021.
Wayne Lenhardt
Did you have children at that school?
Randolph Schiller
No. No, sir.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. I believe you told me that you’d been on the board of that school?
Randolph Schiller
Yes. Previously, back around 2010, I was a trustee for the Holy Family School Division.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. So, the Holy Family School Board in Weyburn. And who else did you make requests of?
Randolph Schiller
At the same time, I’d mirrored my FOIA request to the Holy Family—to the Ministry of Education and to the Ministry of Health.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Do you remember generally what it was you asked for?
Randolph Schiller
Yes. I wanted communication between Holy Family School Board and the Ministry of Education. Also, the same thing between Holy Family School Board and the Ministry of Health, or the SHA [Saskatchewan Health Authority].
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. And so what happened next?
Randolph Schiller
Immediately they took my request. A couple weeks later, I added another FOIA request to the Holy Family School Board. Shortly thereafter, I got a letter in the mail stating that the Holy Family was going with the Saskatchewan School Board Association: they were going to petition the [Saskatchewan Information and] Privacy Commissioner and disregard my request for vexatious statements.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. And so that sort of a refusal proceeded through its channels, and then what happened?
Randolph Schiller
I eventually won that case with the Privacy Commissioner. I was lucky enough to have a gentleman sitting with me while I recorded the conversation, proving that I did not utter any vexatious comments.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Now, I gather there’s a difference between asking for material from the Ministry of Health. And there is another agency that you can go through as well. So did you get what you wanted from the Ministry of Health and did you have to go elsewhere?
Randolph Schiller
The Ministry of Health came back with those records saying they did not communicate with Holy Family School Division. But I also changed my wording with the Holy Family to go through SHA. SHA did have communication with Holy Family and some of the requests, mostly through the channel of the Weyburn Public Health.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Did you get what you wanted as far as the public health records went?
Or was there some other avenue you had to go through?
Randolph Schiller
No, I didn’t get everything that I wanted from the health records, that channel. If you’re regarding the freedom of information for the Holy Family.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. We talked about Panorama records—
Randolph Schiller
Oh, the Panorama record. Okay. I wasn’t sure what you were getting at there. Sorry about that.
Late in the fall of 2021, because of the vaccination passports that were coming out, I wanted to block my eHealth records. During my blockage of my eHealth records, I found out that there’s also an entity through Public Health called Panorama records. That is controlled by Public Health and it holds all your vaccination status and all those other records. During that time with the Panorama records, I asked for what was on my file. What I did find was some questionable entries regarding COVID. And I challenged the SHA. But in my opinion, those records were fraudulent.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. So in other words, you did get some records. You had to fight a bit. Have you gotten all of the records now that you’ve requested?
Randolph Schiller
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. And there’s still some sort of a dispute going on at the moment. What’s happening there?
Randolph Schiller
Well, between the Ministry of Education and the Holy Family, right now I have a request for review with the Privacy Commissioner because the Ministry of Education withheld or redacted much of the records that I sought.
Wayne Lenhardt
Randolph Schiller
So I’m asking for a review to have everything unredacted.
Wayne Lenhardt
And you’ve provided us with all of the FOIP responses that you’ve gotten to date, which isn’t all of it, and they’re on this thumb drive.
Randolph Schiller
That is correct.
Wayne Lenhardt
Which is going to be submitted to the Commission to go into their records.
Okay. You haven’t done any kind of an analysis of all this documentation, like we’ve heard from witnesses this morning. But could you give us your general overall view of what you’ve gotten so far and what you’re still hoping to get?
Randolph Schiller
Well, number one is transparency and informed consent. That’s always been my goal. That the government is not very transparent in providing records, just from my personal situation.
Wayne Lenhardt
Were the records that you got consistent with what the mandates were at the time?
Randolph Schiller
Could you rephrase that, please?
Wayne Lenhardt
Well, I think you were concerned— For example, we had a discussion previously about masking and whatnot. Did Public Health or the SHA or someone actually mandate the mask? Or was there just a suggestion? And did some other body go ahead and go a little further than, perhaps, the requirements indicated?
Randolph Schiller
I want to say yes, that the Holy Family School Board went above and beyond what I believe was required from the Ministry of Health.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. So, let me put it this way then. If you were in charge and you had seen these documents, would you have done the same restrictions and mandates as occurred? Or would you have done things differently?
Randolph Schiller
No, I would not have done all those restrictions. If I was on the Holy Family School Board, I definitely would have not implemented the policies that they did. But my understanding, all school boards were following those directions from the Ministry of Health and the SHA.
Wayne Lenhardt
Did you feel there was any necessity to do what was done that caused you financial harm?
Randolph Schiller
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. Is there anything else that you would have done differently?
Randolph Schiller
For me, no.
Wayne Lenhardt
At this point, I think I’m going to ask the commissioners if they would like more information.
Randolph Schiller
Would you mind if I give some of my back story? Because I’ve done 26 FOIPs. So, I was hoping to talk on a few critical ones, if you guys wouldn’t mind.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
Go ahead.
Randolph Schiller
I want to enter in the record, as well,
I suffer from bad sinuses. Immediately, if I wear a mask, within three minutes my sinuses congest. This has been a chronic problem for ages, and it’s been documented in my medical history.
So I started to seek for a mask exemption back when the directives were first coming out with my employer, Canada Post. And the first doctor I went to was in the Weyburn Health Centre, Dr. Erfani. Hopefully I can mention his name; it’s too late now. But I asked him for a mask exemption, and this was his quote: My personal health did not matter. It was for the benefit of the public good. I thought that was a pretty profound statement.
During this time, there’s a lot of doctors that weren’t seeing new patients, so it took me a couple months to get to a second doctor to ask for a mask exemption. His reply—and I’m going to paraphrase—was, “I can give you an exemption for valid medical reasons but if I do, I can no longer practise medicine in Saskatchewan.” I thought that was the nature of healthcare in Saskatchewan.
Back when Premier Moe implemented all the mandates in March, I immediately questioned what was happening. During that time, I sent my MLA and the Premier and also the Minister of Health 45 questions that I thought were questions that the media should have been asking but none did. I did not receive a response from any of those three. And at the time I considered my MLA, Dustin Duncan, a friend. I just thought his silence was very profound.
I sent questions to each one of those, three times. None would respond. I sent those same questions to the various departments of the SHA, Saskatchewan Health Authority. They didn’t answer my questions either. So needless to say, that was the reason I started to create the FOIPs. I needed to start someplace so that was where I started, with the Holy Family.
But also, I want to discuss: At the same time I was dealing with the Holy Family issues for the disregard, I had sent out three other Freedom of Information requests. One was to the Premier’s office, another was to the Ministry of Health, another one was to the Ministry of Education. I asked if they conducted a cost-benefit analysis before implementing COVID pandemic mandates.
Within a week, I had a call from the Premier’s office. I had a 45-minute conversation with the woman on the other end, and she was seeking clarity to what I was seeking. After 45 minutes, she agreed she understood what I was asking for. Within a week of that phone call, I got an estimate in the mail. On that estimate—it was nearly $389,000 to provide the records, is what they had estimated. I looked at the estimate closely—$389,000. I looked at the estimate carefully. The records that they were going to provide at that cost were not the records I asked for. So I pressed them further, and they come back with “no records exist.”
The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education did the same thing: No records existed. They did not conduct a cost-benefit analysis before implementing their mandates.
I just want to mention, too: It was clear my FOIP requests were going to be a battle, sending lots of reminder emails, because not one of the government institutions were following the 30-day regulations. I should also note that my requests were developed on my personal time and I bore the brunt of these costs. Meanwhile, our government institutions were using employees’ time and taxpayer dollars to delay any responses for my questions.
When I was going over the Holy Family records, this is what I found interesting as well. The school boards and schools were agents of the SHA.
They were purposely sharing misinformation and promoting fear, from the documents that I was reading. During this time when I was reviewing those records, I was also reading clinical studies from the pharmaceutical companies, and I was going through the SHA website. And what I found was profound. The SHA website was saying that everything was—the vaccines were safe, especially for pregnant women. But the clinical studies weren’t saying that.
What was interesting is that I found a site called BASE Learning for COVID-19 Immunization. On this website, it was an online course. And at the end of it you were legally able to give someone—well, I’m just going to say, “the jab” for COVID-19. What I found profound about it: the SHA website, like I said, everything was safe. This course laid out a few of the adverse events that could come from the COVID-19 mRNA drug. But they were still not as close to what the clinical studies were showing.
I just want to add again that the Ministry of Education is still withholding my information, and I’ve got a review for request within the Privacy Commissioner to have all that material unredacted.
Now back to mid to late June of 2022, after a six-month battle with the Ministry of Health, I finally received records where I asked the question: Could you please provide—I’m going to paraphrase here—all the adverse events for the year 2021 from the COVID vaccine? I asked a similar question to SHA. And I need to read this just so I don’t get it wrong: “The SHA is not refusing to provide this information. We are not holders of this information.” Which I thought was a profound statement. The SHA is our health authority and they were not documenting the adverse events occurring from the COVID drugs or immunization.
But anyways, back to the Ministry of Health. In late June, I finally received my adverse events records, HE 123-22G. After a quick read, I knew that the document was damaging. It was 122 pages and it involved over 1,200 Saskatchewan people. I immediately sent this information off to SASK ALLIANCE because they had a team of well-known doctors, lab technicians, nurses, and university professors that could actually look at the data too, and hopefully interpret it the same as I did. About three weeks after they were given this material, it was released to the media, and they found the same thing that I found. Out of over 1,200 individuals, 7 people had died in Saskatchewan; 300 people had a severe adverse event and were told to get a second shot. The report didn’t tell the entire story.
I’ll go on to a different point here, to save some time. That media release for those adverse events, for HE 123-22G, came at the same time as the Carol Pearce tragedy here in Saskatoon. Because of that information, along with the tragedy, it garnered international attention. But right after that CKOM published an article that stated: according to the Ministry of Health, there was no adverse deaths from the vaccines, the COVID vaccines. I knew that to be a blatant lie. So I contacted CKOM. I provided them with my original FOIP along with the document that I got from the Ministry of Health. And I proved to them that there were seven deaths already in the year 2021. Sarah Mills from CKOM gave me a brush off. This is what she said:
“Thank you for the information. If you have autopsy results, we would certainly welcome them. Sarah.” CKOM did alter their original article, but it did not go far enough to absolve the lies that came out of the Ministry of Health.
During this same time, I had sent off a Freedom of Information request to the SHA. This is where I asked for records of accuracy concerning PCR testing. This was a long battle. Every month I had to send every other government entity reminders that I was waiting for the material.
I also, at the same time, sent in a FOIP regarding chain of custody for DNA after a PCR testing. Because I was hearing rumours and reading material online that showed that DNA was being sold to other companies after they were tested for COVID. Unfortunately, because of my busy schedule, I let that one lapse. I wish I hadn’t.
But finally, in the fall of 2022, the SHA finally provided the records for the PCR Freedom of Information request.
This is the response that I got for the PCR accuracy portion: “The information you are requesting above had not been provided as the SHA is not obligated to create a record in order to respond to access of information request. As you are requesting information, rather than records, this portion of your request has been denied as previous record was not created for a business purpose.”
I thought that was a pretty convoluted statement. I pressured them more on that, and they’ve come back to me: “no records exist.” SHA’s “gold standard” has no records to prove the validity of their testing. I’ve also sent to the Privacy Commissioner a request for review for that one, because I’ve been looking for more records for that one as well.
To date, I’ve done 26 Freedom of Information requests. I’ve also helped write some for other individuals. Incidentally, one is a federal doctor. Some have been nurses; some have been teachers. And at the moment, I have won three decisions with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. I’ve got two filings under review with the Privacy Commissioner with two more being sent out this next weekend. And I’ll be drafting two more as well to the Privacy Commissioner regarding my Freedom of Information request, just because the government and our local authorities are not providing the material.
Thank you.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay, are there any questions from the commissioners?
Commissioner Kaikkonen
Can you clarify that in Saskatchewan there is a response time, a legislative response time, for those requests to be returned to you with information?
Randolph Schiller
Thirty days. There is a flow chart that they go by, but it should be 30 days.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
But it is 30 days. Okay, thank you.
And then I just wanted to ask about— You made a comment, and I hope I got this right, that Holy Family School Board went above and beyond what was required by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Can you provide us with an example?
And also, from all of your research, who do you think was responsible for going over and above the provincial mandates? Would that be the Minister of Education, the school board, the superintendents and director, or the school board trustees, or the principals—the administrators? I know the list is long, but I’m just wondering, is there anybody that you have been able to find that would be responsible for making those decisions that go above and beyond the provincial mandates?
Randolph Schiller
That I have not found out. But I can only say that, to me, would be the Director of Education. But it also falls down to the trustees. They are the ones that are directing.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
And you were a trustee, previously?
Randolph Schiller
No, I’m not a trustee currently.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
No, but previously? Did I get that right?
Randolph Schiller
Yeah, previously. Yep.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
So, when you were a trustee, have you ever seen an example of when the school board would make a decision that would go above and beyond some provincial-legislated matter?
Randolph Schiller
During my term, no.
Commissioner Kaikkonen
Thank you very much.
Wayne Lenhardt
Go ahead.
Commissioner DiGregorio
Thank you so much for coming today and sharing this with us. I’m hoping you can help me understand a little bit better about the process, particularly when you get a response to one of your Freedom of Information requests and you think that it either doesn’t have sufficient records or, I think you mentioned, that sometimes they came back redacted.
What’s the process you go through then to try and appeal that?
Randolph Schiller
Well, it depends on what you’re looking for. If I see a person’s name that’s redacted, I’m fine with that. Or their physical address where they reside, I have no problem with that. Or their personal health information, I have no problem with that. That should be redacted. But when they withhold pages, that’s where I have a problem.
Commissioner DiGregorio
Okay and so do you make an application, I think you said, to the Privacy Commissioner? How does that work?
Randolph Schiller
Yes, it depends on the battle that you want to fight. If you want to continue the battle, you go to the Privacy Commissioner to have a request for review. What I do is I lay out my arguments, why I want those records. Then you wait for the Privacy Commissioner to make their decision, and then they’ll get back to you. And also, if you disagree with the Privacy Commissioner, you can actually take them to court. But that process I hopefully don’t have to do. Hopefully, I continue to win.
Commissioner DiGregorio
Okay. And do you get a hearing from the Privacy Commissioner or just written submissions?
Randolph Schiller
No, it’s all written.
Commissioner DiGregorio
Okay, thank you.
Wayne Lenhardt
Okay. And anything else from the commissioners? Okay, on behalf of the National Citizens Inquiry, thank you very much for your testimony today.
Randolph Schiller
Thank you very much for allowing me your time.
Final Review and Approval: Jodi Bruhn, August 21, 2023.
The evidence offered in this transcript is a true and faithful record of witness testimony given during the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) hearings. The transcript was prepared by members of a team of volunteers using an “intelligent verbatim” transcription method.
For further information on the transcription process, method, and team, see the NCI website: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/about-these-transcripts/
Due to longtime, documented sinus issues, Mr. Schiller requested a mask exemption. He was refused by two doctors: one because he was told that masks benefit the public good , the second because the doctor felt he could lose his license. He eventually got one from another doctor. Randy’s federally regulated employer put him on short and then long-term disability due to the vaccine mandate. When those benefits ran out, he couldn’t work for four weeks.
When the vaccination passports were implemented in late fall 2021, Mr. Schiller wanted to block his e-health records. He found out about Panorama Records, an entity controlled by Public Health that holds your vaccination status and other records. He asked for details on his file and found some questionable entries regarding COVID. He challenged the SHA.
Mr. Schiller submitted 26 FOI requests and experienced many roadblocks, including long delays, redactions, and answers of “no records exist.” Some of the requests included: was a cost-benefit analysis conducted before implementing COVID pandemic mandates? What communication existed between the Holy Family School Board in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health surrounding masking and other measures? What were all the adverse events for the year 2021 from the COVID vaccine?
He did receive a reply to the adverse events request and sent the data to SASK ALLIANCE for further analysis. Out of over 1,200 individuals, seven people had died in Saskatchewan and 300 people had a severe adverse event and were told to get a second shot. When this was reported by CKOM (radio news station), there was no mention of deaths. CKOM requested autopsy reports before they would change their story.