Dr. Robert Dickson is a respected family physician based in Calgary, Alberta. He received his medical degree from the University of Calgary in 1988 and has been practicing for over 30 years. Beyond his clinical work, he has become a prominent advocate for safe water practices, particularly focusing on the issue of water fluoridation. Dr. Dickson testifies about the potential harms of water fluoridation, citing scientific studies showing neurotoxicity in children. He discusses his advocacy efforts against fluoridation in Calgary and legal battles with medical authorities over his stance.
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The transcript for this witness testimony is currently in production by our volunteers. It will be available soon here on this page and as a downloadable PDF.
Dr. Robert Dickson provides testimony on the potential harms of water fluoridation, drawing on his extensive research and advocacy work. He begins by recounting the history of fluoridation in Calgary and his personal journey from initially supporting it to becoming a vocal opponent. Dr. Dickson cites recent court cases and scientific studies, including a federal court judgment in the United States, which found that fluoridation at current levels poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children. He emphasizes that recent high-quality studies have shown little to no significant reduction in cavities from water fluoridation.
Dr. Dickson argues that mass medication through water fluoridation is unethical, as it does not allow for control of dosage or informed consent. He points out that fluoride is not a necessary nutrient and may disproportionately harm vulnerable populations such as infants, children, and people of color. The doctor also discusses the economic and environmental concerns associated with fluoridation.
Throughout his testimony, Dr. Dickson touches on his personal experiences advocating against fluoridation, including legal challenges from medical authorities. He expresses frustration with the medical establishment’s resistance to examining new evidence on fluoride’s potential harms. Dr. Dickson concludes by encouraging others to investigate the science behind fluoridation and to challenge what he sees as an outdated and potentially harmful public health practice.
Dr. Robert Dickson is a respected family physician based in Calgary, Alberta. He received his medical degree from the University of Calgary in 1988 and has been practicing for over 30 years. Dr. Dickson is certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP) and is a Fellow of the College (FCFP). Beyond his clinical work, he has become a prominent advocate for safe water practices, particularly focusing on the issue of water fluoridation. Dr. Dickson has dedicated significant time and effort to researching the potential health impacts of fluoride and has been actively involved in public education and policy discussions on this topic for over two decades. His commitment to evidence-based medicine and public health has led him to challenge conventional wisdom and engage with city officials, fellow medical professionals, and the public on the fluoridation debate.