Caroline Foucault, qui travaille dans l’industrie hôtelière, partage son expérience avec le vaccin contre la COVID-19. Elle explique comment elle a souffert de blessures liées à son cycle menstruel après avoir été vaccinée, et comment son mari a été diagnostiqué avec une myocardite après avoir reçu le vaccin. Caroline aborde également le fardeau émotionnel des obligations vaccinales, révélant que son fils a même envisagé le suicide en raison de la pression pour se faire vacciner. Elle parle ouvertement de la manière dont sa confiance envers le gouvernement et les médias a été brisée par la gestion de la pandémie et le déploiement du vaccin. Accordez votre attention pour entendre le témoignage puissant de Caroline.
* The above video is being streamed via Odysee. Check back often as we continue to update the complete list of links to all witness testimonies in both video and audio/podcast formats.
Konstantinos Merakos
Hello again. We had a short break due to a technical problem and now we are back. Without further ado, we will continue with our next witness. So I have here with me in person Madame Caroline Foucault. Hello, Caroline. Say “hello.”
Caroline Foucault
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. Madame Foucault, I’m going to swear you in. Do you swear or solemnly affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Caroline Foucault
I swear.
Konstantinos Merakos
Thank you. Madame Foucault, we’ll briefly start with finding out a little more about you, and who you are. Can you talk about your field of work, and if you live in Quebec or elsewhere?
Caroline Foucault
Yes. I work in the hospitality industry, and I live in the Greater Montreal metropolitan area.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. And we’ll start with a general question. Why are you here today? What brings you to testify before us today?
Caroline Foucault
Um . . .
Konstantinos Merakos
We can start, for example, after the date of vaccination. If there were any side effects, we can start there. Did something shocking happen to you that led you to be here today?
Caroline Foucault
Well, I come from an older generation who trusted our governments and believed in our media. So when my government asked me to go get vaccinated, I trusted my government because they told me, “If you get vaccinated, you will regain your freedom, and you will protect others.” So I listened and went to get vaccinated.
And on September 9th, 2021, I had my second dose of Pfizer and immediately my next menstrual cycle was completely thrown off balance. After all, I’m a woman of a certain age, so I was left with periods only a few days a month. And then, all of a sudden, it was like I was hemorrhaging; I was bleeding intensely for seven days with lots and lots and lots of pain. I connected it to the vaccines because that’s the only thing that was different about me.
Konstantinos Merakos
And following what you’ve just described, did you talk to your doctor or a health professional to relate these facts and ask for an opinion as to whether or not they were related?
Caroline Foucault
Yes, I spoke with my family doctor. He was already preparing for his retirement. He left a few months later. When I told him about what had happened, I said, “Listen, I think the vaccine affected me negatively because I have very painful and heavy menstrual bleeding, it’s not normal for me to have that.” And he said to me, “Oh, don’t worry about that, it’s all good, you’re going back to being like a young girl of 13.”
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. And I imagine your day-to-day life after that was difficult. Can you describe in a few sentences how your days went after that? Did you often have to go to the hospital? Did you have to stay home from work, for example?
Caroline Foucault
Yes, obviously, working in hospitality, I have been affected by closings, openings, closings, openings. Then I went to Ottawa. And that was a great disappointment to me because I went to Ottawa several times in person to see what was going on, and when I returned home, I watched the media and I saw that the media was not telling the truth. It was a huge shock to us. My [common-law] partner also accompanied me to Ottawa, and when he returned, he watched the television. He was in shock for two weeks. It took two weeks to get over it because he saw that it was lies.
Konstantinos Merakos
In other words, there was a difference between what you witnessed and what you observed on the television, what they were talking about.
Caroline Foucault
Yes. So if they’re capable of lying about that-
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. For example, you spoke about trust in the government; and now you are speaking about the media. In what way has the present situation made you have a certain distrust towards our institutions?
Caroline Foucault
Well, like I told you at the beginning, I am a very normal citizen: I work, I have children, I have always trusted my governments and my media. I never asked myself any questions. I think most Canadians don’t ask questions about their rights and freedoms.
With everything that’s happened since COVID, I’ve learned that normally, before receiving treatment, they’re supposed to explain what it consists of to us, and they didn’t give me that option for the injection because I trusted my government.
So they injected me without explaining the risks and benefits of the injection. So when I understood that this had been done to me, it was another breach of trust that I felt toward the government.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. Has your family physician or any other physician ever pointed out to you the risks and benefits of the medical procedure of vaccination before?
Caroline Foucault
No, never.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. So clearly, we see a lack of trust; we see that you weren’t really informed. So if, in the future, in the event that there is another similar situation, would that be something you would continue- Would you go get vaccinated or not?
Caroline Foucault
There’s no denying it: no. I no longer have any inclination to do so. I no longer have any trust. I feel betrayed, abused, and. . . No.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. So I would like, even if they are not here with you today, to talk a little about your family. Your husband also suffered consequences [from the vaccination], as well as your son. Could we start by talking about your husband and his side effects?
Caroline Foucault
He’s my partner. So my partner and I were confident about what was said on television, “go get vaccinated.” He went to get vaccinated around the same time as me, in the fall of 2020- 2021. And in April 2022, eight months later, he was unwell for a few weeks. Stomach discomfort, chest discomfort. It wasn’t going very well.
And then, during the night, at the beginning of April 2022, he woke up and said to me, “I have really bad chest pain.” So right away I said, “We’re going to the hospital,” and I took him to the hospital. And the doctor told him, “It’s a good thing your wife brought you to the hospital because, otherwise, you wouldn’t have made it through the night.”
So he was diagnosed with severe myocarditis and pericarditis. He had troponin levels-I don’t know if it’s relevant-but at 4,000 instead of 50. We transferred him to Sacré-Coeur Hospital by emergency ambulance. He called me from the ambulance and we said our goodbyes because I didn’t know if I was going to see him again. It was very difficult.
Then he was hospitalized for a week with myocarditis and pericarditis, but it took months to get back on his feet. By then, it was fairly well known that it was one of the side effects of the vaccines. At that point, it was starting to circulate. Obviously, it was not our governments that informed us of this, nor our media. So I started communicating with specialists.
I contacted a specialist in Sweden who had done some research. I can transfer it to you. The research is research that he has done. Evidently, there was myocarditis present in healthy young men. And that’s it. We’re both disillusioned because, again, we weren’t told that there were risks. Myocarditis is severe. He almost died and could still die. Not soon, but there is a risk of myocarditis recurrence. So that’s it for him.
Konstantinos Merakos
And if it’s all right, if it’s okay with you, to mention your age and your husband’s age.
Caroline Foucault
Yes. My partner is 46 and I am 48.
Konstantinos Merakos
Thank you. Let’s continue with your son. Has he gone through some of the same ordeals as you? Has he gone through other problems, be it remote learning?
Caroline Foucault
No, my son didn’t want to be injected. He was starting CEGEP [Collège d’enseignement general et professionnel – General and Professional Teaching College]-his pre-university courses at CEGEP-in September 2020, online. So it was very difficult to start a new program online, at home, all alone. And then, when the QR code came out, all his friends were getting vaccinated except him. He refused all along and he was isolated.
Over the course of months and months, he fell into depression. He no longer wanted to study. He no longer wanted to live. He said to me, “Maman, if it continues like this, I want to kill myself. I want to kill myself, what’s the point of living?” So there, that’s it. I no longer knew what to do. Obviously, the QR code was dropped. But-
Konstantinos Merakos
Did you do any suicide prevention intervention? Did it get to that point?
Caroline Foucault
Yes. I let his friends visit him. We were not allowed to visit each other because the regulations prevented us from seeing other people. But I let my son receive friends at home because that’s what he needed to help him with his depression, and it worked.
Konstantinos Merakos
And I would like to know, for instance- You say that he is not here today but he refused the vaccines. I suppose that was a question between him and his doctor? I suppose, is it-
Caroline Foucault
A personal choice.
Konstantinos Merakos
A personal choice. Okay.
So I would also like to know, was your financial situation very difficult for you after all these personal experiences? I am thinking, for example, of taking care of each other, missing days of work: Did that cause financial problems for you?
Caroline Foucault
No, fortunately for us, no. It didn’t impact us that much. We had access to the PCU [CERB – Canada Emergency Response Benefit], I don’t really know, I don’t remember what it’s called-government aid, so no.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. So I’m going to return to the subject of your current personal health. Are you still living with health issues, even today?
Caroline Foucault
I have the same symptoms. They are a little less strong, but they are still more intense than before the vaccination. By the way, I was advised to go for a test. I don’t know the name: adrio-something.
Konstantinos Merakos
While we were preparing, you talked about problems or fear of reprisals or repercussions. Can we talk a bit about that? Is it in relation to work? Is it in relation to-
Caroline Foucault
Of course, you are all aware of the strategies of intimidation and segregation that the media and our governments have used against the unvaccinated. I am vaccinated. On the other hand, I am now speaking against the vaccines and against the measures.
Konstantinos Merakos
Yes, that’s right, against the measures.
Caroline Foucault
Konstantinos Merakos
Because you had been vaccinated, you believed-according to the information they gave you-that it was going to work. But according to your lived experience after the fact, now you say to yourself that maybe it was not the best solution for you.
And basically, it creates fear, and then essentially, that creates mistrust, a lack of confidence in institutions.
Caroline Foucault
Konstantinos Merakos
Yes, go ahead, excuse me.
Caroline Foucault
But listen, right now, if you watch all the Commission’s videos, if you take the time to listen to all the videos, you will realize that the proof is there. It’s overwhelming. People my age and younger are not at risk for COVID if they’re healthy. It’s not me who says so, it’s the evidence that says so. Therefore, I don’t see why we were injected with products that were riskier than the virus. So just because of that, I no longer have confidence in my institutions, and, yes, we are considering leaving the country for this reason.
Konstantinos Merakos
Before asking you about the consequences of what you experienced here, we were talking about reprisals, repercussions-
Caroline Foucault
Yes, judgement.
Konstantinos Merakos
-not only in terms of the government’s treatment of you, and the media, but I imagine that, despite the fact that you were vaccinated, among those around you also; there were people who made harsh or discriminatory remarks towards other people whether they were vaccinated or not. That is to say that there has been, one could say, a social, societal decay between people. Have you experienced anything like that in your social circles or people who have made mean or discriminatory remarks?
Caroline Foucault
No, I didn’t experience any malice. What I got was mainly indifference.
Konstantinos Merakos
Caroline Foucault
So when you tell people your partner almost died of a heart attack and you tell them that it was probably because of the vaccine: no reaction. Their faces are blank, no reaction, no empathy. As soon as you mention the vaccine, they look at you like you’re an alien. Yes, so, I lost some friends but I made new ones.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. And so before getting into the consequences, as you wanted to leave [soon], can you give us, in your opinion-your opinion, as a human being-some suggestions, as to what we could have done better in society to prevent the situation we find ourselves in today, where families have been torn apart, et cetera? In your opinion, one or two suggestions to improve the situation.
Caroline Foucault
I would start by removing government funding to the media because I believe there is a conflict of interest there. Secondly, I don’t know who in the government dropped the ball, but someone dropped the ball. There’s someone who didn’t do their job to properly inform the leaders making decisions and to protect the population. There is someone who has not protected the population because I believe that the vaccines and the measures have been more harmful than the virus itself. So I don’t know who to ask for help.
This here is like the last chance I’m giving to Canada-this Inquiry. This, for me, is my last hope. I hope there is someone who will come and bring truth and justice to my country.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. And basically, I will end with the consequences. One of the consequences of what you have experienced is that you now want to leave Quebec. You were taxpayers in Quebec, you have contributed to society, and everything. And now we see ourselves possibly losing you.
Why do you want to leave Quebec? We just talked about it, but in one or two words, why do you want to leave? And what would allow you to stay, to change your mind about staying in Quebec?
Caroline Foucault
Okay. Well, I would leave Canada. I’m leaving Canada. Why would I leave? It’s because I realize that there are now laws which have been passed to censor information, to censor the truth. That makes me very scared because I don’t want to live in a country where we don’t have access to the truth, like we didn’t have access to the truth during the pandemic. Right now, there are people who are suffering. My spouse is still suffering from his injury, and no one is looking after it.
There’s no one who knows; there was no one to call about his suffering. So no, I no longer recognize myself here. I’m afraid, I’m even afraid of reprisals after my testimony here. There are people who are having their bank accounts closed right now because they are speaking out against the government. You don’t see it in the media but it’s true.
Konstantinos Merakos
So in your opinion, there are direct or indirect consequences just for talking about it. To you, having this civilized dialogue between people is a risk.
Caroline Foucault
Yes, it has now become risky to speak against governments in Canada.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. And the second part of my question: Is there anything that would lead you to stay in Quebec-for example, if there were any changes, be it in terms of laws, transparency, communication, or better communication from the media or the government towards you? Give maybe one or two examples.
Caroline Foucault
As I said earlier, for me the NCI Inquiry is my last hope for Canada. If, after all the testimonies that you will see, all the evidence that has been submitted, there is no one in our institutions who is restoring order, justice, and truth to Canada- After all that, no, I’m not staying. If the truth does come out, let the media admit their mistakes, let our governments also admit their mistakes.
Konstantinos Merakos
So in other words-
Caroline Foucault
We start by admitting mistakes. That alone would be a big step.
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. So according to you, a sort of reconciliation in society with what happened: the people, the government, the media.
Caroline Foucault
Konstantinos Merakos
Okay. Thank you very much, Madame Foucault. Before closing, I would like to ask the commissioners if they have any questions.
Commissioner Massie
Hello, Madame Foucault. Thank you for your courageous testimony. I was wondering about your husband’s vaccine injury: How long exactly was the time between the last injection and the development of his heart problems? I didn’t quite get that.
Caroline Foucault
Yes, so we’re talking about seven to eight months.
Commissioner Massie
Seven to eight months.
Caroline Foucault
Commissioner Massie
And when you consulted, it was quite a particularly serious situation. Did you or your husband suggest that it could be due to the vaccination? And if so, what was the reception of people in the medical profession regarding this suggestion?
Caroline Foucault
So obviously, we slipped in a word to the cardiologist. When we told the cardiologist, “We think it’s the vaccine,” she said, “No, we take no note of anything that happens later than six weeks after having received the vaccine: nothing after six weeks.” So she immediately said that it couldn’t be that.
Commissioner Massie
Do you know what vaccine he had? Is it a messenger RNA vaccine or an adeno vaccine, AstraZeneca?
Caroline Foucault
He received the Pfizer vaccine both times.
Commissioner Massie
Pfizer. Okay. My other question is about your son. You mentioned that he had decided on his own that he would refuse this vaccination despite social pressure from his friends who had agreed to take part in the exercise. Was your son made aware of the problems you had following vaccination? Could that have influenced his thinking a little?
Caroline Foucault
No, because, well, I didn’t necessarily talk about my periods with my son-we women don’t necessarily do that with our sons-then my partner had his crisis eight months later. My son had already decided from the start, so no. And then, we are very free to choose at home. I’m vaccinated but I was the first to denounce the segregation of the non-vaccinated. I am against that; I am for free choice-free and informed consent-obviously.
Commissioner Massie
And getting back to your son, how is he now? How does he feel in this situation?
Caroline Foucault
Well, for now, life is back to normal. He continued his studies. He’s going to university. He’s doing very well.
Of course, on the other hand, we are always afraid-we had this conversation last week-that if the measures with the vaccines ever start again, we are leaving immediately. I’m not going to relive that here.
Commissioner Massie
And now the question: Was your son affected by your husband’s vaccine injury? Was he made aware that that’s potentially what it was?
Caroline Foucault
Well, it certainly was a pretty serious heart attack that required several months of convalescence. Yes, he saw all that, and you know, it’s sad to say but he said to me, “I told you so.” He knew the vaccine was no good after six months of development.
Commissioner Massie
Thank you immensely. I will ask my colleagues if they have any questions for you. Do you have questions? Thank you, I’m done.
Konstantinos Merakos
Thank you, Madame Foucault. I think you wanted to say one last thing on this forum?
Caroline Foucault
Oh yes, thank you. I would like to invite all the people who are currently listening and all the people who will be listening to the recording to please take the time to listen to at least one day of hearings to learn about the truth and share it. It is important. If you love your children, if you love your grandchildren, it’s important that you know the truth and that you demand justice. Thank you.
Konstantinos Merakos
So Madame Foucault, thank you. Thank you for your courage. I know it’s very difficult to talk about different opinions these days on a platform like this on the internet. So thank you for being here. I thank you for your courage, and your words, and I wish you a lovely evening. Thank you very much.
Caroline Foucault
Thank you.
Final Review and Approval: Erin Thiessen, November 7, 2023.
The evidence offered in this transcript is a true and faithful record of witness testimony given during the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) hearings. The transcript was prepared by members of a team of volunteers using an “intelligent verbatim” transcription method, and further translated from the original French.
For further information on the transcription process, method, and team, see the NCI website:
Caroline Foucault, qui travaille dans l’industrie hôtelière, partage son expérience avec le vaccin contre la COVID-19. Elle explique comment elle a souffert de blessures liées à son cycle menstruel après avoir été vaccinée, et comment son mari a été diagnostiqué avec une myocardite après avoir reçu le vaccin. Caroline aborde également le fardeau émotionnel des obligations vaccinales, révélant que son fils a même envisagé le suicide en raison de la pression pour se faire vacciner. Elle parle ouvertement de la manière dont sa confiance envers le gouvernement et les médias a été brisée par la gestion de la pandémie et le déploiement du vaccin. Accordez votre attention pour entendre le témoignage puissant de Caroline.