Angela Taylor, an LPN with 27 years experience, was working at a senior’s home at the start of the pandemic. She describes how the lockdowns affected the mental health of the residents in that they just “gave up wanting to live”. She speaks of the side effects experienced by residents following their covid vaccines. Angela was mandated to get the vaccine to keep her job and then experienced serious health concerns.
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Dellene Church
Good afternoon. My name is Dellene Church, and I’m a lawyer practicing in a small town in Saskatchewan called Davidson. Good afternoon, Angela.
Angela Taylor
Good afternoon.
Dellene Church
Can you please state your name and spell your first and last name for the record.
Angela Taylor
Angela Taylor, A-N-G-E-L-A T-A-Y-L-O-R.
Dellene Church
Thank you. Angela Taylor, in your testimony here this afternoon, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Angela Taylor
I do.
Dellene Church
Thank you. Angela, you are an LPN who was working at a seniors’ home at the start of the pandemic. And at the time the vaccinations began being given in the seniors’ home you were working in you were witness to the effects that those vaccinations had on the senior patients you were caring for. Can you tell the commissioners what you noticed in these seniors after receiving their COVID vaccinations?
Angela Taylor
Okay. Can I read from my sheet? Okay.
First of all, I just want to thank you for doing this Inquiry and giving us a voice to tell our stories. I feel privileged to be chosen to be one of the people included in this Inquiry. I just wish I didn’t have so much knowledge and experience from our government’s mishandling of COVID. I have been a nurse in a long-term care home facility for over seven years and have been working for the Prince Albert Parkland Health Region for almost 20 years.
I saw firsthand how the lockdowns affected the mental health of my residents. So many of them gave up wanting to live. They weren’t able to see their family members or friends for so long. They gave up. Then came the good old vaccine. Twenty-nine out of the 30 residents received them. Within 24 hours many of the residents had side effects such as increased heart rates and pulses—not just a little high, but life-threatening high.
We had to call some of the family members to come, which they hadn’t been able to see since we were locked down, because we didn’t know if they were going to make it. One of our residents, who was the best-functioning resident there prior to the vaccine, went downhill to the point where she could not walk, talk, feed herself, or even hold a cup. She ended up in a Broda chair, not able to enjoy life, and passed shortly.
The next thing I noticed is that the disease processes sped up, like, three-fold, and they have never rebounded. So, the three-fold that I’m talking about is: If they had dementia before they were admitted into the long-term care it sped up so fast that they didn’t know anything anymore. Or if they had Parkinson’s, it totally crippled them. Or if they had Huntington’s, it went faster and faster. Or cancer—it sped up the cancer rate as well.
I must add that I never wanted these. I was not in favour of them and I did not administer these vaccine injections. I did not want that blood on my hands. After working three or four of the vaccines—I don’t know how my shifts always landed on the boosters—I finally went to my boss and said, “I do not want to work up to two weeks after their vaccines, because I don’t want to phone family members. I don’t want that on my hands.” It was terrible. I can’t even explain what I saw.
Dellene Church
Angela, can you tell us a bit about then what transpired as far as your job requirements that it became mandatory for you to be vaccinated?
Angela Taylor
It was after the first month that the residents were vaxxed, we were told that we were having to start to get vaxxed as employees of SHA [Saskatchewan Health Authority]. And after what I saw, I knew for a fact that I didn’t want this vax.
I’m not pro-vax. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I mean: I’ve had all my vaccines, even ones that I needed to get to be a nurse. And when I went traveling, I’ve had to get vaccines. Like, I’m not saying that I don’t agree in vaccines. But I started researching. And I’m guessing you guys have been told that, when you get medication, you usually have a little pamphlet in there. The vaccines didn’t have a pamphlet. And we kept being told it was for our health and for our residents and whatever. And I researched myself and I didn’t like what I was seeing. And I didn’t want the mRNA vaccine and I didn’t want aborted fetuses. And I have really lots of allergies.
And I was concerned for my health because I have lots of allergies. I tried to get my doctor to give me a medical exemption for my allergies because I can’t even take lots of antibiotics. I couldn’t get an exemption because Dr. Shahab, the Chief Medical Officer, said that they weren’t allowed to give out exemptions. So then I tried a religious exemption. And SHA wouldn’t accept my religious exemption either.
I ended up getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on March the 23rd because the due date was December 1st. And I only had, like, a week left before I either had to change careers or whatever, kind of thing. So I ended up going in and getting my vaccine. And yeah, it wasn’t a good thing.
Dellene Church
So after taking your vaccine, you had some serious health concerns. Can you tell us about that?
Angela Taylor
Yeah. About three weeks after I had my vaccine, one night I had heart attack symptoms. And I took myself to the hospital and I kept saying “I just received my vax three weeks ago. I’ve got high allergies.” To this day, which is just about two years now, I’ve got this electrical current that goes from the top of my heart up into my neck and down my arm. Since this all took place, I can’t sleep on my left side.
I have had so many tests. So many times, going to the hospital to see doctors that don’t even— They just want to COVID swab me just to make sure I don’t have COVID; they don’t want anything to do with the adverse reactions or anything like that. I’ve tried. I’ve gone to a cardiologist. I’ve been sent to him, but he wrote me off at the end of December because he told me it wasn’t my heart. But nobody can come up with a diagnosis.
My health and overall, it’s not good. I can sleep 24 hours a day. I am lethargic, which means I just don’t have the energy. Yeah. I was not like this two years ago before I had my vaccine. I used to work crazy shifts. I live a block from the nursing home and I would get called and I would be doing 12-hour shifts and then be on call all night and then doing another 12-hour shift. Being on call all night, do another 12-hour shift. I did those countless times. I used to be able to do more than I can do now.
Dellene Church
And are your symptoms still being investigated by anyone?
Angela Taylor
No. They basically wrote me off. At the beginning they told me to see a massage therapist and chiropractor, because they figured it must be some kind of a muscle or whatever. I did that for two, three months and then I went back. My nurse practitioner retired and I saw my new nurse practitioner. And she called the cardiologist on call in P.A. [Prince Albert], and I went directly there to do a stress test, an ECG, and blood work and all that.
And I actually had a friend who is an emergency doctor in Prince Albert. And I asked him if he would kindly put myself at ease and do a D-dimer test. And that’s when they found out that I actually had above D-dimer. I had a blood clot somewhere. My friend was, like, “Angie I don’t know what I can do because I shouldn’t send you home, but the CT machine is down. I know you’re on an aspirin a day. I should give you Tinzaparin, which is a blood thinner. I don’t feel good about letting you go home, because if you die it’s kind of on me.” I said to him, “I’ll be back here at 7 in the morning.” Because he knew I lived 45 minutes out of town from Prince Albert and he just didn’t feel good about that. But when I had the CT scan, they only did my heart and my lungs. They didn’t do my limbs. And I had been telling the doctors that I had, like, a charley horse in my arm. And eventually, after a couple months of aspirin a day my charley horse disappeared, which I’m guessing was a blood clot.
Dellene Church
Did any of the doctors you saw mention COVID? Ask you if you’d had the vaccine, how far ahead you’d had it?
Angela Taylor
They wanted me to get my second and third shot because the Johnson & Johnson was a one-shot. And I said “No, absolutely not.” I said “I know I’ve got an injury from the vaccine
that nobody will even touch me on.”
They just wanted to give me another COVID shot because it was a Johnson & Johnson, it wasn’t Pfizer or Moderna. And they wanted to give me a COVID swab because I probably had COVID that I didn’t know about.
Dellene Church
So there was no connection made by any healthcare that possibly this was a vaccine injury?
Angela Taylor
Dellene Church
Or that if you considered it to be one, what you could do about that?
Angela Taylor
Dellene Church
Okay. So you also had some effects in your family from COVID restrictions and mandates. Your husband, children, parents, and your mother-in-law were all affected. Can you briefly tell us about that?
Angela Taylor
Yeah. At our school—it’s a public school in Kinistino—I have to sign a form saying that they can get their picture taken. But when the health vaccines rolled out in our school systems, they did not need parents’ signature anymore. And with the peer pressure and all that we pulled our two kids out of public school and we home schooled our 16-year-old and 14-year-old now. They had to quit playing sports because they weren’t allowed to.
And then my 22-year-old daughter was going to university in Regina. She was in her third year of social work and she had to drop out because she didn’t like online learning. And then because of the vaccine mandates, she couldn’t go to school.
My son got married. He’s 26 and he could only have 30 people at his wedding.
My mother-in-law— I just want to read this because I don’t want to mess this up:
“My mother-in-law got COVID and, to make a long story short, she passed away after getting pneumonia. But the doctors and the nurses wanted to vax her right up until her death. Plus, they treated us like second-class citizens for not having been vaxxed or not having the boosters. It was awful.
We were in the city visiting her and they told us that, ‘we may have to put her on a ventilator in a while,’ but it wasn’t urgent. They suggested that we go somewhere and discuss this as a family, and they assured us that they would let us know before they did anything. We returned from lunch to find her in an induced coma and already ventilated and she never regained consciousness again. They did this while we were gone and her own kids never got a chance to say goodbye to her. Her last words to the nurse were, ‘Tell my family I love them.’
They were flippantly passed by the uncaring nurses that told us that they would call before they hooked her up, and then they made her do it alone when we were there at the restaurant less than 10 minutes away. The nurse on the phone had our numbers, and—”
I’ve told my husband to request her medical records because I’m pretty sure that they did a whole lot of things that they shouldn’t have done. Because, for one, she was unvaxxed and she never did want to be vaxxed. So I’m pretty sure they gave her Remdesivir and a bunch of other things. And they had her prone. And everything that I read that you’re not supposed to do, they did.
Dellene Church
Okay. And your parents: They also suffered vaccine injuries?
Angela Taylor
Yes, my parents are elderly and they have a winter home in Yuma. They couldn’t get across the border so they decided to get vaxxed so they could go to their winter home. My dad has a lot of health things that go wrong with him because of his back and his neck. But when he’s over in Yuma, he doesn’t need a walker at all. He’s really good over there.
Anyways, my dad had a stroke a few months after they were down in Arizona. And then my mom: she started doctoring and ended up in the emergency room down there. To this date, she can’t find a doctor to listen to her. It happened a few months after her Pfizer vaccine—her second one so she could go to the States. Her hands are contractured and she can’t hold cups or bake or any of that stuff. And she can’t cut her food. When she comes to our restaurant, I have to cut her food for her sometimes because she just can’t do the motion.
She’s 73 years old and she was in perfect health. It was my dad that had the health problems, that’s why they were going to the States. And she can’t find any doctors to admit that it’s a vaccine injury either.
Dellene Church
Okay. And your husband did not vaccinate and lost his job.
Angela Taylor
Well, he didn’t lose his job. He was working for a farming dealership for 19 years.
He was on the set-up and work crew, kind of thing. He couldn’t go to Manitoba, and he couldn’t eat in restaurants, and he couldn’t go in to set up at the shows and stuff. The first show he went to they made him swab so he could enter the building to set up. But the second show he went to they wouldn’t allow that. You either had to be vaxxed or you couldn’t go in.
And he was to the point where he was just kind of emotionally spent. He just didn’t enjoy his job anymore. And then with him and I talking about how everything was so wrong because of my nurse and my HIPAA— I know that unless you are my patient and you have AIDS or HEP or something, and you’re, like, having a baby or something that it’s going to affect me, I don’t get to know your health information.
And I said, “I don’t need to go to Tim Hortons and tell them I’m vaxxed or not vaxxed to get a donut.” That’s so illegal. So my husband and I discussed it and we prayed about it and we actually opened up a restaurant in Kinisto for the unvaxxed, because it was illegal. And thanks to Tony Wells— We went to Tisdale, to one of her Action4Canada things to find out what our legal rights were as a business owner. Because we’re not businesspeople, I’m a nurse and he worked for a farming dealership because he loves the farm life.
Dellene Church
And one other point I think you should talk about is your experience visiting the Regina legislature and how you were received there.
Angela Taylor
Yeah, thanks to Nadine Wilson, the MLA—she’s not my MLA, but she listened to me—she let us go to the Legislative Building. I believe it was the second week of December or something like that. And she told us after the fact— They did their legislative thing. She said in her 21 or 22 years of being an MLA, she has never seen where the person we wanted to see refused to see us.
Everett Hindley, Minister of Rural and Remote Health— If you go back and you watch that, you’ll be so appalled. I came out of there wanting to run for an MLA because it was worse than watching kindergarten kids. He kept telling Nadine Wilson to go do another election to see if she could win a seat. It was childish. There were so many of us there. There was eight to ten or twelve of us there, and he didn’t care about our vaccine injuries or how it affected us.
There was a lady that I met there and her and her son just about died six days apart. Yeah, the testimonies that we shared amongst ourselves: it was amazing that we’re alive. And I said to my husband, “if I die from a heart attack, I want you to pay for an autopsy.” Because I know it’s the vax. And I have four kids and a grandchild and I know that it’s my health.
Dellene Church
And did the Minister ever speak to you?
Angela Taylor
He gave us 15 minutes of his time because he had another commitment. And he was just doing it for the politics. He really didn’t give a crap about any of us.
Dellene Church
So no guidance as to what you could do about—?
Angela Taylor
No guidance. He’s never phoned any of us. He has all of our statements. He’s got our phone numbers. Yeah, he doesn’t care.
Dellene Church
Okay. What do you think our government could have done differently to have avoided the negatives that you’ve seen?
Angela Taylor
We need a whole new government. Everybody’s there for themselves and their money and their own gain. They don’t care about the little old people. They don’t care about any of us. The lockdowns hurt so many people. My mother-in-law said that she would never, ever live through another lockdown because her kids were too scared to come to see her.
It should be: if you want to be vaxxed, go ahead. Go crazy. But it shouldn’t be mandatory.
I wrote many letters advocating for my residents, to SHA, to Scott Moe, to Justin Trudeau. I never heard back from anybody. And it was illegal, what we did to those old people. We had to wear masks and we weren’t allowed to touch them unless we were changing their diapers.
That’s not quality of life, especially when you don’t have a great end of life. It’s so heartbreaking.
Dellene Church
Do the commissioners have any questions?
Commissioner Massie
Thank you very much for your testimony. I can see you have a lot of notes that you’ve taken. Would you agree to make that available for the Commission?
Angela Taylor
Commissioner Massie
Thank you.
Commissioner Drysdale
Thank you for your courage and your service. I have a question about your vaccine. Your employer brought in a vaccine mandate as I understand it. And you got one injection.
Angela Taylor
Yes, I got the Johnson & Johnson, which is only a one-dose vaccine. And it was supposed to be no mRNA and no aborted fetuses.
Commissioner Drysdale
But were you able to keep your job when you only had one vaccination?
Angela Taylor
Yes, I had to prove that it was a one-dose.
Commissioner Drysdale
Okay. I understand.
I have a couple of questions, along with what was going on in the personal care home that you worked in. We’ve heard testimony from a number of other people who worked in those homes. Can you tell us a little bit about what the residents’ life was like during that time with lockdowns, with no visitation, with staffing, et cetera?
Angela Taylor
It was devastating. They lost the will to live. Like, it was tough. When you go to a nursing home, you have to give up so much of yourself. And they had given up so much. And now they’re locked in this home that they can’t have their loved ones or grand babies or great-grand babies come to see them. They don’t understand FaceTime because that’s not the era they lived in.
One gentleman, he was a war vet. And he thought we were trying to kill him because we had to wear masks and we were giving him pills and he didn’t have to wear a mask. So he was scared. He didn’t even have the strength to get out of his wheelchair, but yet at night he would barricade his door with a dresser because he was scared we were trying to kill him, because he couldn’t see our faces. When I had to give him his medication, I had to take my mask off prior to getting to him. And I had to get down on my knees and I had to say what each pill was for him to trust me. Because he actually thought that I was going to try to kill him.
We had one resident that actually needed a psych consult because she was trying to commit— Like, she wasn’t trying to commit suicide; she said she had no reason to live. And we were scared that she would hoard her pills because she was on lots of narcotics for pain. So we had to get her husband to come in to see her. And it’s funny because once they saw their family, they spruced right up.
But we had to get that. And then, since we’re in a small facility, it’s not easy to get psych consults. Then we had to do FaceTime psych consults because the doctors couldn’t see patients. I have in my notes that you will read that after the third or fourth vaccine, after I said I would no longer work these shifts anymore up to two weeks, it was also because after that, they didn’t want us to submit anything about adverse reactions to the higher-ups. And I said, “Well, I’m charting it in their nursing notes because this is illegal. Because I am seeing heart rates of over 200 beats a minute, and I’m seeing blood pressures like I’ve never seen before on people that don’t have blood pressure issues.” You know, I’ve worked in the long-term care for seven years and I have never seen two strokes in 24 hours. And a few days later those two strokes had both died in 24 hours. I have never seen that in my seven years at that place.
Commissioner Drysdale
What were the staffing levels at your facility like prior to the COVID-19? Did you have shortages of staff? Did you have excess staff? Did you have exactly the right amount of staff prior to the COVID-19?
Angela Taylor
We are always short-staffed so it doesn’t really matter—pre-COVID, during COVID, after COVID. But the thing is, people abused the whole sick pay. Because— I’m unionized, so I could say, “I was in contact with somebody, so I might get COVID.” And I’d get 12 days paid COVID and I couldn’t show up for work.
So it was crazy.
And then when we were in contact with somebody, they were down to two nurses so they had to get people from all walks of the SHA to come in and fill those positions. Which was funny, because we couldn’t go work in any other facility because we couldn’t bring bad germs back into our facility. But then people that were working in emerge., or in Estevan, or Saskatoon: they could come work in our facility because we didn’t have the manpower, because we had to stay home for two weeks to make sure we didn’t get COVID.
Commissioner Drysdale
What you’ve described through your testimony is horrific. You’re talking about reactions—or alleged reactions—after vaccines. You’re talking about people being locked up in their rooms. You’re talking about people not having sufficient staff. You’re talking about all kinds of things.
In your experience, in that facility, was there any additional government monitoring? Did they come directly to see what was going on in the facility at any time?
Angela Taylor
No. I asked Scott Moe and a few of the MLAs around our area to come and talk to our residents, to listen to what they needed to say. Because that was one of the things that they kept saying to me is, “Nobody asked me what I wanted.” They said, “If I wanted to be locked down, I would have did it in my children’s homes.” Or they said that they would rather die than be locked away in a nursing home where they couldn’t even see their family members. We had a husband and wife that could see each other outside of a window. They weren’t allowed to touch, kiss, nothing. And yeah. It was illegal, because nobody should be telling them what they can and cannot do as a spouse.
Commissioner Drysdale
My last question is: How did the people administering the vaccinations to the residents ensure that there was informed consent?
Angela Taylor
Their families.
Commissioner Drysdale
And their families were informed of things that you’ve been hearing about potentials for adverse reactions and the risks and all so that they could actually form informed consent?
Angela Taylor
The first few vaccines everybody was just gung-ho because they thought that they could come in to see their loved ones. But that’s not what was going to happen. It was never going to be opened. We just got rid of our masks two weeks ago. Yeah.
It was, say my grandparent left me in charge of their written or their verbal consent. I would say “Oh definitely, vaccinate them.” Some of them don’t even have contact with their loved ones and they were saying, “Vaccinate them.”
And now— Well, there’s not very many left from the start of this. But what I noticed also because I worked the first so many, by the second or third time, I said, “Oh, so-and-so will be next in 10 minutes, and so-and-so will be next 10 minutes after that.” And they laughed at me. And I said, “No, I have figured this out.” And sure enough, I would be running for the blood pressure machines, and I would be running for everything because just as it happened prior, it happened again.
Because it didn’t go by alphabetical order, I’d figured that much out. But finally, I had enough and I said to my co-workers— Because we’re the only nurses there; I’m the in-charge nurse, I look after 30 residents— I went and I got four charts out and I said, “Look. A-B-C-D: first vaccine. A-B-C-D: second vaccine.” It always was the same people in the same sequence. It was crazy. And finally, I said to one family member after the third one: “Are you actually going to vaccinate them again for the next booster? Because look what has happened to them every time.” I said, “you got to reconsider this.”
Commissioner Drysdale
How many medical doctors were present during the vaccinations of these residents?
Angela Taylor
None. We have a doctor that comes out, maybe, Mondays and Fridays if we’re lucky. And he doesn’t really like elderly people, so it’s not a big concern for him. But we’ve never had a doctor there. And when we have the adverse reactions, we never send them to a hospital. We just monitor them because it’s end of life care.
Commissioner Drysdale
So, there were never reports to the CAEFISS [Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization] System?
Angela Taylor
Well, we would report it to the doctor and he would come and look at them on Monday or Friday. But for myself I did the complete charting in the nurses’ notes, plus I did it for the higher-ups, to be sent the reactions. But, like I said, after so many they quit taking any of the—
They didn’t care that this was really happening, I don’t think. That’s my opinion, because I was just— That’s when I said, “Do not schedule me for any shifts up to two weeks after.” One time I went in as a care aide because all the staff got sick as well, because they were vaccinated the day before. So I went in to work as a care aide, and there was only two care aides and a nurse. And the nurse started getting sick and the other care aide that I was working with had to go home because she got sick.
I saw so many health issues from my colleagues as well and they won’t put the thoughts together. Like, there’s a cold and I’ve worked in that facility for the two years and I never did fit an N95 mask. So I was using the nice blue little medical masks. And I went into 13 rooms one time. We had 13 people that had COVID and I never got COVID. The whole time I have worked there, I’ve never had COVID. And I was wearing my little flimsy mask with my medical gloves and my medical PPE. I was the only nurse, so I had to go in and out of each of those rooms to give their medications and to do any dressings or to do anything, and I never got COVID. I washed my hands with hot water and soap. I did everything I was supposed to do. Everybody that I work with has basically got COVID a couple times.
Commissioner Drysdale
Were there ever any overall staff meetings where you discussed what was going on, and what the reactions you were seeing were, and what the care level was for the residents?
Angela Taylor
No. Because a lot of the people that I work with don’t want to admit that the vaccines are wrong.
Commissioner Drysdale
Thank you very much.
Dellene Church
On behalf of National Citizens Inquiry, I’d like to thank you very much for your testimony here today, Angela.
Angela Taylor
Okay, thank you.
Final Review and Approval: Jodi Bruhn, August 21, 2023.
The evidence offered in this transcript is a true and faithful record of witness testimony given during the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) hearings. The transcript was prepared by members of a team of volunteers using an “intelligent verbatim” transcription method.
For further information on the transcription process, method, and team, see the NCI website:
Angela Taylor, an LPN with 27 years experience, was working at a senior’s home at the start of the pandemic. She describes how the lockdowns affected the mental health of the residents in that they just “gave up wanting to live”. She speaks of the side effects experienced by residents following their covid vaccines. Angela was mandated to get the vaccine to keep her job and then experienced serious health concerns.
Angela also describes how the covid restrictions and mandates affected her family, parents and mother-in-law. Her husband left his job because of the mandates and they decided to open a restaurant for the unvaxxed. She ends her testimony by describing how she attended the Regina legislature with a group of vaccine-injured people and spoke with Everett Hindley, Minister of Rural and Remote Health to no avail.