Allan Hundsperger – Jun 01, 2024 – Regina, Saskatchewan

Allan Hundsperger is a veteran broadcaster with over 50 years of experience in radio and television, including founding Canada’s first Christian radio station and co-hosting the daily TV program “Talk Truth” on Daystar. He testifies about his long career in broadcasting and his recent efforts to start a TV show to provide alternative perspectives on COVID-19. He describes the process of launching “Talk Truth” and his motivations for wanting to share information not covered by mainstream media.

* The above video is being streamed via Rumble. Check back often as we continue to update the complete list of links to all witness testimonies in both video and audio/podcast formats.

Shawn Buckley
Welcome back to the National Citizens Inquiry as we continue day three of our hearings in Regina, Saskatchewan. Commissioners, for the record, my name is Buckley, S. I’m attending this lead counsel for the inquiry this afternoon. I’m pleased to announce our first witness following the break is Mr. Allen Hunsperger. Allan, welcome to the National Citizens Inquiry.

Allan Hunsperger
Thank you, Shawn.

Shawn Buckley
Now, Allan, we begin by swearing in our witnesses. I’ll ask you first if you will state your full name for the record. Spelling your first name and spelling your last name.

Allan Hunsperger
Allan. A-L-L-A-N. That’s correct way to spell it. And H-U-N-S-P-E-R-G-E-R.

Shawn Buckley
And Allan, do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Allan Hunsperger
I do.

Shawn Buckley
Now, you have an interesting background is you have a long history in the media. Can you just briefly share for us your media background?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, 50 years ago, 1974, I was driving by a radio station in Martinsville, Indiana, and the Holy Spirit told me to go in. I had no idea why. So I drove around the block. He said, “Go in.” I didn’t know why, drove around the block. Third time he said, go in. So finally, I went in. The reception asked if she could help me. I had no idea. I said a quick prayer, how can she help me? And I said, “How do you get an advertisement of a church event happening on your station?” After that, she said, “Is there anything else?” I asked the Lord, is there anything else? And out of my mouth said, “Well, I’m a youth pastor, and a lot of young people in the seventies here are getting a bad rap because of the draft dodgers and everything else. And I know young people who love God and love family, and I think they should be celebrated. So they should come on the air and share their testimony and probably play some contemporary Christian music in between the testimonies.” And the receptionist said, “Well, that sounds like a great idea, but you have to talk to the manager. He’s not in. Leave your phone number and I’ll let him know. And if he’s interested, he’ll give you a call.”

I got back to the church, phone rang. It was the receptionist. She said, “I told the manager, he wants to see you tomorrow at 10:30.” I went down there, told him the same thing, and he said he had been giving the local high school 15 minutes of time, and they turned the radio station into a jukebox. And he said, “I think your idea is better. So the contract is almost over. When a new contract starts, I’m giving it to you.” And I said, “Oh, well, I don’t have any money.” And he said, “Don’t worry about it. This is no charge.” He said, “Do you know anything about radio?” I said, “No, sir, I know nothing.” And he said, “Well, I have a disc jockey that believes like you. He’ll help you.” And that’s how I got started in radio 50 years ago.

Shawn Buckley
And you ended up starting the first Christian radio station in Canada?

Allan Hunsperger
Yes, in ’78, when we came back to a pastor in Calgary, felt that the Lord asked me to start a 24-hr. gospel music radio station, and among other things he told me but we said, “Sure.” And so we found out that it was illegal to have a Christian radio station or a television station in Canada and had been illegal since 1921. So I was shocked because I can remember as a boy hearing my premier of Alberta preach on the air on Sundays, Brother Manning, and I just couldn’t believe it.

So I found out that, yes, it’s true that back in 1921, the Aird Commission at that time was the former CRTC [Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission]. And because they did have three, at the time, religious stations: a Catholic station, a seven-day Adventist station and a Baptist station. And apparently they were using the radio station to fight each other. And so the CRTC said, “Well, we’re going to stop giving religious organizations a license.”

Shawn Buckley
And Allan, I’m just going to—I’m not needing all that detail.

Allan Hunsperger

Shawn Buckley
We want to get to the recent stuff, but I was just making the point, is it took years though, right?

Allan Hunsperger
Fifteen, 15 years to get the law changed.

Shawn Buckley
Right. And then you’re also the person that set up and ran the Miracle Network.

Allan Hunsperger
Right. Dick Deweert. That was his vision. But he asked me and my son if we would contract to hire staff and get the Miracle Channel running. So in January of 1996, we brought on Canada’s first television station.

Shawn Buckley
Right. And as far as the first Christian radio station, where was that located?

Allan Hunsperger
In Edmonton.

Shawn Buckley
And it’s still running, isn’t it?

Allan Hunsperger
Yes. CJCA started up on Easter Sunday, 1994, and the theme song, the first song we played was He’s Alive.

Shawn Buckley
Well, that’s pretty good. So okay, right now you are the co-host of a television program called Talk Truth, that is a daily program, and it’s through the Daystar [Television] Network. So it’s basically in every cable and satellite box in Canada. But you didn’t have that at the beginning of COVID.

Allan Hunsperger
No, when COVID started, I just felt that something was wrong. I didn’t know what, but I had this feeling that we would be different in Canada. There’s fake news in the US, but not in Canada. And then when I began to find out that the Canadian media was all singing off the same song sheet, literally. If you watched each channel, they were all saying the same thing, using the same wording, doing the same thing, and they were only telling one side of the story. And I felt that the Lord said, “I want you to get on television, radio, and expose the lies and tell the truth.”

Shawn Buckley
Okay. And so you feel that that’s what the Lord’s asking you to do. So about when was that?

Allan Hunsperger
That was in March of 2021. We were doing a weekly show on Daystar Canada.

Shawn Buckley
No, when did you come to realize that you were supposed to be doing a show?

Allan Hunsperger
Oh, yeah. In the early spring of 2021.

Shawn Buckley
Okay. And then so how did you end up having the show?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, we got onto Daystar Canada, and we took one week at the time, and then we felt that more needed to be covered. So we began to pray about a daily show. It was going to cost us about $600,000. We believe in cash only, not in debt. So we asked the Lord for $200,000 to be placed in the bank account before we would start. And then we felt that probably throughout the year, it would take three instalments of $200,000 each in order to operate. And so we did get our first $200,000. And Daystar had told us it would take 18 months before a daily program became self-sustaining. And our program took six months.

Shawn Buckley
Right. Now, so you’re told to start a radio station. Did you take some other steps? What was the journey to end up at Daystar?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, somebody suggested that, well, we should— First of all, I tried my own broadcasting company that I started, Touch Canada Broadcasting, which started six full-time, commercial, full power radio stations in Alberta. And so I thought, “Let’s get on the radio station.” Called my former partner, and he didn’t want to get involved in the controversy, so I tried to put a guilt trip on him, and I said, “Well, all this stuff is lies. And what are you going to do when the general public finds out that a Christian radio station didn’t warn people about the lies that were being told them?” And he didn’t really give me an answer. So then we start saying, well, what are we going to do?

Shawn Buckley
I’m just going to slow you down there. So you’re going to your former partner in a basically broadcasting network with six stations that you began?

Allan Hunsperger

Shawn Buckley
And they didn’t want the subject matter touched. It wasn’t any concern about you running a program.

Allan Hunsperger
I’m not sure, it could be. Allen Hunsperger is a controversial person, so it could have been me as well. But we were talking about the program and they didn’t want to get involved in the controversy.

Shawn Buckley
Okay, and how would you have been describing the program?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, I was just saying we’re going to expose the lies and tell the truth. And I, at that time, I really didn’t know how that was going to happen. Had no idea. I was just trying to follow what the Lord was leading me to do, and that’s all I felt.

Shawn Buckley
Okay, so that network turns you down, even though you’ve got that personal connection. So what was the next thing you tried?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, we tried the Miracle Channel, obviously, because we started the Miracle Channel and they were willing to give us a slot of time, but it was like 02:00 in the morning once a week. And we kind of thought, “Well, if we have to take it, I guess we will, but we really don’t want to take it.” So somebody suggested we look at Daystar. Well, Daystar Canada is Canadian, but the headquarters is in Dallas, Texas. So I really wasn’t interested in that and I kind of pooh poohed it. But we had a friend who got friends together to kind of do a fundraising meet and greet time. And I needed a place to tell people we’re going to start broadcasting on, whatever.

And so about two days before this banquet was going to happen, I went back to the Daystar website, saw that there was a thing that if you have a suggestion for a program, type it in here. So my son and I filled out what we knew and, yeah within a day later, Daystar called us and loved the program. And obviously it was going to be a father and son program. And they said, we want you on our network.

Shawn Buckley
Right. And I’m just also going to back up because the next step is kind of the funding and you just, I’m going to say, just understanding you need to do it.

Allan Hunsperger

Shawn Buckley
But you had an experience when you were younger concerning a building. And I just want to—and just very briefly because, you know, I want us on COVID—but what happened and what was the lesson that it taught you?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, when I was 17 years old, I was the president of our youth group in Didsbury, Alberta. And our youth group was the biggest in the area and it was growing. And I felt that God was asking me to start the old theatre on Main Street to get that fixed up and make it into a youth centre so we could invite young people to come in and have a coke and whatever and we could share about Jesus Christ.

So I did some investigation and the man that owned it lived in Calgary, he wasn’t going to rent it to us. He was going to sell it to us. He’s going to sell it to us for $3,000. It needed some work on the roof and some other stuff and, I don’t know, we thought it was going to be $5,000 or $6,000 by the time we were all done. And of course, back in those days you could buy a three-bedroom house for $18,000. So it was a lot of money.

And then I was on the church board as the president of the youth group, and there was some concern by some board members that what would we do if young people smuggled in some beer and whatever and blah, blah, blah. Make a long story short, I canned the idea, which really wasn’t my idea. I felt it was God, but I wasn’t really raised on visions and stuff like that.

So what happened is the Elk Club, a year or two later, came along, bought the building, fixed it up, made it into, you know, people can play bingo and everything else right on Centre Street there in Didsbury. And churches used it for wedding receptions. And now today it’s worth a lot more than a couple thousand.

Shawn Buckley
What’s the lesson you learned?

Allan Hunsperger
The lesson I learned was that $6,000 and a little opposition was bigger than the God that I served.

Shawn Buckley
Right. So don’t stop when you’re told to do something.

Allan Hunsperger
That’s right.

Shawn Buckley

Allan Hunsperger
Nothing’s impossible with God.

Shawn Buckley
Let’s get back then. So Daystar is interested. You have your fundraiser. What happens?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, and we also decided—Daystar said, “We’ll send you a credit app.” We said, “No, we’re on cash only.” “Okay, well, if you’re going to be on cash only, you have to pay two weeks in advance of the month. And if you’re late, it’s going to be $125 a day.” We said, “Okay, we’ll do cash. Cash, that’s fine with us.” So we’ve been going now, it’s over two years now, coming up by doing cash upfront and God has supplied and we’re very grateful for the people across Canada that have believed in what we’re doing and supported.

Shawn Buckley
Now you started this to kind of expose, to bring truth to what was happening. Because you got plugged into a network of people that you started calling as guests. Can you share with us how that happened?

Allan Hunsperger
Yeah. Well, I only knew two doctors back then that was fighting it. One of them was Dr. Dennis Modry, who was for Alberta, the first doctor that did heart and lung transplants way back in the eighties. He’s world renowned. He wrote an open letter to the Premier telling the Premier how he should handle this thing and basically handle it normally like you would a flu. Just make sure you take care of the elderly, give them vitamin D, et cetera, but don’t shut businesses and all this other stuff. And also Dr. Roger Hodkinson, who also was involved with this. And we actually interviewed him as one of our first interviews trying to find out what’s going on.

Well, after we interviewed Doctor Hodkinson, all of a sudden I started getting an email. And an email was information that was back and forth from doctors. And on the email, the Cc, they didn’t put it under the Bcc to hide these emails, they put it on Cc so you could see all the emails. So I was getting an email on a regular basis. And when you looked at that Cc part of it, it was Cc to doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, Allan Hunsperger, doctor, doctor, doctor. And I couldn’t believe it. And one of the doctors, of course, was Dr. Peter McCullough. And so I sent him a letter, explained who I was. “My son and I are starting this program, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda,” and sent it off.

And lo and behold, on my cell phone, I get a phone call and it’s from a Texas clinic. And I answered it and it’s Dr. Peter McCullough. I absolutely couldn’t believe it and found out that his wife is from Canada. In fact, when this COVID started, he and his wife came up to Toronto and took her parents back to the United States and took them out of Canada. And he would be more than happy to come on and be interviewed by my son and I. And that’s how it started to happen. There, right in front of me were all these famous doctors: Dr. [Pierre] Kory, that you just heard about, and all these other doctors. It was right there in front of us, and we’ve had no trouble getting guests since.

Shawn Buckley
Right. So basically your first guest list was given to you by way of these emails. And then it just kept cascading after that. So can you tell us about the show?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, I got to give you a little background. My son had told me before all this, “Dad, I don’t think I can work with you.” And, you know, kind of the father-son scenario. But then God did a work on my son’s life, and God did a work on my life. And we began to put this show together. And it’s just been absolutely amazing how we’ve been able to connect with these people, and they’ve been willing to give us time, even though we had really no background in this whatsoever.

And now, I mean, we got to interview Robert Kennedy Jr., and we interviewed him twice. We interviewed just Michelle Bachmann here lately, who ran for Vice President of the United States back in, I think it was 2012. And plus, you know, doctors and lawyers and ordinary people and nurses and citizens. And, of course, we’ve had the National Citizens Inquiry on with Shawn Buckley, and we’ve really appreciated being able to broadcast your guests as well so that the whole country can see it.

Shawn Buckley
And what has been the most impactful things that have happened with this journey to set up this TV station that you felt led to set up?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, I think what’s coming out of it is that we now are to the place where we want to start a national television and radio broadcasting corporation. In fact, we’ve incorporated it in Alberta called Truth Broadcasting Network, Inc. And we are planning to cover 92%, or at least 90% or more—

Shawn Buckley
I’m just going to stop you because what I was really after is kind of: What did you learn about what was going on, as you carried on this journey? What kind of lessons that way, right? Because you didn’t know what was going on when it started. And I know your opinion changed, so I’m just wondering if you can share that journey with us.

Allan Hunsperger
Well, let’s show the verse on the screen here of the verse that God gave us, which was Psalms 24, one and two. The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants belong to the Lord, for he laid its foundation on the seas and established it on the rivers. So you got to look at that. The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants belong to the Lord, for he laid its foundation on the seas and established it on the rivers. So when you start to think about that, then you have to ask yourself the question, “If that is true—and it is, because it’s in the Bible and the Bible is true—if that’s true, why did God let this COVID thing happen?”

And we believe that there’s many, many reasons, but two of the top ones that we’ve come up with is number one: to show us how evil, evil really is. I mean, I’ve been in the ministry for over 50 years. I know what evil is. But I never fathom how evil is really. I mean, you saw it even today at this hearing where you’re seeing doctors proving that there’s a bioweapon being placed in people’s bodies today in 2024. It’s still happening to babies and children. They’re still vaccinating them. After all the statistics and all the facts that we have, why in the world would they do that?

All the statistics that you’ve gone through here and all the graphs and everything else done by doctors, and nobody, by the way, from the other side is willing to debate it. Nobody is willing to stand up and say, “No, no, no, you’re wrong. We want a debate on television.” You know, kind of like, “We double dog dare you to come on, let’s do it.” But no, no, no, they will not.

In fact, I was sitting beside a gentleman coming back from Atlanta this last week, and he had had seven jabs. And as far as he’s concerned, there isn’t another side to the issue. There’s no other side. So when we were talking to Dr. Makis this week, when we were interviewing him again, I asked Dr. Makis a question, “What do you say to somebody like that?” I mean, what question can you actually ask a person? “What do you mean, there is no other side? How do you know if you’re not willing to sit down and at least listen?”

We have grandparents that have written us emails. They still can’t meet with their children and their grandchildren. And when they say, “You know, we want to send you Talk Truth. There’s a doctor on here that will show you,” the children don’t even want to listen, don’t even want to view it. How evil is evil? I mean, it blows your mind.

So then the second question that we believe God has allowed this to happen is he wants to know what we’re doing about it. What are we doing about it? Thank God for NCI and what you guys are doing about it. And of course, what Corri and I decided is that we’ve got to do something about it. And I think he’s asking every pastor, every church, every citizen of this country, what are you doing about it? Because what this scripture says is, we’ve got to get back to God. We bring out in our programs the God factor. We got to get back to God. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you believe. We got to get back to God.

This country started on the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Sir John A. Macdonald said this Canada is a Christian nation. That is our roots. And if you really study it, freedom only comes from God. God is the one that created man and put him in the garden of Eden and gave man a choice. Obey me or disobey me. And if you study the scriptures, you’ll find out that God says this over and over again, “Choose you this day, who you will serve.”

God doesn’t mandate anything to anybody. He allows you to make a choice. The minute we start mandating and censoring people is the minute that you know that’s a lie. You don’t censor the truth, you don’t have to stop the truth, but you do have to try to protect the lie. And in Canada we have laws being drawn up even as we speak here today, that if you keep saying what you’re saying, we’re going to throw you in jail. Fine, throw me in jail. Throw us all in jail. You don’t have enough room in all the jails to throw us all in jail. The people that are my heroes—you know, Paul, Peter, John in the scriptures—all got put in jail. The apostle Paul’s ministry was mostly from imprisonment. So if that’s what we have to go through to get back to the truth and get back to freedom, then let’s do it.

Shawn Buckley
I’m wondering is: You’re talking about censorship, what are your thoughts? And it’ll be my final question before I turn you over to the commissioners. But you’ve been in broadcasting for most of your life, and heavily involved. And, in fact, my understanding is: One of the reasons why it was so hard to get a Christian station, was the CRTC didn’t believe you could be non-biased because legally you have to present both sides of an argument if you’re doing any news. So can you give me your thoughts on, well, the mainstream media and COVID, in light of censorship and the fact that they’re legally obligated to present both sides?

Allan Hunsperger
Well, it took me 15 years to get the law changed in Canada, and what was pounded in me in 15 years is you have to provide balanced programming in matters of public concern, alright? And they said the premise was you’re religious, so you can’t be balanced. And they were talking about, like for example, abortion. You’re going to bring up pro-life, but you’re not going to talk about pro-choice. So you’re not going to be balanced, so therefore, you know, you can’t abide by what Canada has always believed in: balanced programming. When you think about that, you first of all grab ahold of that and you say, “Yeah, I’m pro-life.” But when you think about that a little further, so what you’re saying is, “If I’m religious, I can’t be balanced, but if I’m not religious, I’m balanced.” Excuse me. That’s crazy.

In fact, I welcome anyone to come and give the other side. We’re already doing that on our show now if we bring up, for example, a school board that’s told a trustee member to either shut up or we’re kicking you out. So we interview that school board trustee that’s getting kicked out, and we invite the chairman of the board or anybody from that school board to come on the program and give their side of the story. And we’ll do that over and over and over again because we are not afraid of having that discussion. Pro-life, pro-choice, creation, evolution, you name it.

Shawn Buckley
Right, and in the mainstream media. And I’ll turn you over to the commissioners, but I’ll just state for those watching that missed day one is: So we sent out, I think it is 86 subpoenas for these hearings to basically the public health officers and ministers of health across the country and selected health officials, inviting them to come and testify—and in fact, making it clear we’d bend over backwards for them and even hold virtual hearings when they could, because we want to hear their side. And we sent out invitations to every sitting MLA and every sitting MP in Canada, inviting them to testify, and we only had one say that they would come and testify. And we had Nadine Wilson testify on Monday. Yeah, so we understand what you’re saying is just the point of trying to have both sides come so that people can hear both sides and make up what they think. So I’ll ask if the—

Allan Hunsperger
Can I just add one more thing, Shawn? You had a lady doctor on yesterday, a scientist who shared with me out in the lobby that she spent tens of thousands of dollars developing a paper, a study to prove what she was saying, and she couldn’t get anybody to publish it. So what came to my mind when she said that? The reason why nobody would publish that, is nobody cares. So if you have a media that will cover that, so we say you come and tell us a story, and then we put out the challenge across the nation: “Why wouldn’t anybody publish this?” You see, but now we can spend millions and millions of dollars on something, and it might all be true, but if you don’t have media that’s willing to broadcast it, it’s all a waste. And so we desperately need it, and I believe God will give it to us.

And one other thing. You’re looking at you sent out these 85 things to health ministers and whatever, and they ignored you. Well guess what? When David stepped up to Goliath, even his brothers laughed at him and said, “You’re only a youth. What are you talking about?” It’s not us that are doing it. It’s God. But God needs us to do it through.

Shawn Buckley
Thank you, Allen. I’ll ask the commissioners if they have any questions.

Commissioner Kaikkonen
Thank you for your testimony. I really appreciate it. I particularly like the choose life, choose death references from the scripture. I think we’re all called to do something, and God certainly has put us all in the right place. My question is: I’m from Ontario, so I have seen a lot of local governments, all the way up school boards, and now into the provincial government levels where there’s this push to push aside anybody who has convictions and also religion. And I’m just wondering, are you seeing that where you are, or is it just an Ontario thing? Thank you.

Allan Hunsperger
Well, I think it’s more in Ontario, but I think that we were censored in the beginning when we first started, but that’s because we were on some networks that we thought weren’t going to censor us, and then they did. But now we’re on Rumble. We basically have all of our television programs on Rumble. And then, of course, Daystar. And one of the things that God showed my son, which was good, was that he showed my son that when it comes to censorship, they can pull a podcast or whatever, but to shut down a radio station or to shut down a television station is a whole other ball of wax. And I think the other thing is that the scripture tells me in the New Testament that your courage scares the enemy. So I think, who cares what they say? What does God say? He’s the final word.

Commissioner Kaikkonen
Thank you.

Shawn Buckley
There be no further questions, Allan, on behalf of the National Citizens Inquiry, we sincerely thank you for coming and sharing with us today.

Allan Hunsperger
Thank you.


Allan Hundsperger has had an impressive 50-year career in broadcasting, starting in radio in 1974. He went on to found Canada’s first Christian radio station in Edmonton in 1994 after working for 15 years to change laws prohibiting religious broadcasting. Hundsperger also helped launch Canada’s first Christian television station, the Miracle Channel, in 1996. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to start six commercial radio stations in Alberta through his company Touch Canada Broadcasting. Currently, Hundsperger co-hosts the daily television program “Talk Truth” on the Daystar network, which reaches viewers across Canada via cable and satellite.


Allan Hundsperger testifies about his extensive background in broadcasting and his recent efforts to launch a television program providing alternative perspectives on COVID-19. He describes feeling led to start a show in early 2021 to “expose the lies and tell the truth” about the pandemic. After being turned down by his former radio network and the Miracle Channel, Hundsperger connected with Daystar Canada to launch “Talk Truth” as a weekly and then daily program.

He explains how he and his son were able to book high-profile guests like Dr. Peter McCullough after being inadvertently added to email chains with prominent doctors. Hundsperger says the show has now interviewed many doctors, lawyers, politicians and citizens to share information not covered by mainstream media. He believes God allowed the pandemic to happen to reveal the extent of evil and to prompt people to take action.

Hundsperger expresses concern about censorship and mandates, arguing that truth does not need to be censored. He criticizes the lack of balanced coverage in mainstream media and says his show invites opposing viewpoints. Hundsperger states his belief that Canada needs to return to its Christian roots and that freedom comes from God. He concludes by saying he is willing to face potential legal consequences to continue speaking out.