Regina, May 23, 2024 – An Open Letter to Canada’s Elected Representatives
I am writing to you in my capacity as Chair of the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI). My purpose in writing is to invite you to partake in the next series of hearings to be held on May 30, May 31 and June 1, 2024 in Regina, Saskatchewan.
For those members who may not be aware, the National Citizens Inquiry, was formed in July 2022 with the vision of holding independent citizen-led, citizen funded inquiries. The purpose of the 2023 inquiry was to examine the impact of the government’s response to COVID, and to make recommendations concerning how things could be done better in the future.
In 2023, the NCI held 24 days of hearings in 8 cities across Canada – Truro, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ontario; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Red Deer, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Quebec City, Quebec; and Ottawa, Ontario.
We called 305 witnesses, both lay and expert, who helped to reveal the very real impact of the various government’s response to COVID on individuals, families, communities, businesses, our children and youth, and the social fabric of society. The NCI hearings created the largest body of evidence on the impact of the COVID response given under oath in the world.
Last year’s hearings were incredibly successful and a Commissioners’ Report was drafted based on the testimony of the 305 members of the public and expert witnesses. The Commissioner’s Final Report can be downloaded at:, or purchased from Amazon. The Report contains more than 400 recommendations for our various governments, institutions, and regulatory agencies. The video testimony of all 305 witnesses
can be found at:
Much has happened since the NCI hearings ended in May 2023. New evidence has emerged and the harmful impact of the mandates and measures is even more evident. During the upcoming hearings, we will hear the testimony of international experts such as: Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Jessica Rose, Dr. Richard Schabas, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and others. We also have more than 30 lay witnesses wanting to tell their story.
As someone who testified at the 2023 hearings, I can affirm the importance of these hearings, both for those who testified, and for the Canadian public who were exposed to information that had been largely withheld due to censorship and fear of reprisal. Lives were transformed by these hearings. Canadians learned the truth and found their voices.
I’m writing to invite you to join us, either in person or virtually. Further, to share with your constituents the importance of these hearings and invite them to attend. I’d appreciate if you would tag us on X @ncicanada as well as our many other social media platforms all listed on our website: “.ca for Canada”
It is our hope and expectation that the NCI will continue to transform lives and restore our families, businesses, and communities.
For those who are unable to attend in person, testimonies will be broadcast live on the NCI website:
Thank you for your assistance in disseminating information about the upcoming hearings and increasing healing and hope amongst all Canadians.
Ted Kuntz, Chair