The National Citizens Inquiry mission is to LISTEN – LEARN – RECOMMEND. We invite you to delve into the variety of Videos located on this page. In addition to the Testimonies sworn under oath we have other content for you to watch – From Opening Statements and a Sit Down summary at the end of each 2023 Hearing day, to our Original content From the Couch, our hope is that you will find this information compelling and valuable to share with your friends and family. Give them the Opportunity to Listen, to Learn and to Recommend themselves.
The National Citizens Inquiry is proud to provide additional thought provoking dialogue from our Witnesses. Hosted by either the Witnesses themselves or by our Lead Counsel, Shawn Buckley, these Round Table Discussions touch on their experiences at the Hearings and other relateable topics. By bringing our Witnesses together we are able to carry on the conversation while preparing for the release of the Commissioners Report and Future Hearings.
“The opening statements set the tone for each hearing, encapsulating the mood, context, and undercurrents of the deliberations that followed. Delivered by key figures in the Commission, these remarks provide insights into the purpose, motivations, and aspirations of the Inquiry. They elucidate the themes that emerged in each hearing, illuminating the unique character and concerns of the various communities involved.”
Commissioners Final Report
A group of concerned citizens formed the National Citizens Inquiry—to ask hard questions, hear from those affected, and learn how to do better in future. In spring 2023, the NCI held 24 days of hearings from Truro to Vancouver, where commissioners heard testimony from over 300 witnesses. On November 28, 2023, the NCI released the Commissioners’ final report with their recommendations on what—if anything—could be done differently or better should Canada experience another emergency.
The Hearing Days at the National Citizens Inquiry were full of diverse, intriguing and often emotional testimony. Moving through the day from witness to witness was often a jarring experience for those of us who were volunteers and who travelled across the country to listen to the voices of Canadians. The evening summary, which we call the “Sit-Downs”, opens up a small window for the viewer to experience what it was like to attend a full day of in-person hearings.
Prior to the commencement of the hearings, some volunteers got together on a winter Saturday afternoon to create content for the Social Media Channels. Up until this point, the NCI had no social media presence because there was no content to share. The videos were taped on that cold Canadian afternoon, and so the stories about why a National Citizens Inquiry was necessary for the Canadian public were formed from that point on. These are some Canadian stories From the Couch:
We started NCI Live as a way of staying in touch and engaging the supporters of the National Citizens Inquiry. The ever changing NCI Live Broadcasts consist of Round Tables, re-broadcasting the Testimonies and our new upcoming Hearings. We encourage you to bookmark this page and visit it often.