Print Downloads

The following downloads are “print ready” for you to take to your own printer to make copies of the Commissioners Report. You will find that the volumes have been separated in easy to manage sizes for the publisher of your choice.
For more information please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions to [email protected].

We appreciate you taking action by publishing yourself mulitple copies of at the very least volume 1 and volume 2 to share with your Local Leaders in your community. Be creative in your ways of getting the word out and sharing the Recommendations of the Commissioners.

Commissioners Final Report

Volume 1 - Commissioners Report - Executive summary

Volume 2 - Commissioners Report - Analysis and Conclusions

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts - (Part 1 - Truro, Nova Scotia)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts Part 2 of 11-Toronto, Ontario

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 3 - Winnipeg, Manitoba)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 4 - Saskatoon, Sask.)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 5 - Red Deer, Alberta)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 6 - Red Deer, Alberta)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 7 - Vancouver, BC)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 8 - Quebec City, Quebec)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 9 - Ottawa, Ontario)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 10 - Ottawa, Ontario)

Volume 3 - Witness Transcripts (Part 11 - Virtual Testimony)

Commissioners Supplemental Report

Volume One and Two: Executive Summary, Analysis & Recommendations: Regina, Saskatchewan

Volume Three: Witness Transcripts: Regina, Saskatchewan

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