Regina, Saskatchewan – Day 1 – 30/5/2024

Regina, Saskatchewan – Day 2 – 31/5/2024

Regina, Saskatchewan – Day 3 – 1/6/2024

Vancouver, British Columbia – Day 1 – 17/10/2024

Vancouver, British Columbia – Day 2 – 18/10/2024

Vancouver, British Columbia – Day 3 – 19/10/2024

“Curabitur eu gravida erat, et euismod nisl. Sed nec consectetur erat, nec rutrum nisl. Donec sit amet eros ornare, faucibus purus scelerisque, pulvinar neque. Praesent vel bibendum mauris. Suspendisse facilisis malesuada velit et laoreet. Aliquam luctus vel justo eu auctor. Sed sit amet nunc at urna porta venenatis. Aenean eget ipsum et nisi molestie tristique vel sit amet turpis. Quisque eu elit placerat, fringilla ex nec, accumsan nulla. Nulla maximus mi at urna mollis, id imperdiet libero tincidunt. Fusce lacinia bibendum lorem, sit amet condimentum dolor volutpat vitae. Duis in vulputate quam.”
National Citizens Inquiry

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